Shooting at Speed Class

February 15th, 2025  – Shooting at Speed.  We will be offering a class that will help you maintain the control of a gun as you increase speed of your shooting.  You will be taught some self diagnostic drills and techniques to help keep rounds on target.  Students should bring minimum 200 rounds.  This will be held after the board meeting from 1pm to 4 pm.  Students should bring a holster, magazine pouch (or big pockets) several magazines or speed loaders.  This class we will not be shooting from the holster, we are only using the holster to hold the gun rather than using tables. Cost is $40 for members and $50 for non-members.

This will be held on the 100 m range so bring foot gear and clothing appropriate for the weather.

To sign up, please follow the below link:

Once you are signed up and a spot is confirmed you will be directed on how to pay for the class.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected]


Work Party Saturday March 1st

Calling all Pin Heads and members that need their service hours.

Saturday March 1st, weather permitting 9am until we are done 3 pm-ish, we will be having a large work party. We will be building pin tables, frames for the all the ranges and also working on the ballistic wall repair project. We need some members to make up new target backers and also doing general range cleanup. Tools needs would be general carpentry tools for building the frames and tables also some power tools would be nice to have. For frames and tables: portable table saw, chop saw ,screw guns and extension cords. For the ballistic wall also general carpentry tools: chop saws, impact drivers with deep sockets(I believe 3/4″) extension cords, hammers or mallets and a generator if it is easily transportable. We will be boring 1/2″ holes thru the wall and sistering 2x6s to each side and using carriage bolts to secure them. We have a couple 1/2 drills and 1/2 boring bits but feel free to bring some if you have them. We will also be doing general cleanup so blowers for the leaves and debris on the range, some rakes and maybe shovels and a power washer to wash the concrete by the bathrooms(time permitting). For lighter work we also have to prep the 300 or so new target backers, heavy scissors for cutting duct tape and the punching holes in the backer and installing grommets. Hopefully some of our seasoned target backer makers will show up for leadership on this. If we have the people available, we have a tree near the bathroom building that needs to be taken down. So pole saw and chain saws would be helpful to have. If we take the tree down we need to cut it into firewood size pieces for the center.

Please remember to bring all proper personal protection equipment: gloves, hats safety glasses and such.

If you have any questions or have any specialty equipment that we may be able to use please reach out to me via email.

Do we have any painters in the club? We would like to do some cleanup and painting down at the shotgun ranges(need both low and high houses cleaned and painted). We also need an HVAC technician to look at the building central air unit and do a service on it( it is currently working like it is supposed to).

Cory, aka the MO

[email protected]


The defensive shooting match for February 1st is officially canceled

Due to rain and the soft and muddy conditions at the range the defensive shooting match for Saturday February 1st is officially canceled I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to anyone that was planning to attend but in the name of safety we feel that it is necessary to cancel the match the next defensive shooting match will be March 29th with hopefully drier conditions and warmer weather

The next defensive shooting match will be February 1st weather permitting

The next defensive shooting match will be February 1st weather permitting entry is $5 for members $10 for non-members all additional categories are $2 each set up is 8:00 a.m. safety brief 8:30 a.m. to compete in the match you must attend the safety brief

the stages for the match are in the attached PDF hear DSM Stages 2-1-2025

I look forward to seeing everyone at the range

Skeet Field is Down until further notice

Our skeet field cannot be used until further notice.  We are having issues with the machines.  Until this is trouble shot and repaired we are asking members to avoid using the skeet field to prevent potential further damage.  We are hoping to have the machines up and running soon but we are unsure of when.

Thank you!

Defensive shooting match scores for January 4th

Had seven Shooters Brave the cold and wind for the first defensive match of the year and only two firearms that decided it was too cold to work properly

 the next defensive shooting match is February 1st set up 8:00 a.m. Shooter’s brief at 8:30 to compete you must attend the Shooter’s brief the stages for the next match will be posted closer to the match, I look forward to seeing everyone February 1st

The scores for January 4th are in the attached PDF here —> Defensive shooting scores 1-4-25

Our Treasurer is Retiring

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday season and your New Year is off to a great start!

Now for some important club business that needs to be addressed:

Kirk Culpepper, has served as the ASC treasurer for the past five years. He has stated his desire to retire from this position at the end of the board year in July. He strongly recommends having a multi-month turn over with his replacement as there are many passwords, financial accounts, and processes to be learned and turned over. Kirk would like to have 6 months to work with his replacement and feels that this is in the best interest of all parties. He had his duties dumped on him and he has no desire to repeat that with his replacement. If you’d like to support the club and time and interest, please contact me at [email protected] or Kirk directly at [email protected]. The club treasurer is an essential member of the Board, so this position MUST be filled. The earlier we find a replacement, the easier the transition will be. Kirk has summarized his duties below:

  • On a daily basis the treasurer monitors the various accounts of the club including credits and debits made. The treasurer receives the various monies from the club and pays the bills as approved by the board or that are routine in nature. There is an Excel spreadsheet that these are recorded in.
  • On a monthly basis, the treasurer makes a report to the general board of the last month’s financial activities of the club and makes recommendations for changes as needed.
  • Whenever special events or skeet bills are sent out, the treasurer records the bills in a spreadsheet and then logs the payments as they come in. In the case of a special event being held, the treasurer notifies the event coordinator that the person has paid the required fee.
  • At club renewal time, the treasurer reports to the secretary everyone with outstanding balances (mainly skeet bills) that a member owes so they can be charged for it.
  • The treasurer causes the taxes to be completed each year in the fall by themselves or most recently we have been using a CPA to help make sure we protect our tax status.
  • In January of each year the treasurer sends out 1099 forms to all venders that require such and make a return to the IRS that they have done so.
  • The treasurer is the contact with all dealings of our club insurance, IRS, Blueswipe (Our payment processing service), and our bank (Primis Bank), we use them because they are gun friendly.


If you think you’d be a good fit, please give it serious consideration. If you know another member that would be a good fit, please talk it over with them.

Thanks, and stay safe and have fun!

Art Schoner
ASC President

January Rimfire Challenge

Airfield Shooting Club Members,

We are sorry to have to tell you that the Rimfire Challenge scheduled for this month has been canceled.  Please watch future announcements for details on next month’s Rimfire Challenge and other sporting events.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing everyone at future events.

Best regards,
Tom Sanford

A few Good Volunteers Needed

The Tidewater Friends of NRA Banquet is Feb 1st at the Greenbrier Country Club.  We could use a couple outgoing volunteers to help run the banquet.  In particular we could use some folks to help with running games (this involves taking money basically) or being a table host (showing guests where there reserved tables are, giving them a run down of the events and activities and running their bills to them at the end of the night.  Then a little help cleaning up at the end of the night.  You will be on your feet all or at least most of the night.

This does count for service hours for ASC.  The required time would be from 4pm to 10pm.

If interested please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected]

Thank you!


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