Thursday Help Needed

I’m looking for people interested in spending a little time on the range this Thursday. A dumpster for Sunday’s work party will be delivered inside the range area sometime Thursday. All that will need to be done will be to direct the driver to leave it in the correct location. I’ll give 2 hours of service for each half day (for less than 10 minutes light labor). Ideally, I’d like a volunteer to be at the range in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’d like the morning person there NLT 830 and the afternoon person leave no earlier than 3 (or until the dumpster is delivered). I will get a call 30 minutes prior, but I live more than an hour away. If you live close by the club, and can be on standby (for half or whole day), that would be great as well. I will coordinate the desired location, phone numbers and names after I get the volunteers. If you’re able to help out, please contact me at [email protected]. Thanks, Art Schoner ASC XO

ASC Gate Combination Will Change Saturday, May 21st

The ASC gate combination will be changed after the May Board of Directors meeting. The new badges have been mailed out to members who have paid their renewal invoice and provided updated NRA if necessary.   If you have not seen your renewal, please check your junk folder. They were emailed out between April 3rd and 5th. Review your renewal form for the amount owed. If your NRA is marked expired, please email the Secretary, [email protected],  a copy of your current NRA card or NRA magazine label. Renewal Due Date You will have until June 1st to pay your membership dues and other costs owed to ASC. If you pay your membership dues after June 1st through August 31st there will be a penalty fee of $25.00. After September 1st, you will be required to re-join the club. This will include attending new member orientation, reviewing club rules and regulations, and paying owed back dues as well as the $50.00 initiation fee. Thank you Colleen

Work Party

Spring Work Party There will be a massive spring cleaning and maintenance work party on Sunday May 22 at 10:00. We will tackling the following work: • Pressure washing the outside of the restroom building. • Blowing out and cleaning both the 50-yard and 100-meter ranges. • Pressure washing both ranges. • Cleaning and sealing both ranges’ roofs. • Repainting the red safety lines • Sealing the wall between the ranges (if enough members show) • General range and grounds clean up to include the trash immediately outside the gate. We will need: • Ladders (both step and extension) • Gas powered pressure washers (2 to 3) • Garden hose • Telescoping poles for sealing the roofs. (We have the brushes and adaptors) • Gas/battery powered leaf blowers • Telescopic pressure washer wands for use on the roofs. • Tools to facilitate safely removing the trash by the gate. There may be reptilian inhabitants. So come out and get your service hours in and make your club look a little better. Both ranges will be closed from 10:00 until the work is complete. This is a fair-weather work party. In case of inclement weather, it will be rescheduled for some …

June 5th Rimfire Modified Benchrest Challenge

Bring out the ole 22LR caliber rifle to the range and test or challenge your shooting skills in a friendly bench rest shooting event. The shooters will follow a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition shooting 25 bull targets. If you are interested come out for a fun day for some friendly shooting at the range, bring your family or friends. Depending on the number of interested parties, we may have several divisions in a factory or unlimited classification. See the ARA Modified Flyer and Event Information at these links for more information. Contact Tom Sanford with any further questions.

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The first Defensive Action Shooting Match is this Saturday April 30th entry fee for members $5 non-members is $10 and each additional category for everybody is $2 Set up is at 9:00 a.m. shooters brief is at 10:00 a.m. followed by the stage walk through then the competition Attached is the defensive match summary with rules and regulations and the three stages for the first match Defensive Match Summary Action Shooting Stages If you have any questions please contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected] If you get no response you can also contact me at [email protected]

Only 12 Spots Left For WOT! Sign up today!

ONLY 12 Spots Left For WOT!!!!!!! We have had a great response to our Women on Target event scheduled for June 4th.  Spots are going quickly!  Please get your registration in to ensure you have a spot.  Remember you need to register at one web site AND you need to pay at a different web site. Register HERE. Pay HERE If you have any questions please feel free to contact Scott Sampson at: [email protected].        

ASC Membership Renewals Delayed

ASC Members, due to an unforeseen technical issue, the Airfield Shooting Club Membership Renewals will be delayed this year. Renewals will go out by April 2nd. Please do not pay ahead of receiving your renewal form.  A notice will be posted when the renewals are sent to keep everyone informed. If you have not received a renewal form by April 15th, please contact the Secretary at [email protected]. The gate combination change will be delayed to allow time for mailing out new cards. Please continue to use your current card until we announce that the locks have been changed. Thank you for your understanding.

Friday’s Volunteers

The volunteers for this Friday’s delivery have been identified and notified. If you responded, but have not heard back from me directly, I appreciate your volunteering but you will not be needed this Friday. Thanks again! Art Schoner ASC XO


We’ll have our spring frame and Bowling Pin Table work party this coming Saturday February 26th at 10:00. We will build 7 bowling pin tables and replace the SRB target frames. Some other frames require some repair, but not replacement. We will need at least one table saw to rip the lower cross member of the frames. Some miter saws and drills/drivers should do the rest. If you have Torx drivers, bring T20 through T30. We will be working on the 50-yard range and the hundred will remain open, except for time to retrieve and replace frames for repair. Given sufficient turn out we should be done by noon. I also need volunteers to get service hours for shooting! The wood for the work above will be delivered sometime Friday. I won’t know more about scheduling until late Thursday or Friday morning. I’d like 2 volunteers to cover all day Friday. One from 8 until 12, and the other from 12 until 4. You’re free to shoot, or just lounge around. I just need the range open and someone to accept the delivery. If you’re interested, please contact me via email at [email protected]. Thanks, and see you on the range. …

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