Election Results

We had 35 members (including board members) present for this morning’s election breakfast. The results have been tallied & certified and your new board for the next year is as follows:

President: Art Schoner
Vice President: Tim Drewry
Secretary: Lena Eljaiek
Treasurer: Kirk Culpepper
Maintenance Officer: Cory Allen
Chief Instructor: Scott Sampson
Shotgun Director: Brenda Norton
Webmaster: Kyle McClammy
Newsletter Editor: Tom Sanford
Assistant Secretary: Vacant
Provost: Mark Fitzmorris
Orientation Director: Gregg Shelton
Director: Dale Mullin
Director: Mark Lawler
Director: Taylor Strickland
Director: Fletcher Dunton
Director: Frank Sanders

Congratulations to all the new/remaining board members.

Advanced Pistol Class – Sign up now!!!!!

ASC is hosting a Combative Handgun Course offered by Dave Jenkins from Rochester Personal Defense, Sept 23 & 24.  This course was developed and taught by Dave Spaulding before he retired.  Dave Jenkins is one of the few instructors that Dave Spaulding certified and recommends to teach his material!

This 2 day course is $450 for members and $500 for non-members.  All payments are due no later than 15 August!  

To register please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected]

This is a great opportunity!!!!


This course takes the handgun from a sporting, plinking, or recreational implement, to a tool of combat- to be ready and willing to fight if avoidance and evasion fail. The purpose of this course is to build solid essential skills (grip, trigger control, body position, holster skills, reloads, malfunction clearances, etc.) and put them in the fight! Students will be trained to anchor and improve these essential skills under set time frames established in six (6) standards that will be shot during the course combining speed and combat accuracy.

This is not a course for the brand new shooter. You must have a good foundation of skills (grip, stance, sighting, trigger operation) and a desire to become more efficient.

This course will show you how to effectively use your handgun for real-world combat in a life-or-death situation. This includes:

  • Fundamentals: grip, trigger control, sight alignment/picture, body position, etc.
  • Ready positions and their use
  • Holster skills
  • Reloading
  • Malfunction clearances

What you will need:

  • A quality defensive handgun (a spare is not a bad idea)
  • A quality duty or concealment holster
  • Three magazines (minimum) with pouches or two speed-loaders (revolver use) with pouches. More magazines if you have a gun that holds less than 10rds (5 mags)
  • Belt designed to support gear
  • 800 rounds minimum
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Billed cap
  • Clothing for weather conditions
  • Water for hydration
  • A folding or camp chair is recommended
  • A concealing garment
  • Good footwear

Combative Handgun Class Deadline Is Approaching

ASC is hosting a Combative Handgun Course offered by Dave Jenkins from Rochester Personal Defense, Sept 23 & 24.  This course was developed and taught by Dave Spaulding before he retired.  Dave Jenkins is one of the few instructors that Dave Spaulding certified and recommends to teach his material!

This 2 day course is $450 for members and $500 for non-members.  All payments are due no later than 15 August!  

To register please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected]

This is a great opportunity!!!!


This course takes the handgun from a sporting, plinking, or recreational implement, to a tool of combat- to be ready and willing to fight if avoidance and evasion fail. The purpose of this course is to build solid essential skills (grip, trigger control, body position, holster skills, reloads, malfunction clearances, etc.) and put them in the fight! Students will be trained to anchor and improve these essential skills under set time frames established in six (6) standards that will be shot during the course combining speed and combat accuracy.

This is not a course for the brand new shooter. You must have a good foundation of skills (grip, stance, sighting, trigger operation) and a desire to become more efficient.

This course will show you how to effectively use your handgun for real-world combat in a life-or-death situation. This includes:

  • Fundamentals: grip, trigger control, sight alignment/picture, body position, etc.
  • Ready positions and their use
  • Holster skills
  • Reloading
  • Malfunction clearances

What you will need:

  • A quality defensive handgun (a spare is not a bad idea)
  • A quality duty or concealment holster
  • Three magazines (minimum) with pouches or two speed-loaders (revolver use) with pouches. More magazines if you have a gun that holds less than 10rds (5 mags)
  • Belt designed to support gear
  • 800 rounds minimum
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Billed cap
  • Clothing for weather conditions
  • Water for hydration
  • A folding or camp chair is recommended
  • A concealing garment
  • Good footwear

Independence Day Pin Match

Just a quick reminder that we will have our July pin match this Saturday July 1st. Set up begins at 9:30 AM. Sorry this is nowhere near as verbose, or eloquent, as Steven’s posts. But he’s unavailable and won’t be there Saturday. Not sure what we’re up to? Check out a desciption of our matches at https://airfieldshootingclub.org/airfield-shooting-club-programs/asc-bowling-pin-matches/. The rules are at https://airfieldshootingclub.org/bowling-pin-rules-and-information/.

I hope to see you there Saturday morning.

Art Schoner
ASC MO and Assist Chief Pin Head

Rimfire Challenge – 50 Yard Line Bench Rest

Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for June.  The competition is fierce this year, going to be a tough year to find out who will be the top shooter.  The rimfire match follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line.  Next match for this year is scheduled in July, If you haven’t had a chance to test your shooting skills, here’s your opportunity.  See you at the 50 yard line!  Reserve your bench early!

Thanks everyone!  Tom Sanford

Volunteer Needed 6/24/23

4-H is asking ASC for some volunteer help with the 4-H Southeast
District Shoot. (Saturday, 24 June) They’ve asked for seven (7)
volunteers. Five of those volunteers will be helping with the rifle
firing line, which includes both the 50 Yard and 100 Meter ranges. Two
of the volunteers will be helping with the archery competitions.

The shooting is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. and will continue
until approximately 3 p.m. Volunteers should report at least 15 minutes
before the firing begins. They can check in with Jim Manning, who will
be on the rifle firing line.

I will act as a point of contact and I plan to accept the first 7

E-mail – [email protected]
Cellphone – 757-647-6994

Defensive shooting match new category

At the next defensive match July 29th there will be a new category of two gun Rifle and Pistol this category will run the same stage footprint as the other categories but with altered round count and procedure to compete in this category a rifle sling is mandatory preferably a two-point sling, single point slings will have to be used in conjunction with a keeper of some sort to prevent the muzzle from pointing directly down at the shooter’s feet, for safety reasons transitioning from rifle to Pistol will only be possible after the magazine of the rifle has been removed if possible and the last round in the chamber has been fired so that it is known without a doubt that there is no life ammunition in the chamber rifles without detachable magazines will have to be fired until empty before transitioning


If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] 

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