Modified Metal Madness!!! July 21st

SRB – 50 yd Range is reserved for the next Rimfire Challenge

Modified Rimfire Steel Challenge for 22LR Pistols and/or Rifles only.

The challenge this month on Sunday, July 21st is a speed shooting competition for 22LR pistols and rifles consisting of several modified stages with five steel targets. Competitors are scored solely by the time it takes to complete each stage, by shooting five strings in order except the stop plate which must be shot last. Throw out the worst score and the winner is the the lowest overall time.

The course of fire is designed to be completed by even the most inexperienced shooter using one 10-round magazine without the need to reload “on the clock.” Recommend a minimum of 2 magazines, recommend 5 mags. This is a timed event designed to have 90% of the shooters hit 90% of the targets 90% of the time.

Young and old can participate. $5.00 entry fee for members, $10.00 for guests. The range set up at 7:00 am, Safety Meeting 8:30-9:00 am, the safety meeting is mandatory to shoot the match. Match starts promptly at 9:00am.

Contact Match Director: Tom Sanford, [email protected]

Work Party Cancelled

The work party scheduled for tomorrow is being postponed due to the current and incoming weather. Of course now that we have canceled the work party the sun will come out and shine.

I will still be going to the range to unload the trailer of the approximately 100 2x6x10s and 12s into one of the conex boxes. If you are local to the range or feel like helping feel free to show up at 8am. We will reschedule the work party for a later date.

I will keep the range closed so until 9am so that we can complete unloading the trailer.


Cory, aka The MO


Bowling Pin Match Results July 2024

Gentle Shooters,

Kudos to our intrepid shooters who braved excessive heat and humidity to log yet another match. The format this month was two strings rather that the traditional four. This is reflected in our results. Our next match will be on balmy August 3rd.


ASC Bowling Pin Match Results July 2024
String 1 String 2 Total
1 Taylor Strickland 2.75 3.48 6.23
2 Cort Tompkins 4.03 2.30 6.33
3 Art Schoner 5.14 3.58 8.72
4 Kenny Hardee 3.49 5.74 9.23
5 Jake Plamisk 6.18 5.05 11.23
1 Cort Tompkins 4.73 3.48 8.21
2 Kenny Hardee 4.89 6.33 11.22
3 Art Schoner 6.66 9.56 16.22
4 Taylor Strickland 25.00 10.37 35.37
5 Jake Plamisk 13.72 25.00 38.72
6 Dan Kniseley 25.00 35.00 60.00
7 David Petix 25.00 45.00 70.00
1 Cort Tompkins 5.44 4.68 10.12
2 Kenny Hardee 9.84 6.54 16.38
3 Taylor Strickland 13.14 6.33 19.47
NFS David Petix III 8.70 12.37 21.07
4 David Petix 12.24 13.22 25.46
5 Art Schoner 12.71 13.52 26.23
6 Dan Kniseley 25.00 11.74 36.74
7 David Petix III 6.54 45.00 51.54
1 Cort Tompkins 3.41 4.79 8.20
2 Kenny Hardee 5.74 8.39 14.13
3 Jake Plamisk 13.51 13.97 27.48
4 Art Schoner 35.00 9.10 44.10
5 Taylor Strickland 45.00 65.00 110.00
1 Cort Tompkins 3.82 7.08 10.90
2 Kenny Hardee 4.53 7.16 11.69
3 Taylor Strickland 10.13 5.91 16.04
4 Art Schoner 12.86 9.42 22.28
5 Jake Plamisk 8.03 25.00 33.03
6 David Petix III 25.00 35.00 60.00
NFS David Petix III 35.00 35.00 70.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Cort Tompkins 6.33 8.21 10.12 8.20 10.90 43.76
2 Kenny Hardee 9.23 11.22 16.38 14.13 11.69 62.65
3 Art Schoner 8.72 16.22 26.23 44.10 22.28 117.55
4 Taylor Strickland 6.23 35.37 19.47 110.00 16.04 187.11

We hope you had a fantastic 4th!  Please enjoy the latest Newsletter from our Newsletter editor Thomas Sanford.  It can be found here:

Range set up during the 4-H Camp!!!


During the week while summer 4-H camp is going on, please leave the tables and target frames in the same location as you found them.  If you move the for your shooting session they must go back to the location you found them before you leave.  The reason is the 4-H instructors are wasting time re-setting the range each morning.

It is OK that you use the range during the week after the Campers, but if this continues, we will have to close the range down for the entire week.  Please work with us to maintain the range in the condition you found it.

Thank you for your cooperation!!!


Please remember to check the calendar prior to heading to the range as 4H Summer Camps are now in session for the next 8 weeks. We cannot be anywhere on the ranges while the campers are there.

Art Schoner
ASC Pres.

Rimfire Challenge – ARA Modified Benchrest 50-Yard Precision Skill Challenge on June 16th.

Experience the fun of a friendly ARA Modified bench-rest shooting event uniquely designed to test and challenge your shooting skills. Join us on Sunday, June 16th, for a day of precision 22LR shooting.

The shooters will follow a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition, shooting four to six official ARA 25 bull targets.  Each shooter gets 20 mins to complete each target.  Factory or unlimited target classifications. The cost is $5 for ASC Members and $10 for Non-Members.

All participants must attend the Safety Meeting to shoot!  The range set-up/sighting-in period lasts until 8:30 AM, and then the range goes cold for the 8:30 AM Mandatory Safety Meeting/Instructions. The match starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. and lasts until 12 noon.

All participants must attend the Safety Meeting to shoot!  *** The 25 – 50 Meter Range is Closed for this Event. *** For more information about this event, Contact the Match Director, Tom Sanford, at [email protected].

June Bowling Pin Match Results – Longtime Match Director sets new club record

Gentle Shooters,

I am pleased to post the results of the June 2024 ASC Bowling Pin Match. We set a new record on the range today. Longtime match director Steven Gordon posted a combined aggregate five gun score of 536.01 seconds. That is nearly nine minutes of agonizing struggling on the firing line. When interviewed after the match Gordon was sanguine regarding the achievement. “There is actually a possible 1,300 seconds in a five string aggregate score. With a little more focus on poor trigger control and sight alignment I think we can push the number higher and we are really just beginning to explore jerking the follow through” he stated. For those of you who are less creative about missing the pins, your scores are reported below.

Our next match is July 5th.


Finish Competitor String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 3.35 2.83 3.01 3.00 12.19
2 Paul Lynch 3.86 2.79 2.66 3.34 12.65 2.66
3 Frank Sanders 5.26 3.33 2.79 5.32 16.70
4 Courtney Bolze 3.77 13.22 8.25 4.79 30.03
5 Steven Gordon 55.00 4.35 2.82 2.58 64.75
6 Cory Allen 25.00 25.00 25.00 3.45 78.45
7 Chris Covert 7.37 25.00 14.54 45.00 91.91
8 Cort Tompkins 35.00 35.00 8.54 35.00 113.54
1 Cort Tompkins 7.17 5.39 3.35 3.37 19.28 3.35
2 Cory Allen 11.93 12.69 6.45 8.30 39.37
3 Dennis O’Conner 11.39 13.83 9.19 11.88 46.29
4 Dan Kniseley 8.71 8.92 9.59 25.00 52.22
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 12.68 25.00 7.28 12.68 57.64
5 Paul Lynch 8.32 35.00 4.61 10.40 58.33
NFS Dennis O’Conner 5.45 35.00 7.29 14.01 61.75
6 Frank Sanders 9.31 11.14 10.18 35.00 65.63
7 Art Schoner 12.85 8.42 35.00 9.39 65.66
8 Matt Altekruse 7.64 5.68 7.37 45.00 65.69
9 Courtney Bolze 25.00 10.70 14.08 25.00 74.78
10 Phillip Van Cleave 6.89 10.96 8.59 55.00 81.44
11 Steven Gordon 25.00 12.83 25.00 25.00 87.83
12 Daniel Stayner 25.00 45.00 7.42 25.00 102.42
1 Cort Tompkins 6.05 5.80 4.43 4.47 20.75 4.43
NFS Don Davis 6.68 7.89 5.24 5.48 25.29
2 Paul Lynch 11.26 7.35 6.27 8.36 33.24
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 9.50 8.50 7.16 10.00 35.16
3 Art Schoner 7.45 9.85 10.32 11.92 39.54
4 Matt Altekruse 25.00 8.16 8.40 8.55 50.11
5 Don Davis 12.69 25.00 7.85 5.12 50.66
NFS Matt Altekruse 6.66 13.61 5.99 25.00 51.26
6 Bob Coleman 14.90 13.18 13.29 11.67 53.04
7 Dennis O’Conner 11.91 10.44 9.41 25.00 56.76
8 Courtney Bolze 13.37 9.26 35.00 8.91 66.54
NFS Dennis O’Conner 8.46 25.00 10.85 25.00 69.31
9 Cory Allen 6.56 35.00 9.43 25.00 75.99
NFS Bob Coleman 12.58 12.51 35.00 25.00 85.09
10 Phillip Van Cleave 8.67 7.36 65.00 8.62 89.65
11 Steven Gordon 14.24 11.30 45.00 25.00 95.54
12 Dan Kniseley 45.00 35.00 12.80 11.83 104.63
13 Frank Sanders 9.82 35.00 35.00 35.00 114.82
1 Cort Tompkins 4.15 5.36 5.61 3.63 18.75 3.63
2 Art Schoner 8.84 9.78 6.03 5.80 30.45
3 Cory Allen 8.85 5.49 5.49 25.00 44.83
4 Courtney Bolze 8.71 5.76 7.72 25.00 47.19
5 Daniel Stayner 6.09 12.33 8.12 25.00 51.54
6 Paul Lynch 11.90 25.00 9.45 10.50 56.85
7 Frank Sanders 35.00 7.51 25.00 11.33 78.84
8 Chris Covert 25.00 25.00 35.00 65.00 150.00
9 Steven Gordon 25.00 25.00 45.00 65.00 160.00
1 Cort Tompkins 5.04 9.46 6.12 4.32 24.94 4.32
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 8.53 8.40 12.57 6.99 36.49
2 Courtney Bolze 6.39 11.07 12.26 10.06 39.78
3 Paul Lynch 8.31 7.96 10.96 25.00 52.23
4 Art Schoner 12.80 7.58 25.00 11.43 56.81
5 Cory Allen 35.00 10.90 10.90 7.63 64.43
NFS Matt Altekruse 25.00 25.00 6.95 10.28 67.23
6 Don Davis 55.00 8.58 8.84 6.22 78.64
7 Dennis O’Conner 12.91 25.00 35.00 14.36 87.27
8 Phillip Van Cleave 10.76 5.91 45.00 35.00 96.67
9 Matt Altekruse 35.00 10.93 25.00 35.00 105.93
NFS Don Davis 55.00 6.15 25.00 25.00 111.15
NFS Dennis O’Conner 13.73 25.00 65.00 9.11 112.84
10 Frank Sanders 12.76 13.29 45.00 45.00 116.05
11 Steven Gordon 25.00 45.00 12.89 45.00 127.89
12 Chris Covert 45.00 55.00 25.00 35.00 160.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Cort Tompkins 113.54 19.28 20.75 18.75 24.94 197.26
Art Schoner 12.19 65.66 39.54 30.45 56.81 204.65
Paul Lynch 12.65 58.33 33.24 56.85 52.23 213.3
Courtney Bolze 30.03 74.78 66.54 47.19 39.78 258.32
Cory Allen 78.45 39.37 75.99 44.83 64.43 303.07
Frank Sanders 16.7 65.63 114.82 78.84 116.05 392.04
Steven Gordon 64.75 87.83 95.54 160 127.89 536.01
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