Defensive shooting match this Saturday January 6th

The next defensive shooting match will be held this Saturday on January 6th set up time for this match will be 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief at 8:30 trying to move things up an hour so as to not tie up as much time on the 50 and SRB Shooting stages will be posted tomorrow    Open to members and non-members. Come out enjoy a day on the Range, set up 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief 8:30 if you are bringing loaded mags remember we run capacity cap at 10 Rounds maximum. Members $5 entry $2 for every additional category Non-members $10 entry same $2 for additional categories For any questions please contact me at [email protected]

Defensive shooting match January 6th at new start time 8:00 a.m.

The next defensive shooting match will be held on January 6th set up time for this match will be 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief at 8:30 trying to move things up an hour so as to not tie up as much time on the 50 and SRB  Open to members and non-members. Come out enjoy a day on the Range, set up 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief 8:30 if you are bringing loaded mags remember we run capacity cap at 10 Rounds maximum. Members $5 entry $2 for every additional category Non-members $10 entry same $2 for additional categories For any questions please contact me at [email protected]

Instructor Opportunity

The Airfield Conference Center is looking for one or two volunteers to help them to teach shotgun to young folks. Most of the work would take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during their summer camp season. Other opportunities to teach shotgun would be at special events and perhaps during events where someone rents the range and would like instructor assistance. Any of these instructor services which you might provide to the Center will count toward service hours with ASC. If you meet their criteria, instructor training is available. The 4-H Shotgun Instructor training includes an online session and two days of in person training. If things go as planned, the in-person training would take place at Airfield. Contact Dale Mullin ([email protected]) if interested.

Saturday (Oct 7) Activities

The center’s work party tomorrow is a rain or shine event. If you’re attending, be prepared to work in the rain/wet conditions. The Pin Match decision will be made last minute. If it’s raining in Wakefield in the morning, I’ll post a cancellation on the website and FB. Otherwise, I’ll assess the conditions when I get out there. If the match is cancelled, I’d like the pinheads to crash the Center’s work party to help get that work knocked out. I hope to see you tomorrow at the range. Art Schoner ASC President/Pinhead-in-charge this week.

Outdoor Wedding Cease Fire 4:00-4:30 Saturday 9/9

The center was just asked to request we have a cease fire from 4 until 4:30 during the ceremony. If you are out in the heat tomorrow afternoon, please take a half hour break during this time. I’ll try to get more of a heads up in the future. Let’s be good partners with the Center and do our best with this last-minute notice. Please spread the word tomorrow at the range as well. Thanks, Art Schoner ASC President

Trap an Skeet RSOs Needed Sept 23rd

We are in need of two RSOs for a Peninsula Community Chapel Mens Retreat.  I will need an RSO for the Trap Field and one for the Skeet Field.  It is anticipated to meet 3 service hours. The event will run form 10-12 but require 30 min setup and clean up on each side. Each RSO is required to be qualified to open and operate the fields.  If you have a current combination and RFID card, you are qualified. If interested please contact the Scott Sampson at [email protected]. Thank you! Scott

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