Pins Fall in the Fall

Gentle Shooters,

We are entering the final third of the Bowling Match Shooting Season this weekend at the Airfield Shooting Club. Including the tilt on Saturday, October 7th there are only three more bowling pin matches left in 2023. Reserve your spot early by being at the range this Saturday at 9:30. Shooters are requested to check in with the Airfield Shooting Club work party on the adjacent field before departing after the match. We are assisting our 4H partners with getting an archery range and we may need you help.

For those of you who are new to this, we have directions and instructions at the Airfield Shooting club web site. For specific questions, please feel free to ping a pinhead at


September Rimfire Challenge Results

The September Rimfire Challenge is in the books for the Modified Benchrest Challenge.  The weather was great except for the wind gusts.  It proved most challenging for the most experienced contestants.  

If you have not had a chance to experience a Rimfire Challenge, come out on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  The range is set up with a short sighting in period from 7:00 am to 8:30, Safety Meeting at 8:30, and the Rimfire Challenge runs from 9:00am to Noon.
The next Rimfire Challenge is the KNOW YOUR LIMITS (KYL) that will test your limits.  KYL Targets are 8 swinging steel targets at 50-yard line, ranging in size from 2” diameter to ¼” diameter in ¼” increments.  Any firearm chambered for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge may be used.  Front bag or rest only, shooting off the bench.  This is a timed event for best score.
See you at the range!
Thomas Sanford

Oct 7th 3D archery range work party to assist the 4H center-reminder

This is a reminder that this coming Saturday, October 7th, there will be a work party to assist the 4H center with the new 3D archery range. Part of the Airfield Shooting Clubs original goals were to assist the 4H center with projects since they are our host. This new range will be available for ASC members to use also. This adds archery to our offerings to members. If you have time please consider helping out the center and our club. Service hours will be given for hours performed. Please RSVP from the information provided in the flier.


Cory, ASC MO

September 30th defensive shooting match stages

The attached PDF has the stages for the shooting match and it looks like there’s a few zombies that might have wandered back onto the range we all know how to take care of those. If you have any questions please contact me at I look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday bright and early 9:00 a.m. for setup


Defensive shooting match stages 9-30-2023

Next defensive shooting match this Saturday September 30th

Next defensive shooting match this Saturday September 30th

Come out enjoy a day on the Range before all the holiday hustle and bustle starts, set up 9:00 a.m. Shooters brief 9:30 if you are bringing loaded mags remember we run capacity cap at 10 Rounds maximum

Members $5 entry $2 for every additional category non-members $10 entry same $2 for additional categories competition stages will be posted within the next couple days any questions please contact me at

October 7th Work Party for 3D Archery Range

The work party for the new 3D archery range is a go for Oct 7. After meeting with Kathy at the September board meeting some details were provided. Volunteers will be assisting with laying out and preparing the shooting lanes. Assisting with removal of brush and trimming back tree limbs. General tools like loppers and handsaws would be needed. If you have a pole saw it could be helpful. Of course gloves, closed toe shoes and safety glasses would be helpful. Service hours will be given for all volunteers from the club. This is the flier provided from the center. If you plan on attending please reply to the email address on the flier or you may use the QR code.



Only 7 Spots Left for Women On Target (Oct 28th)

Only 7 spots left before we start putting folks on the wait list.  Don’t be Tardy to the Party!
Women On target Event at Airfield Shooting Club in Wakefield Virgina! The event is being hosted by Airfield Shooting Club.
This one to be held on Oct 28th. So why attend this one?
We are doing this a little different with a more opportunities than we have done in the past.
Attendees will have the opportunity to take beginner classes in Shotgun, Rifle, Archery and either a Beginner OR Advanced Pistol (you cannot do both). In addition, this session we will also offer an emergency medical session that you can go to instead of one of the sessions above!
We have some exciting changes we are trying to implement in this session to make it better than it was.
Please do not wait to sign up and pay! We are expecting a large turn out so spots will fill up quickly.
Please visit our web site to see more and register.

Work Party OCT 7 to assist 4H Center

A work party is planned for OCT 7th to assist the 4H center with the new 3D archery range.  A flier from the 4H center is forthcoming. If you are in need of service hours, this will be a good chance for them. Information from Kathy, 4H Center Director below.

Details for now:


Lunch provided.

We are putting in shooting lanes for 15 stations. / clearing  trees and shrubs as needed.

Marking the shooting lines


work gloves


bug spray

work boots /  closed toe shoes


Pruning saws, pole saws and hand saws for tree limbs.

refillable water bottle  – we will have a water cooler of ice water back there.

Chain saw likely not needed unless they want to cut firewood for us and stack it neatly by the road.

The pathway is already in, we just need to create and mark the shooting lanes.

If you have any questions, contact me.



Outdoor Wedding Cease Fire 4:00-4:30 Saturday 9/9

The center was just asked to request we have a cease fire from 4 until 4:30 during the ceremony. If you are out in the heat tomorrow afternoon, please take a half hour break during this time. I’ll try to get more of a heads up in the future. Let’s be good partners with the Center and do our best with this last-minute notice. Please spread the word tomorrow at the range as well.


Art Schoner
ASC President

Women On Target – Oct 28th!

Good Evening,

We have another Women On target Event!  This one to be held on Oct 28th at Airfield Shooting club.  So why attend this one?

We are doing this a little different with a more opportunities.

Attendees will have the opportunity to take beginner classes in Shotgun, Rifle, Archery and either a Beginner OR Advanced Pistol (you cannot do both).  In addition, this session we will also offer an emergency medical session that you can go to instead of one of the sessions above!

We have some exciting changes we are trying to implement in this session to make it better than it was.

Please do not wait to sign up and pay!  We are expecting a large turn out so spots will fill up quickly.

Please visit our web site to see more and register.


Scott Sampson

Chief Instructor

ASC #762

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