Short Notice Work Party August 11th

The center has asked for our help in clearing some downed trees and also to cut down trees that may be an issue. In September they are having 100 volunteers show up to move and stack wood. We are looking for volunteers that have chainsaws and/or pole saws and are comfortable in using them or even possibly equipment used in tree removal. We do not want members to over extend themselves or put themselves in positions to hurt themselves or others. There are many trees leaning or limbs that need to be removed and even one tree, that we know of, that has fallen over and the center would like it removed. If you are willing and able to help please let me or Art know via email. Again, we want to be safe and secure with this work party. We will be cutting the wood into fire place length pieces and leaving it for the center to rearrange. We will be meeting that the range at 9am Cory, aka the MO Reach us at our emails located on the Directors link or text me if you already have my number.  

Work Party Cancelled

The work party scheduled for tomorrow is being postponed due to the current and incoming weather. Of course now that we have canceled the work party the sun will come out and shine. I will still be going to the range to unload the trailer of the approximately 100 2x6x10s and 12s into one of the conex boxes. If you are local to the range or feel like helping feel free to show up at 8am. We will reschedule the work party for a later date. I will keep the range closed so until 9am so that we can complete unloading the trailer.   Cory, aka The MO  

Rimfire Challenge

This month’s Rimfire Challenge will be the Modified Metal Madness; it is a speed shooting competition consisting of shooting five steel targets in the proper order using a 22LR pistol or rifle. Competitors are scored solely by the time it takes to complete each stage. The course of fire is designed to be completed by even the most inexperienced shooter using one 10-round magazine per string without the need to reload “on the clock.” It is recommended to have 2 – 5 magazines; note a maximum of 10 round limits per string.  The match winner is the competitor with the lowest overall time.  We will set up a couple of benchrest stations and KYL “Know Your Limits” spinner targets if you want to try them. The range is set up at 7:00 am, Safety Meeting 8:00-8:30 am, and the safety meeting is mandatory to shoot the match. The match starts immediately after the safety meeting.  Contact Match Director: Tom Sanford, [email protected]

Message from the MO about housekeeping and the AED

Hello all, Saturday April 27th, I made a visit to the range to place the new climate control box for the AED back at the 50. If the AED is used please advise a board member or myself so that we can reset the AED and the cable for the AED box alarm. If the AED is removed an alarm will activate and can only be silenced by replacing the cable or shutting the door on the cabinet. When I arrived to place the new box I noticed that someone had been shooting at the drink machine end of the 50 and had left a large amount of fired brass from a shooting session on the concrete floor. While we are glad you are enjoying the range please be kind and clean up your fired casings from the range surface. If you notice any unfired rounds or misfires, please place those in the dud can, several unfired rounds were found by numerous members and myself that morning. This keeps it safe for fellow members to walk on the concrete surface. Also please clean up your target backers by removing your used targets from the backer and placing the backer back …

Work Party Saturday still on

We are still having the work party this Saturday to build frames and pin tables. If you need your service hours this will be a good chance to get them. Screw guns, a table saw and chop saws are what we need. Also general hand tools will be needed. If the weather holds old we also hope to get the sidewalk and doors on the building cleaned. See you all there. Cory

New shooting benches for the 25/50

A huge thanks to Braden Willis, Boys Scouts Troop 16, and his father, David, for building and donating new shooting benches, rifle racks, sitting benches and a scorers chair to the club for his Eagle Scout project. All the shooting benches were placed at the 25 and 50. A couple rifle racks and benches were also placed at the 50 and the rest along with the scorers chair were placed at the shotgun range.  

Gate locking procedure changed.

The locking procedure to secure the main gate has changed to a much simpler process. When it is time to secure the gate we no longer place both locks together. We just wrap our portion around the gate and secure the chain only on the gate. The Centers lock is secured to the main post and locked to the chain. Please continue to zero out the lock when you open the lock though. If you have any question please reach out to me the MO, the President or the Provost for guidance. Cory

March 2nd Work Party / Calling all Pinheads to build new tables

March 2nd, at 9am, will be a chance to get your service hours complete before the renewal period starts. We will be having a work party to build replacement frames for the ranges and to build the pin tables for the upcoming bowling pin season commencing in April. You Pinheads know who you are that shot up all the tables. Also, general range cleanup will be accomplished. We will need leaf blowers, power saws(table saw and/or miter saw), power drills and general hand tools for the projects. We will also need some extension cords to run from the building as power is currently limited at the SRB/50. A bonus would be a power washer to cleanup the concrete at the range and the bathrooms and also the doors on the building. There will be some other small jobs planned if time allows. If you have any questions or have specific skills or tools please reach out to me. Cory ASC Maintenance Officer

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