Bowling Pin Season Closes this Saturday

Gentle Shooters,

We have arrived at that sad time of year again. This Saturday, December 7th, will be the last match of the 2024 season. And no one has achieved our ultimate goal of a sub two second string on carbine. Schoner’s eyes are all tuned up and Strickland has several absolutely sick carbines to run. You can never count out Tompkins either. It is expected to be quite a match and it would be a crime to miss it. As always, we will compete at the bucolic Airfield Shooting Club in idyllic Wakefield, VA. We start at 9:30, but if you have questions, you can consult our resident chief adjunct  pinhead at [email protected] or refer to our web any time.

See you Saturday,


The defensive shooting match that was scheduled for November 30th unfortunately is canceled

The defensive shooting match that was scheduled for November 30th unfortunately is canceled two of the three match directors have prior obligations that prevent them from being there the third one is being worked into the ground the next defensive match on schedule is January 4th followed by February 1st and then March 29th

If there are any questions or you are looking for more information contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected]

Note from the MO: Guests of Members

Recently, Tuesday November 12th, on a trip to the range I again noticed a few issues that we as members need to be more cognizant of. When I got to the 50/SRB to do some sighting in I had noticed that some target backers had been left at the back wall and not returned to the sign in shed. If the backers are all shot up an non usable please dispose of them in the trash cans. If the backer are still usable, please strip your spent targets from the backer and return them to the sign in shed. Also there was excessive amounts of brass on the floor area that had not been cleaned up.

While talking to a couple members, I was advised of a recent trip of theirs to the range, specifically the SRB/50. A member had brought numerous guest and were occupying several lanes on the range on the 50 and the SRB and was not doing a very good job of watching over their guest. The worst part to me was that when the members questioned and asked to do a better job of watching over the guest, he was given some attitude about the situation. As members of the club we should be mindful of the rules and be polite to all members when giving and receiving suggestions. I have reposted the rules below from our rule book on bringing guest to the range.

From the rule book, page 9 section E:

E. Guests

1. Except during ASC sponsored functions (i.e. WOT, Sight-In Day, training programs, etc.) anyone who brings a guest shall remain present at the range with that guest (on the same range) at all times until the guest’s departure. Members bringing guests to the range are directly and totally responsible for their conduct and actions while on the range. Members of the immediate family must be accompanied by the related ASC member.

2. Members may not bring more than six guests per visit. Members may not shoot while they have more than 2 guests shooting at one time.

3. All guests (including family members) must be at the same shooting point or an immediately adjacent shooting point.

4. Guests shall be required to sign the Range Release, Waiver, and Indemnification log for each visit to the range. Member sponsors will be responsible to ensure their guest sign the waiver log.


Thank you,

Cory aka The MO

New Range Rules!

ASC has published a new Range Rules document.

A quick overview of the changes:

  • Pg 10, Section I-G4 provided clarity on electrical conduit being ok to be used for supporting steel
  • Pgs 10 and 11, have been revised to account for frangible ammo with steel.  Non-Jacketed frangible ammo is safer because the bullet is made of a compressed material that when it hits steel is breaks into particles like sand.  Please understand that there is Jacketed frangible ammo which has a jacket that will ricochet so it is NOT the same thing.
  • Pg 19, RSO section – added additional guidance on how to run a range.

Please take a look.  As always if you have any questions please feel free to give us a shout!


November Rimfire Challenge Cancelled

Airfield Shooting Club Members,

We regret to inform you that the Rimfire Challenge scheduled for this month has been canceled. Please keep an eye on future announcements for details on next month’s Rimfire Challenge and other upcoming sporting events.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing everyone at future events.

Best regards,
Tom Sanford

November Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters,

We are almost back to practice season, and judging by some of the scores, the timing seems appropriate. But yet there is time to ponder a few things. Will Art ever shoot the match clean? Will Cort ever miss again. But one thing is for certain, after Tuesday at least for TV ads it will be truck month again. Finally, the election and all of the noise that goes with it will be over. Until then, consider that our last match of 2024 will be on Pearl Harbor Day, Saturday December 7th. Whilst you wait, contemplate the results below.

ASC Bowling Pin Match Results November 2024
Finish Competitor String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cort Tompkins 3.31 3.04 2.23 2.23 10.81 2.23
2 Paul Lynch 4.84 3.11 2.32 2.30 12.57
3 Taylor Strickland 2.73 3.69 2.70 3.48 12.60
4 Kenny Hardee 4.73 3.87 3.71 5.77 18.08
5 Art Schoner 3.22 4.16 9.85 5.79 23.02
6 Courtney Bolze 7.63 8.56 5.96 3.89 26.04
7 Habib Bararat 8.71 7.78 7.66 6.81 30.96
1 Kenny Hardee 4.47 6.71 3.89 5.17 20.24
2 Paul Lynch 3.97 4.23 5.85 8.02 22.07
3 Cort Tompkins 7.68 3.78 6.77 4.45 22.68 3.78
4 Taylor Strickland 4.80 4.25 6.55 10.29 25.89
5 Art Schoner 8.73 9.77 8.39 11.93 38.82
6 Habib Bararat 12.06 8.87 25.00 9.57 55.50
7 Courtney Bolze 12.32 14.92 10.72 25.00 62.96
8 Dan Kniseley 35.00 45.00 25.00 9.33 114.33
1 Cort Tompkins 4.39 4.35 3.83 5.01 17.58 3.83
2 Kenny Hardee 6.16 7.77 3.97 7.32 25.22
3 Paul Lynch 6.65 9.03 6.74 6.85 29.27
4 Art Schoner 8.20 12.98 12.23 9.72 43.13
NFS Tom Landreth 8.94 25.00 25.00 12.99 71.93
5 Taylor Strickland 7.01 65.00 9.57 13.50 95.08
6 Tom Landreth 35.00 25.00 25.00 13.37 98.37
7 Dan Kniseley 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 110.00
8 Courtney Bolze 45.00 25.00 35.00 12.34 117.34
9 Habib Bararat 55.00 45.00 75.00 85.00 260.00
1 Cort Tompkins 3.34 3.21 3.79 3.30 13.64 3.21
2 Courtney Bolze 8.05 5.82 7.27 6.42 27.56
3 Kenny Hardee 25.00 4.19 4.14 5.95 39.28
4 Art Schoner 8.58 7.79 11.14 25.00 52.51
5 Habib Bararat 11.00 25.00 8.73 10.25 54.98
6 Taylor Strickland 12.06 13.22 35.00 12.41 72.69
7 Paul Lynch 12.23 25.00 10.79 25.00 73.02
8 Vance Owens 35.00 45.00 35.00 9.18 124.18
NFS Vance Owens 45.00 10.37 35.00 45.00 135.37
9 Jenny Owens 65.00 25.00 45.00 45.00 180.00
1 Taylor Strickland 3.78 3.93 4.27 7.05 19.03
2 Cort Tompkins 3.47 7.25 5.37 5.57 21.66 3.47
3 Kenny Hardee 8.03 7.71 8.05 8.17 31.96
4 Art Schoner 11.36 6.16 7.15 12.77 37.44
5 Paul Lynch 9.51 9.84 25.00 5.38 49.73
6 Courtney Bolze 25.00 6.68 11.49 7.15 50.32
7 Tom Landreth 10.17 35.00 6.39 45.00 96.56
8 Jenny Owens 35.00 11.65 45.00 45.00 136.65
9 Vance Owens 65.00 55.00 65.00 65.00 250.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Cort Tompkins 10.81 22.68 17.58 13.64 21.66 86.37
2 Kenny Hardee 18.08 20.24 25.22 39.28 31.96 134.78
3 Paul Lynch 12.57 22.07 29.27 73.02 49.73 186.66
4 Art Schoner 23.02 38.82 43.13 52.51 37.44 194.92
5 Taylor Strickland 12.6 25.89 95.08 72.69 19.03 225.29
6 Courtney Bolze 26.04 62.96 117.34 27.56 50.32 284.22



November Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

We only have two more Bowling Pin Matches this season. We know the weather will be good for this one, so come on down to the idyllic Airfield Shooting Club range in pastoral Wakefield for the match this Saturday, November 2nd at 9:30 AM. If you are curious about Bowling Pin Shooting, you can get more information here. For specific questions, we have a pinhead available at [email protected]. He doesn’t know much, but that never impedes an authoritative answer.


Short notice work party Friday Nov 1st

We need to move the clays for the shotgun range from the conex to the shotgun range due to some bug damage. Friday 1 Nov at 10:00 am meet in front of office and bathrooms at the range. Wear old clothes and bring a change of clothes. Wear work gloves Boxes weigh about 20 pounds each.

Zombie Pin Shoot Results

Gentle Shooters,

As always, there is big news from the shooting grounds. In this month’s installment of results, our own Taylor Strickland comes within a scant .04 seconds of unseating our all time carbine champ Cory. Oh, and Cort came in third on something. And the weather was nice. Next match is November 2nd. Your results are below


ASC Bowling Pin Match Results October 2024
Finish Competitor String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Taylor Strickland 2.08 4.25 2.41 3.39 12.13 2.08
2 Paul Lynch 2.90 4.36 4.35 3.03 14.64
3 Cort Tompkins 3.82 3.18 3.00 5.96 15.96
4 Kenny Hardee 3.47 3.43 4.52 4.84 16.26
5 Brian Wells 11.08 3.49 3.56 3.05 21.18
6 Courtney Bolze 6.03 11.09 5.91 6.21 29.24
7 Habib Bararat 14.15 13.02 11.81 7.83 46.81
1 Cort Tompkins 4.88 5.08 4.82 4.94 19.72 4.82
2 Habib Bararat 6.30 7.81 7.03 9.56 30.70
3 Phillip Van Cleave 8.97 6.75 5.41 11.72 32.85
4 Kenny Hardee 9.68 10.05 11.87 6.53 38.13
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 8.03 12.06 9.84 10.09 40.02
5 Taylor Strickland 6.12 25.00 10.18 5.93 47.23
6 Dan Kniseley 35.00 8.75 6.21 9.45 59.41
7 Paul Lynch 7.93 5.83 45.00 4.94 63.70
8 Courtney Bolze 10.04 6.39 35.00 25.00 76.43
9 Daniel Stayner 25.00 8.84 35.00 25.00 93.84
10 Brian Wells 14.90 25.00 65.00 25.00 129.90
NFS Daniel Stayner 35.00 45.00 45.00 14.07 139.07
1 Cort Tompkins 4.04 4.22 5.94 4.10 18.30 4.04
2 Phillip Van Cleave 8.67 8.98 6.33 6.82 30.80
3 Paul Lynch 8.77 5.80 9.13 7.32 31.02
NFS Rod Quiros 6.21 8.51 8.37 8.03 31.12
4 Kenny Hardee 8.55 6.49 9.08 7.25 31.37
NFS Rod Quiros 9.44 7.16 8.17 7.45 32.22
6 Rod Quiros 7.37 8.21 10.59 7.30 33.47
7 Courtney Bolze 12.56 9.87 11.41 11.58 45.42
8 Taylor Strickland 5.95 7.55 25.00 9.72 48.22
9 Brian Wells 25.00 12.50 10.14 10.96 58.60
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 7.01 14.70 14.70 25.00 61.41
10 Dan Kniseley 11.25 45.00 35.00 25.00 116.25
1 Cort Tompkins 3.22 3.21 2.92 3.31 12.66 2.92
2 Kenny Hardee 5.05 4.49 3.68 4.21 17.43
3 Daniel Stayner 7.02 7.03 7.10 6.25 27.40
4 Courtney Bolze 8.96 6.32 8.87 12.27 36.42
NFS Daniel Stayner 6.63 5.46 4.15 25.00 41.24
5 Brian Wells 25.00 6.15 7.02 9.45 47.62
6 Taylor Strickland 25.00 10.46 8.97 8.86 53.29
7 Dan Kniseley 24.00 25.00 9.25 8.99 67.24
8 Paul Lynch 45.00 13.40 11.14 12.92 82.46
9 Habib Bararat 25.00 35.00 25.00 12.72 97.72
1 Cort Tompkins 3.65 5.32 5.73 4.92 19.62 3.65
2 Courtney Bolze 5.48 4.95 7.01 5.53 22.97
3 Kenny Hardee 7.50 6.91 7.05 9.23 30.69
4 Taylor Strickland 7.06 8.41 8.64 7.21 31.32
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 10.56 13.54 4.65 7.22 35.97
5 Paul Lynch 8.39 5.29 14.82 7.74 36.24
6 Phillip Van Cleave 11.02 6.23 7.10 25.00 49.35
7 Brian Wells 13.38 4.72 9.68 25.00 52.78
8 Habib Bararat 25.00 35.00 12.08 9.15 81.23
9 Dan Kniseley 45.00 12.78 13.00 12.76 83.54
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Cort Tompkins 15.96 19.72 18.3 12.66 19.62 86.26
Kenny Hardee 16.26 38.13 31.37 17.43 30.69 133.88
Taylor Strickland 12.13 47.23 48.22 53.29 31.32 192.19
Courtney Bolze 29.24 76.43 45.42 36.42 22.97 210.48
Paul Lynch 14.64 63.7 31.02 82.46 36.24 228.06
Brian Wells 21.18 129.9 58.6 47.62 52.78 310.08
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