The center has asked for our help in clearing some downed trees and also to cut down trees that may be an issue. In September they are having 100 volunteers show up to move and stack wood. We are looking for volunteers that have chainsaws and/or pole saws and are comfortable in using them or even possibly equipment used in tree removal. We do not want members to over extend themselves or put themselves in positions to hurt themselves or others. There are many trees leaning or limbs that need to be removed and even one tree, that we know of, that has fallen over and the center would like it removed. If you are willing and able to help please let me or Art know via email. Again, we want to be safe and secure with this work party. We will be cutting the wood into fire place length pieces and leaving it for the center to rearrange.
We will be meeting that the range at 9am
Cory, aka the MO
Reach us at our emails located on the Directors link or text me if you already have my number.