First, please accept my apologies for the delay, but renewal forms went out last night/this morning. Please note that I have since discovered that the program we used to generate the renewal forms may have imported the wrong NRA member #/EXP date. Please verify this information, including any personal information (address, phone #, email, etc.) that may have changed, and annotate the correct information on the form prior to returning it. All other information appears to be correct. With specific regards to the expiration date on the current (2022-2023) membership cards, expiration date will temporarily be extended to 15 APR, the date of the next Board meeting. If an additional extension is approved, another email will go out with that notification. Again, please accept my apologies for the delay and the errors identified above.
Work Party and Range Repair Update
Range Repair Update
In Phase One, the lead remediation company is scheduled to arrive and begin work on Wednesday April 12. Their work should take one week. Phase 2 includes rebuilding and expanding the SRB, as well as work on both the 50 yd and 100m berms. If all goes well, phase 2 will begin immediately after Phase 1 is completed. Phase 2 should take 2 weeks. I’m going to close both ranges from April 12 until May 10 to account for any delays, including, but not limited to our variable spring weather. As the times approach and the work progresses, I will keep everyone informed and update the calendar. Hopefully the work is done before May 10, but I’d hate to have something scheduled and then not have the ranges available. Unless I post otherwise, the shotgun fields will be closed during the week while work in in progress for the workers safety. The shotgun fields SHOULD be open on the weekend.
Work Party
It’s also time for a spring-cleaning work party and for us to clean up the vegetation on and around our berms. We will be giving the wall its annual coat of sealant. If anyone has, or has access to a wood chipper/shredder please let me know, as I don’t think we should be dumping any longer.
Items we will need include, but are not limited to:
Pressure washers
Pressure washer surface cleaners
Water Host
Leaf blowers
Hedge trimmers
Brush cutters (string edgers aren’t really up for the task)
I know this is last minute, but I was just given the above work schedule, and this work needs to be completed prior to their arrival. To allow our church going members to attend, the party will start this Sunday April 2 at 1:00 PM. Don’t forget extra batteries or 2 cycle fuel for your tools! Are my snake loving friends available?
If you have a chipper/shredder, or any questions send me an email at [email protected].
I hope to see you Sunday!
Art Schoner
ASC Maint. Officer
No Foolin’ The 2023 Bowling Pin Season Begins this Saturday
Gentle Shooters,
Yea, they are letting us do that shoot at the bowling pins thing again! And right now, it is the only way you get to shoot at anything from a distance of 25 feet at our range. On behalf of the bowling pin match directors of the Airfield Shooting Club, it is gives me profound joy to announce the commencement of the 2023 Bowling Pin Match season. You, yes you, Gentle Shooter are invited to the Airfield Shooting Club range in sumptuous Wakefield Virginia this Saturday for a 9AM set up. Don’t be foolish this April First, go to the pin match. Ammunition is much more available now at fair(er?) prices and you have not shot this match since last year!
But wait, I don’t know the rules or how to get there. No problem, the website has directions to the range as well as a complete listing of the rules for the match. Ok, but I have more questions. No sweat, just email our associate, adjunct, intern pinhead at [email protected]. Not sure about the email thing? Call Art at home (948) 867-5309.
See you Saturday.
Hello ASC Members.
It’s almost ASC membership renewal time. Renewals should be going out in the next week to 10 days. If for some reason they take longer, a grace period will be announced. In the meantime, here are some items that need your attention:
Service Hours:
If you have performed some/any kind of service for the Club this past year, please email the secretary! Email: [email protected]. Include your Name, Member #, Date of Service, Service performed and Time you spent performing service. This will help with calculation and processing of your membership dues and avoid confusion when you receive your dues invoice.
Membership processing:
The ASC membership year runs from April 1st of current year to March 31st of the following year. Membership processing does not start until the 3rd week in March (i.e. now). DO NOT PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES EARLY. Wait for your invoice. We cannot tell you what you owe until everything is processed so please refrain from contacting the secretary and/or the Board early.
You will have from March 31 st to June 1 st to pay your membership dues and other monies owed to ASC. If you pay from June 2 nd to August 31 st there will be a $25 late fee added to your membership dues. After August 31 st Your membership will be considered lapsed and you will need to reapply and rejoin the club. This means going through the new membership process and paying the current dues rate at the time, plus any other costs and initiation fees required by the ASC.
Thank you for attention. Any problems, questions (other than “how much will I owe”), etc … Please email the Secretary.
Skeet 101 – April 29th
For those that have always wanted to learn how to shoot Skeet, we have our very own Dale Mullin, who is willing to teach us! You must be comfortable with the basic fundamentals of shotgunning. If you took the shotgun 100 class a couple months ago you are all set.
If you are interested you will need to do the following:
- send an email to Scott Sampson ([email protected]) – confirm that spots are still open
You will need:
- Clays Card (RFID card) at least 100 targets.
- eyes and ears (Recommend plugs rather than muffs as muffs can interfere with the stock)
- A shotgun with an open choke
- Four boxes of target loads size (7 1/2 shot or smaller.)
- Lunch, beverages, snacks.
- Dress in layers so that we can adapt to the weather.
Hope to see you out there!
Do You Have a Tractor and Land Plane?
If you have a tractor and land plane and would be willing to use them to improve our club by performing some maintenance and repairs on our parking lots and interior roadway for service hours, please contact me at [email protected]. If I get multiple responses, I’m sure we can use help again after the berm work is complete.
Art Schoner
ASC Flyer Newsletter – March 2023
ASC Members, The Spring ASC Flyer is now available… see the link below..
If you have any questions or suggestions or wish to contribute to future editions, please contact our newsletter editor Don .. [email protected]
FYI: ASC is in need of 2 board positions.. Maintenance Officer (previously referred to as the XO) and Assistant Secretary .. Any members interested in these positions and would like to help the club out, contact the ASC secretary via email ( [email protected] ).
NSSA Skeet Shoot volunteers needed – March 18-20
Up coming NSSA Skeet Shoot needs some volunteers experienced in skeet shooting
We need someone to Pull and someone to Score for each day of the event on March 18th – 20th (Saturday, Sunday and Monday)
If you have any experience in skeet shooting and pulling and or scoring, this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours.
Please contact: [email protected]
Tools left behind at work party
Someone left a circular saw at the range after they left from the work party, if you have lost your circular saw contact Taylor at [email protected] you will be asked to identify the make of the circular saw to verify ownership and then we will figure out how to get the tool back to you
Additional task added to the work party this Saturday
This Saturday in addition to new bowling pin tables and Target stands we will also need help with the preparation of new Target backers taping hole punching and inserting the grommets. There are approximately 75 backers that need to be prepared so there will be plenty to do