The Culmination of the 2023 Bowling Pin Season is Saturday

Gentle Shooters,

We will reach the end of another Bowling Pin season this weekend. Saturday December 2nd is the last match of the season. The pins will go dark until April 6th of 2024. That is 126 days before we will shoot pins again. So don’t miss the match this Saturday at 9:30 at the newly renovated 50 yard range at the Airfield Shooting Club in stunning Wakefield Virginia. The rules for the match and directions can be found at the shooting club web site Good Luck.


Modified Small Bore Silhouette Rifle Challenge

The first modified NRA Rimfire Silhouette Match shooting small steel silhouette targets (chicken, pigs, turkey & ram) was held on Sunday, November 19. We all had a great time doing our best. Traditionally the match is shot in the standing off-hand position but we will try our hand at the bench using front rests only at the different size animal silhouettes at the berm (approximately 60 yards).  The match description is a relay of 4 shooters shooting the course of fire for their respective targets/distance then rotate to the next station and repeat until all four stations have been completed.  This is a timed event to complete the string of 5 targets with a rest period of 30 seconds between strings. It is more challenging than one thinks. Our next Rimfire Challenge will be Steel Challenge in December (weather permitting) using 22LR pistols and/or rifles.


scores here 11_19 Small Bore Silhouette Rimfire Challenge

Lost items at range

I received an email from a member today about some lost magazines found at the SRB on Friday Nov 10th. Also a drill was left at the range Sunday Nov 5th the work party day. Please email the MO if anyone may have been the members that left either item so they can be returned.

Greetings from member 770 Dave Hodgson.

At the SRB today I found two 17 round pistol magazines that someone probably left on Friday some time. There were a lot of signups so I did not copy them down. Can an email be sent out to see if someone in the club left them? They aint cheap!





[email protected]

4H Center Work Party

Do we have a members interested in equestrian events? Well the 4H Center is hosting a work party to do some work on their stables and equestrian area. If you would like to help please RSVP to the information on the flyer. If you do attend please reach out to me with your service hours worked.




Yes, There are Bowling Pin Shoot results in November

Gentle Shooters,

I am a little off my game this month. I will certainly do better for the next match, Saturday, December 2nd. Until then, technically practice isn’t cheating and ponder the scores below.

String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Taylor Strickland 2.73 3.33 3.09 2.56 11.71 2.56
2 Paul Lynch 6.49 3.57 5.06 4.47 19.59
3 Art Schoner 3.71 3.22 9.40 3.92 20.25
4 Cory Allen 2.87 7.28 3.63 7.84 21.62
5 Cort Tompkins 2.33 2.21 2.79 14.64 21.97
6 Frank Sanders 7.83 4.25 5.02 5.15 22.25
7 Courtney Bolze 3.80 6.67 10.85 4.52 25.84
8 Kenny Hardee 6.72 9.71 12.63 9.18 38.24
9 Shane Pouns 11.70 8.15 9.95 11.41 41.21
1 Cort Tompkins 3.65 4.37 6.88 6.89 21.79 3.65
2 Phillip Van Cleave 5.38 6.33 9.58 11.01 32.30
3 Cory Allen 12.64 5.63 8.19 8.10 34.56
4 Paul Lynch 6.92 5.91 11.81 10.20 34.84
5 Art Schoner 12.82 9.56 11.24 11.74 45.36
6 Taylor Strickland 12.44 11.14 14.25 13.00 50.83
NFS Daniel Stayner 11.38 15.00 8.55 35.00 69.93
7 Courtney Bolze 14.38 9.46 7.18 45.00 76.02
8 Daniel Stayner 9.68 11.76 9.84 45.00 76.28
9 M. Altekrose 35.00 25.00 7.20 10.67 77.87
10 Frank Sanders 7.20 13.83 11.85 55.00 87.88
11 Kenny Hardee 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 110.00
12 Dan Kniseley 35.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 130.00
1 Cort Tompkins 5.60 5.42 5.00 5.98 22.00
2 Cory Allen 7.24 5.42 8.41 9.26 30.33
3 Paul Lynch 9.97 7.61 7.83 4.95 30.36 4.95
4 Kenny Hardee 6.77 9.14 6.67 8.39 30.97
5 Taylor Strickland 9.11 8.00 9.74 10.13 36.98
NFS Shane Pouns 10.55 9.01 14.18 8.50 42.24
NFS M. Altekrose 11.69 8.93 14.12 12.39 47.13
6 M. Altekrose 11.14 5.57 25.00 8.79 50.50
7 Shane Pouns 8.79 9.56 8.72 25.00 52.07
NFS Bob Coleman 12.97 25.00 12.53 10.31 60.81
8 Benaiuh Goodman 14.21 25.00 14.19 14.32 67.72
9 Courtney Bolze 45.00 8.48 10.56 14.28 78.32
10 Phillip Van Cleave 13.70 25.00 12.20 35.00 85.90
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 25.00 45.00 25.00 9.92 104.92
11 Dan Kniseley 11.54 25.00 55.00 35.00 126.54
12 Jamar Goodman 12.47 75.00 12.56 35.00 135.03
13 Art Schoner 11.18 85.00 9.26 35.00 140.44
14 Bob Coleman 55.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 150.00
15 John Gardiner 85.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 160.00
16 Wayng? 25.00 55.00 25.00 55.00 160.00
NFS John Gardiner 55.00 55.00 35.00 25.00 170.00
NFS Wayng? 75.00 55.00 45.00 35.00 210.00
17 Patrick Lonberger 65.00 55.00 55.00 65.00 240.00
1 Cort Tompkins 4.24 4.31 3.95 4.00 16.50 3.95
2 Cory Allen 9.84 9.22 9.80 7.51 36.37
3 Courtney Bolze 7.22 6.42 6.22 25.00 44.86
4 Art Schoner 25.00 8.81 5.50 7.41 46.72
5 Taylor Strickland 14.37 9.17 9.46 35.00 68.00
6 Dan Kniseley 7.44 25.00 8.47 35.00 75.91
7 Paul Lynch 8.25 11.92 45.00 45.00 110.17
1 Cort Tompkins 3.32 3.95 6.10 4.93 18.30 3.32
2 Taylor Strickland 6.53 7.33 6.15 5.91 25.92
3 Phillip Van Cleave 12.41 4.72 8.83 4.60 30.56
4 Kenny Hardee 11.36 7.27 7.46 9.21 35.30
5 Cory Allen 9.08 8.16 25.00 7.45 49.69
6 Courtney Bolze 25.00 8.07 12.46 6.75 52.28
7 Art Schoner 45.00 10.78 10.11 7.22 73.11
8 Paul Lynch 55.00 10.61 10.51 14.50 90.62
9 Dan Kniseley 25.00 55.00 35.00 14.31 129.31
10 Shane Pouns 35.00 55.00 35.00 25.00 150.00
11 Patrick Lonberger 55.00 55.00 25.00 65.00 200.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Cort Tompkins 21.97 21.79 22 16.5 18.3 100.56
Cory Allen 21.62 34.56 30.33 36.37 49.69 172.57
Taylor Strickland 11.71 50.83 36.98 68 25.92 193.44
Courtney Bolze 25.84 76.02 78.32 44.86 52.28 277.32
Paul Lynch 19.59 34.84 30.36 110.17 90.62 285.58
Art Schoner 20.25 45.36 140.44 46.72 73.11 325.88




Work Party Update!

The work party was a huge success, we accomplished all we wanted plus some extra.

Important- a member left behind a drill. If it is your drill please reach out to me at [email protected] so we can arrange to get you the drill back.

Thank you to all the members and family members who showed up to help with all the work. The berm getting stripped of all the tress and most of the brush is a huge improvement for the safety of the berm. All new frames were built along with new target backers. A big thanks to the crew that managed the chipper/shredder all day in the blazing sunshine of Wakefield. The big bonus was a member bring his tractor with grapple and land plane to manicure the parking lot and the SRB/50. Thank you again for all the hard work of the members.




Work Party Reminder Sunday Nov 5th

Just a reminder that we will be having a work party this coming Sunday Nov 5th at 9am. We will be building all new frames for the SRB, 25M, 50M and the 100. We will also be working on removing the brush from both sides of the berm for the 100/shotgun range. On the 100 we need to replace the removable rails. General clean up of the range will also occur.

We will need general carpentry tools but we will need a table saw and a miter saw to make the frames. A router with a round over bit is also needed for the removable rails at the 100. If anyone would like to bring a pressure washer, we will have the attachments to clean the concrete pads and sidewalks. Chainsaws, poles saws and loppers will be needed for clearing the berm. We are getting a chipper/shredder to make quick work of the debris from the berm. Please bring work boots, gloves and eye protection for all the work.

All the ranges will be shut down at 9am for the work party. We look forward to seeing everyone out at the range to assist.



Yes, there is a November Bowling Pin Shoot

Even though your humble match director seemingly can’t remember when the beginning of the month is, there will be a match this very Saturday at the stunningly re-imagined Airfield Shooting Club range in fantastic Wakefield. Be there at 9:30 in the morning to participate. If you are unsure about how to get there or what to do when you arrive, refer to the Bowling Pin Information pages at our web site. If you can’t find what you need there, contact a pinhead at [email protected]. Whatever you do, don’t miss this match



Pistol Marksmanship 101 – Nov 18th

What:  This 4 hour pistol shooting class will be a for fine tuning the basics of marksmanship with a handgun.  We will progress from the very basics improving your fundamentals into starting to push speed vs accuracy.  We will also explore two hand vs one hand shooting. This is open to members and their family.  Spots will be limited so before paying please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected] to reserve your spot today.

When: Nov 18, 1 to 5 pm


We will cover the following:

Review of Fundamentals (30 min):

  • Aiming (sight picture/sight alignment/focus)
  • Trigger control (where to place finger/how to press)
  • Breath Control
  • Hold control – (grip)
  • Follow Thorough

Precision shooting – slow fire (two handed) (45 min ~80 rounds):

  • Work on shooting tight groups focusing on fundamentals – targets at 10 or 15’
    • Blank target
    • Then a NRA qual target – complete a qual level
    • Then an AP2 target – just to give a target for them to look at (when we don’t them to focus on it
    • Dot target – Challenge drill

One handed shooting – Slow fire (45 min ~40 rounds) – target at 10 or 15’

  • Shoot the NRA qualification target again one handed
  • If they finish early shoot with support hand.

Work on foundation – control (30 min ~ 50 rounds):

  • Wall Drill – Dryfire – (centerfire only)
  • One live fire. One dry fire Drill – (centerfire only)
  • Ball & Dummy
  • Trigger Reset Drill

Work on multiple shots (1 hour ~ 80-120 rounds)

  • Review stance and support of the gun
  • Recoil drill
  • Trigger Press Timing drill – 1 shot every 1 sec (4 x), 1 shot every ½ sec (4x). 4 shots as quickly as you can.
  • 1,2,3,3,2,1 Drill
  • Speed vs accuracy (big target to small target) Drill

If time allows we will cover an introduction to Red Dots

Students will need:

  • Handgun
  • Approximately 250-300 rounds
  • Consider a magazine loader
  • Recommend 4 magazines but can do with less
  • Eyes and Ears

Cost is $25/person

Payment is required via the payment portal using the note Marksmanship 101

If you have no membership number please enter 7777

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