Work Party Saturday still on

We are still having the work party this Saturday to build frames and pin tables. If you need your service hours this will be a good chance to get them. Screw guns, a table saw and chop saws are what we need. Also general hand tools will be needed. If the weather holds old we also hope to get the sidewalk and doors on the building cleaned. See you all there. Cory

Hokies Giving Day

For 24 hours, Hokies around the world will come together in support of what they love about Virginia Tech. That means AIRFIELD, of course! Summer camp, school field trips, conferencing and more. It’s the Natural Place to Be! Use this link to contribute to Airfield! WE ARE LIVE …until noon tomorrow 2/22/2024. Thanks for your donation! Kathy Dr. Kathy Guindon Executive Director Airfield 4-H Educational Center 15189 Airfield Rd. Wakefield, VA 23888

Gun Show Volunteers

Looking for a way to get your volunteer hours somewhat painlessly? Volunteer to work at a gun show and get to meet prospective members and talk to them about the things you enjoy about the club and why you find it a worthwhile investment. You will also have the opportunity to walk the show and meet other exhibitors, find good deals on guns, ammunition, and paraphernalia. There are 7 shows every year. Four at the Hampton Convention Center, January, March, September, and November and three at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, February, April, and October. They are held on a weekend so it would be for a Saturday or Sunday. If this sounds like something that you would be willing to do. Send an email to Gary Wyse ([email protected]) and ask to be placed on the Gun Show volunteer list. You will receive an email advising everyone on the list of the next upcoming show. Respond quickly as it is based on a first come, first served basis. All efforts are made to allow people who have not worked previously to be offered the first choice. There are several shows in the Richmond area every year that the club would …

New shooting benches for the 25/50

A huge thanks to Braden Willis, Boys Scouts Troop 16, and his father, David, for building and donating new shooting benches, rifle racks, sitting benches and a scorers chair to the club for his Eagle Scout project. All the shooting benches were placed at the 25 and 50. A couple rifle racks and benches were also placed at the 50 and the rest along with the scorers chair were placed at the shotgun range.  

Gate locking procedure changed.

The locking procedure to secure the main gate has changed to a much simpler process. When it is time to secure the gate we no longer place both locks together. We just wrap our portion around the gate and secure the chain only on the gate. The Centers lock is secured to the main post and locked to the chain. Please continue to zero out the lock when you open the lock though. If you have any question please reach out to me the MO, the President or the Provost for guidance. Cory

March 2nd Work Party / Calling all Pinheads to build new tables

March 2nd, at 9am, will be a chance to get your service hours complete before the renewal period starts. We will be having a work party to build replacement frames for the ranges and to build the pin tables for the upcoming bowling pin season commencing in April. You Pinheads know who you are that shot up all the tables. Also, general range cleanup will be accomplished. We will need leaf blowers, power saws(table saw and/or miter saw), power drills and general hand tools for the projects. We will also need some extension cords to run from the building as power is currently limited at the SRB/50. A bonus would be a power washer to cleanup the concrete at the range and the bathrooms and also the doors on the building. There will be some other small jobs planned if time allows. If you have any questions or have specific skills or tools please reach out to me. Cory ASC Maintenance Officer

Road Improvements

If you’re headed to the range tomorrow for the defensive shoot, you’ll notice some work has been done to improve the road to the range. A truckload of asphalt millings has been applied to the roadway. I’m not sure how much of the roadway is covered, but we’ll find out tomorrow. I did not what anyone being startled the next time they went to the range. Art Schoner ASC President

This Saturday defensive shooting match set up 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief 8:30

This Saturday defensive shooting match set up 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief 8:30 everyone come out let’s have a fun run and Gun Just a heads up stage one requires shooting from retention and if you utilize a compensated or ported pistol there are some added risk with shooting for retention with this type of pistol because of the gas redirection. Those that are not familiar with shooting for retention there will be a lesson in proper technique for safely shooting from retention in the shooter’s brief and if at any point during the match you have questions ask one of the directors we can go over technique again

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