Work Party Sunday November 5th
On Sunday Nov 5th we will be holding a work party starting at 9am to make repairs to the range. The primary focus will be to clear as much brush from the berm that separates the 100 and the shotgun range and the drainage ditch by the shotgun ranges. We will be building frames for the SRB, 25m and 50m. Also, we need to replace the removable shooting rails for the 100. General carpentry tools, chop saws and table saws will be needed for building the target frames. If someone has a router and a roundover bit that would be a huge bonus for building the removable rails at the 100. For clearing the berm, we will need chainsaws, pole saws, pruning tools and/or loppers. If anyone has any specialty equipment or tools, ie tractor with grapple or a 4 way bucket, that would be a huge bonus. We plan on renting a chipper shredder to mulch all the brush removed. Please wear some kind of boots, gloves and safety glasses if you plan to do any kind of cutting or sawing. If we get the new target backers in by the work party date, we will need the target …