Berm Work Update 4/23/23

Here is your weekly update for the first week of work on the berms: As I stated in my last post here, the equipment started showing up Tuesday April 18th and MT2 went to work, slicing off 3 inches of the berm at a time and placing it in windrows. They then repeatedly turned the dirt over in order to get it dry enough to be processed. I’m attaching several pictures showing the progress and a video of the machine taking out the large trash out of the berm materials. The SRB is almost completely gone, there is just some remnants left in the side berm. Yesterday afternoon at approximately 2PM, they were in the process of placing and compacting lifts on the 50-yd berm, while still processing the materials. They had covered the dirt removed on the 100m range in preparation for the coming rains. While MT2 continues their work, Timberland should be on site Tuesday to begin the job of rebuilding the SRB. More details on this to come, hopefully later this week. For those wondering, the 50 and 100 remain closed, and the shotgun fields will remain open throughout the rest of this evolution. Art Schoner ASC …

Range Work Update 4/11/2023

First of all, I’d like to thank 3 members for their work related to the upcoming berm work: Our Chief Instructor Scott Sampson has done a miraculous job of getting the contracts ready and approved by both our board and the 4-H Center’s board. Secondly, I’d like to thank our Provost Mark Fitzmorris, for it was Mark who identified MT2 years ago as the go to contractor for the lead remediation effort. Mark will also be helping in the monitoring of both contracts. Thirdly, I’d like to thank Wes, and by default Brenda, Norton for he has volunteered to be at the range whenever needed, when I’m not available. Now for the latest and greatest status of the schedule: MT2 is currently in Valdosta GA, and got flooded out of their current job (anyone watch the Masters’ golf tournament?) This has caused our start date to slip. The latest word is that they will be here Friday or Saturday. Whenever they arrive and begin work ALL ranges will be closed. The 50-yd and 100m ranges will remain closed until all work is complete. I also found out that their work schedule is 7-5 Monday through Saturday, so the trap and …

Sunday April 2 Work Party Update

No one has informed me that they will be bringing a chipper/shredder tomorrow. The 4-H Center has one we can borrow, but the current maintenance staff has no idea what condition its in. So, if you pride yourself as a mechanic and want to give it a try, bring your tools and supplies. We’ll see if it’ll run if no one shows up with their own chipper/shredder. See you tomorrow at 1:00 PM, Art Schoner ASC MO

Work Party and Range Repair Update

Range Repair Update In Phase One, the lead remediation company is scheduled to arrive and begin work on Wednesday April 12. Their work should take one week. Phase 2 includes rebuilding and expanding the SRB, as well as work on both the 50 yd and 100m berms. If all goes well, phase 2 will begin immediately after Phase 1 is completed. Phase 2 should take 2 weeks. I’m going to close both ranges from April 12 until May 10 to account for any delays, including, but not limited to our variable spring weather. As the times approach and the work progresses, I will keep everyone informed and update the calendar. Hopefully the work is done before May 10, but I’d hate to have something scheduled and then not have the ranges available. Unless I post otherwise, the shotgun fields will be closed during the week while work in in progress for the workers safety. The shotgun fields SHOULD be open on the weekend. Work Party It’s also time for a spring-cleaning work party and for us to clean up the vegetation on and around our berms. We will be giving the wall its annual coat of sealant. If anyone has, …

Do You Have a Tractor and Land Plane?

If you have a tractor and land plane and would be willing to use them to improve our club by performing some maintenance and repairs on our parking lots and interior roadway for service hours, please contact me at [email protected]. If I get multiple responses, I’m sure we can use help again after the berm work is complete. Art Schoner ASC MO

ASC Flyer Newsletter – March 2023

ASC Members, The Spring ASC Flyer is now available… see the link below.. If you have any questions or suggestions or wish to contribute to future editions, please contact our newsletter editor Don .. [email protected] ASC March Newsletter 2023 FYI: ASC is in need of 2 board positions.. Maintenance Officer (previously referred to as the XO) and Assistant Secretary .. Any members interested in these positions and would like to help the club out, contact the ASC secretary via email ( [email protected] ).

NSSA Skeet Shoot volunteers needed – March 18-20

Up coming NSSA Skeet Shoot needs some volunteers experienced in skeet shooting We need someone to Pull and someone to Score for each day of the event on March 18th – 20th (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) If you have any experience in skeet shooting and pulling and or scoring, this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours. Please contact: [email protected]  

Skeet/Trap Cards

**NOTICE TO ALL MEMBERS:** Be advised that the machine the club uses to load the RFID cards with more birds and produce new cards for new members is broken.  ASC has ordered the part, but unfortunately it is on back order. We have asked when it will be available, but do not have an answer yet. As a result, there is going to be a delay for those members requesting refilled or new cards for the shotgun range. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during this time. We will provide updates as they become available.

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