
Hello ASC Members.

It’s almost ASC membership renewal time. Renewals should be going out in the next week to 10 days. If for some reason they take longer, a grace period will be announced. In the meantime, here are some items that need your attention:

Service Hours:

If you have performed some/any kind of service for the Club this past year, please email the secretary! Email: [email protected]. Include your Name, Member #, Date of Service, Service performed and Time you spent performing service. This will help with calculation and processing of your membership dues and avoid confusion when you receive your dues invoice.


Membership processing:

The ASC membership year runs from April 1st of current year to March 31st of the following year. Membership processing does not start until the 3rd week in March (i.e. now). DO NOT PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES EARLY. Wait for your invoice. We cannot tell you what you owe until everything is processed so please refrain from contacting the secretary and/or the Board early.


You will have from March 31 st to June 1 st to pay your membership dues and other monies owed to ASC. If you pay from June 2 nd to August 31 st there will be a $25 late fee added to your membership dues. After August 31 st   Your membership will be considered lapsed and you will need to reapply and rejoin the club. This means going through the new membership process and paying the current dues rate at the time, plus any other costs and initiation fees required by the ASC.

Thank you for attention. Any problems, questions (other than “how much will I owe”), etc … Please email the Secretary.

Skeet 101 – April 29th

For those that have always wanted to learn how to shoot Skeet, we have our very own Dale Mullin, who is willing to teach us!  You must be comfortable with the basic fundamentals of shotgunning.  If you took the shotgun 100 class a couple months ago you are all set.

If you are interested you will need to do the following:

  • send an email to Scott Sampson ([email protected]) – confirm that spots are still open

You will need:

  • Clays Card (RFID card) at least 100 targets.
  • eyes and ears (Recommend plugs rather than muffs as muffs can interfere with the stock)
  • A shotgun with an open choke
  • Four boxes of target loads size (7 1/2 shot or smaller.)
  • Lunch, beverages, snacks.
  • Dress in layers so that we can adapt to the weather.

Hope to see you out there!


ASC Flyer Newsletter – March 2023

ASC Members, The Spring ASC Flyer is now available… see the link below..
If you have any questions or suggestions or wish to contribute to future editions, please contact our newsletter editor Don .. [email protected]

FYI: ASC is in need of 2 board positions.. Maintenance Officer (previously referred to as the XO) and Assistant Secretary .. Any members interested in these positions and would like to help the club out, contact the ASC secretary via email ( [email protected] ).

NSSA Skeet Shoot volunteers needed – March 18-20

Up coming NSSA Skeet Shoot needs some volunteers experienced in skeet shooting
We need someone to Pull and someone to Score for each day of the event on March 18th – 20th (Saturday, Sunday and Monday)

If you have any experience in skeet shooting and pulling and or scoring, this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours.
Please contact: [email protected]


Handgun Combatives Course – Register Now!

Register now for Handgun Combatives Course Sept 23/24,  2023

ASC is hosting David Jenkins, founder of Rochester Personal Defense to put on Dave Spaulding’s Handgun Combatives Class.  Dave Spaulding retired and has only certified a few folks to continue teaching his course and Dave Jenkins is one of them.  I have known Dave Jenkins for several years and taken instructor classes with him as well as taken classes from him and can recommend Dave completely.

This class is something you won’t want to miss.

If interested please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected].  Once you have contacted him you will be asked to pay on the ASC Payment Portal. Enter Handgun Combatives Class in the payment description.  Your spot is not held until payment is made.  Refunds will only be considered until 1 August.  After that refunds will not be granted as we have to commit.

The cost is $450 for Members and $500 for non-members.  Sorry immediate family who are not members are not eligible for the member price.  To pay the $450 price you must enter a valid membership number.  If paying for two members put that in the Payment Notes.


Here is the class description:

This course takes the handgun from a sporting, plinking, or recreational implement, to a tool of combat- to be ready and willing to fight if avoidance and evasion fail. The purpose of this course is to build solid essential skills (grip, trigger control, body position, holster skills, reloads, malfunction clearances, etc.) and put them in the fight! Students will be trained to anchor and improve these essential skills under set time frames established in six (6) standards that will be shot during the course combining speed and combat accuracy.

This is not a course for the brand new shooter. You must have a good foundation of skills (grip, stance, sighting, trigger operation) and a desire to become more efficient.

This course will show you how to effectively use your handgun for real-world combat in a life-or-death situation. This includes:

  • Fundamentals: grip, trigger control, sight alignment/picture, body position, etc.
  • Ready positions and their use
  • Holster skills
  • Reloading
  • Malfunction clearances

What you will need:

  • A quality defensive handgun (a spare is not a bad idea)
  • A quality duty or concealment holster
  • Three magazines (minimum) with pouches or two speed-loaders (revolver use) with pouches. More magazines if you have a gun that holds less than 10rds (5 mags)
  • Belt designed to support gear
  • 800 rounds minimum
  • Eye and ear protection
  • Billed cap
  • Clothing for weather conditions
  • Water for hydration
  • A folding or camp chair is recommended
  • A concealing garment
  • Good footwear

Work party Saturday March 4th 9:00 a.m.

Work party Saturday March 4th 9:00 a.m. we will be building pin tables for the bowling pin competition preparing the new cardboard backers for use tape punch the hole installing The Grommet and building new Target stands. If possible bringing woodworking tools will help in speeding up the process. An easy way to get those last few service hours before renewing the annual dues


If you have any questions please contact the defensive shooting director Taylor Strickland at  [email protected] 


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