The 4H work party is still a go, its a rain or shine event. One other member going, got an email asking everyone to meet at the Gray Building. I unfortunately, will not be able to attend as I have become under the weather.
The 4H work party is still a go, its a rain or shine event. One other member going, got an email asking everyone to meet at the Gray Building. I unfortunately, will not be able to attend as I have become under the weather.
The center’s work party tomorrow is a rain or shine event. If you’re attending, be prepared to work in the rain/wet conditions.
The Pin Match decision will be made last minute. If it’s raining in Wakefield in the morning, I’ll post a cancellation on the website and FB. Otherwise, I’ll assess the conditions when I get out there. If the match is cancelled, I’d like the pinheads to crash the Center’s work party to help get that work knocked out.
I hope to see you tomorrow at the range.
Art Schoner
ASC President/Pinhead-in-charge this week.
The semi-annual NSSA registered skeet shooting competition will be held at the Airfield Shooting Club on 21 – 23 October.
The competition will have four (4) categories (guns): 12 Ga, 20 Ga, 28 Ga, .410 bore, and Doubles.
There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.
The cost is $25 per gun.
In order to participate you please notify intent to shoot (day, gun, etc.) and be a member of NSSA. Walkups are subject to waiting and possibly shifting to Sunday or Monday.
On the day of the shoot you will need:
1. Cash or check for $25 for each gun. Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club
2. NSSA membership card. You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00
3. Classification Sheet.
The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days. Once we have all shooters sending their preferences, a draft schedule will be made available to all.
Ties for Gun Championships will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.
Email day(s), gun(s), NSSA number and address to:
Additionally, if anyone needs to get their service hours in, I will be asking for help refereeing, scoring and trapping. Let me know which days (Saturday and/or Sunday) you can work. Past volunteers or experienced skeet shooters preferred.
Jon Lester
Gentle Shooters,
We are entering the final third of the Bowling Match Shooting Season this weekend at the Airfield Shooting Club. Including the tilt on Saturday, October 7th there are only three more bowling pin matches left in 2023. Reserve your spot early by being at the range this Saturday at 9:30. Shooters are requested to check in with the Airfield Shooting Club work party on the adjacent field before departing after the match. We are assisting our 4H partners with getting an archery range and we may need you help.
For those of you who are new to this, we have directions and instructions at the Airfield Shooting club web site. For specific questions, please feel free to ping a pinhead at [email protected].
The September Rimfire Challenge is in the books for the Modified Benchrest Challenge. The weather was great except for the wind gusts. It proved most challenging for the most experienced contestants.
This is a reminder that this coming Saturday, October 7th, there will be a work party to assist the 4H center with the new 3D archery range. Part of the Airfield Shooting Clubs original goals were to assist the 4H center with projects since they are our host. This new range will be available for ASC members to use also. This adds archery to our offerings to members. If you have time please consider helping out the center and our club. Service hours will be given for hours performed. Please RSVP from the information provided in the flier.
Cory, ASC MO
The attached PDF has the stages for the shooting match and it looks like there’s a few zombies that might have wandered back onto the range we all know how to take care of those. If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] I look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday bright and early 9:00 a.m. for setup
Next defensive shooting match this Saturday September 30th
Come out enjoy a day on the Range before all the holiday hustle and bustle starts, set up 9:00 a.m. Shooters brief 9:30 if you are bringing loaded mags remember we run capacity cap at 10 Rounds maximum
Members $5 entry $2 for every additional category non-members $10 entry same $2 for additional categories competition stages will be posted within the next couple days any questions please contact me at [email protected]
The work party for the new 3D archery range is a go for Oct 7. After meeting with Kathy at the September board meeting some details were provided. Volunteers will be assisting with laying out and preparing the shooting lanes. Assisting with removal of brush and trimming back tree limbs. General tools like loppers and handsaws would be needed. If you have a pole saw it could be helpful. Of course gloves, closed toe shoes and safety glasses would be helpful. Service hours will be given for all volunteers from the club. This is the flier provided from the center. If you plan on attending please reply to the email address on the flier or you may use the QR code.