There will be a work party on Sunday April 6th, 9am to 3pmish, weather permitting to start the work on the ballistic wall repairs. We will be attaching 2x6s to both sides of the wall and boring a 1/2 hole thru the wall and using carriage bolts to secure the 2x6s. We will also do a general range cleanup and can always have a few members help make up the remaining target backers. We have some tools on hand but items we will need will be listed below. If time permits we may have to remove some gravel from inside the wall to repair a few troubled spots and then restore the gravel from the top of the wall, good ole bucket brigade possibly. small generators and extension cords, 6 or 8 foot or small extension ladders , 1/2 in drills, 1/2 in wood boring bits at least 12-14 in long(we have a few), impact guns and deep well sockets(I believe it is a 3/4in nut for the carriage bolt) hammer or mallets, chop saw or skill saw, chalk strings, laser level if anyone may have one, back pack blowers and general hand tools. If you think you can attend …