Work party… Saturday, June 23rd 2018, starting at 8:00 am.

This will be for, Making new target boards for the range.
Leveling and putting down gravel at the skeet/trap pavilion.

Saturday, June 23rd
Will be starting at 8:00AM and work until work is completed. Both ranges should be open, but check with the XO.

You will need.. work gloves, something to move gravel with (shovels, rakes, etc…)
If you have a tractor we could use it. A tractor with a blade to level the ground, even better.

If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours.
If you have any questions… Please contact the Secretary at [email protected]

** Attention **
Club elections are upcoming.. Positions that need to be filled are:
XO (Executive Officer) – Handles maintenance and security of the ASC range, property, and equipment.
Treasurer – Handles all the club’s finances and bills.
Secretary – Handles all club commutations, new memberships and records
If you are interested, Please contact the Secretary.

ASC Pistol Class July 7

On July 7 2018 the Airfield shooting club will be hosting a Pistol Class. More information regarding the course can be found by following the below link.

ASC Pistol Class

Note: This course has limited space; the course is filled as payments are received.

If you have any questions, please contact Tim Drewry at 757-653-9999 or by email at [email protected]  . If you already have a concealed carry permit, this is a great refresher course, especially if the first course you took to acquire your permit did not have a lecture on the laws in Virginia. If you have family, friends and neighbors who wish to acquire a concealed carry permit, then this course will fully prepare them!!! We hope you will register for this class and join us on July 7!!!

4H District Shoot

4-H is requesting some assistance for the District Shoot.  We could
use the following:

Two volunteers for Friday at 5 PM for about 2 hours.

Two or three volunteers for Saturday morning from 8-12.

Two or three volunteers for Saturday afternoon from 12-4 (or just a bit
later as we’ll be cleaning up after the competition.


If you are interested in helping please contact Dale Mullin :

Work party… Friday, June 1st 2018, starting at 9:00 am

We will be installing new posts for the front range gate.

Will be starting at 9:00AM and work until work is completed.
All the ranges should be open during the work, but the entrance maybe close temporally while we work.

We will need… digging tools, ropes, saws, hammers, squares, rulers, etc… and any other tools you can think of to install 2 large telephone poles
(also may need chains saws and equipment for clearing brush etc…)

If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours.
If you have any questions, Please contact the Secretary at [email protected]

** Note **
The club could really use a XO (Executive Officer). Our last one had to step down.
The XO, handles maintenance and security of the ASC range, property, and equipment.
He/she will also run the Work Parties.
If you have time and interested in filling this position (this is a board position).
Please contact the Secretary.


RSO Needed for Saturday May 12th – 50 Yard Range Boy Scouts (RSO Positions Filled)

ASC Members,

BST 12 will be at Airfield on Saturday May 12th, 2018 and have asked for an RSO for the 50 yard range from 9a-12p and from 1p to 4p that afternoon.

If you are interested in filling all or part of this request please reply to [email protected] and let me know. Duties typically include providing an introductory safety briefing and ensuring the proper safe operation of the range as an RSO.

These are great opportunities to help out the club, and help us get young people engaged in the shooting sports ! If you have any questions about what’s required or what not please let me know.

My apologies for the short notice,  I had a reminder to send out the request last week however my schedule was overcome by events.

Thank You,

Jon – Webmaster ASC


May Bowling Pin Match Results

Thanks to all of our participants for coming out for the match. We had 15 shooters who enjoyed a gorgeous day. As you can see from the results, our shooters made the most of their off time to tune their guns and shooting with some great early season times coming in. We will be off in June with our next match scedhuled for Saturday, July 7th. See you at the range.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 3.42 5.47 2.89 2.65 14.43 2.65
2 Charles Lankford 6.52 3.32 3.04 2.78 15.66
3 Steven Gordon 3.26 3.30 5.06 4.18 15.80
4 Courtney Bolze 4.10 3.74 5.50 3.75 17.09
5 Dale Mullin 5.94 5.13 4.37 4.14 19.58
6 Allen Moran 5.89 4.52 5.56 4.83 20.80
7 Dennis Bondi 5.39 4.98 5.76 5.15 21.28
8 Ray Neiderhiser 5.81 5.94 8.52 6.78 27.05
9 Charles Tuggle 35.00 25.00 25.00 7.09 92.09
1 Terry Miltier 5.66 7.89 6.20 6.84 26.59
2 Ray Neiderhiser 6.01 6.63 8.70 7.19 28.53
3 Courtney Bolze 7.96 6.27 8.14 8.64 31.01
4 Charles Lankford 8.58 5.90 6.83 11.68 32.99
5 Allen Moran 13.86 5.29 9.14 6.69 34.98
6 Dennis Bondi 5.13 8.73 8.40 14.29 36.55
7 Steven Gordon 25.00 10.58 10.49 6.33 52.40
8 Dale Mullin 12.53 25.00 10.34 8.91 56.78
NFS David Hodgson 25.00 14.49 9.36 8.75 57.60
9 Art Schoner 25.00 8.49 14.95 13.49 61.93
10 David Hodgson 9.99 9.99 25.00 25.00 69.98
11 David Roesehgnthaler 25.00 8.50 25.00 12.90 71.40
12 Frank Sanders 55.00 6.58 4.98 7.72 74.28 4.98
13 Charles Tuggle 9.40 8.18 25.00 35.00 77.58
14 Mitch Pearce 55.00 55.00 55.00 25.00 190.00
NFS Terry Miltier 4.96 5.79 4.70 5.66 21.11
1 Terry Miltier 7.39 7.73 6.72 7.20 29.04
2 Charles Lankford 6.72 10.50 7.33 9.12 33.67
3 Courtney Bolze 12.64 9.11 6.94 5.77 34.46 5.77
4 Ray Neiderhiser 9.5 9.77 9.40 9.05 37.72
5 Allen Moran 10.63 13.36 10.22 10.21 44.42
6 Steven Gordon 12.90 9.51 9.09 14.30 45.80
7 Dale Mullin 14.4 11.33 11.51 11.97 49.21
8 David Hodgson 11.93 11.89 13.65 11.87 49.34
9 David Roesehgnthaler 13.01 12.55 25.00 10.65 61.21
10 Frank Sanders 25.00 14.91 13.33 11.63 64.87
11 Dennis Bondi 12.01 8.38 9.32 55.00 84.71
12 Art Schoner 25.00 7.90 45.00 12.37 90.27
13 Charles Tuggle 14.67 45.00 35.00 25.00 119.67
NFS Mitch Pearce 75.00 45.00 55.00 35.00 210.00
14 Mitch Pearce 95.00 85.00 85.00 95.00 360.00
1 Charles Lankford 5.31 6.89 6.14 4.92 23.26 4.92
2 Courtney Bolze 9.17 8.84 6.27 9.27 33.55
3 Terry Miltier 5.45 13.09 4.53 13.02 36.09
4 Steven Gordon 12.56 8.67 10.19 11.72 43.14
5 Ray Neiderhiser 25 6.85 7.98 5.75 45.58
6 Dale Mullin 25 7.70 6.09 7.03 45.82
7 Art Schoner 25.00 5.64 6.25 9.91 46.80
8 Charles Tuggle 10.98 7.47 25.00 6.56 50.01
9 Allen Moran 7.19 35.00 25.00 25.00 92.19
10 Dennis Bondi 65.00 45.00 10.67 11.82 132.49
1 Terry Miltier 6.03 4.57 5.17 5.26 21.03 4.57
2 Allen Moran 4.90 14.09 7.06 4.69 30.74
3 Steven Gordon 9.85 6.99 5.53 14.04 36.41
4 Charles Lankford 8.81 10.05 8.15 10.13 37.14
5 Ray Neiderhiser 10.77 13.45 7.27 7.16 38.65
6 Art Schoner 9.16 11.44 9.02 12.27 41.89
7 Dennis Bondi 5.38 35.00 7.40 6.33 54.11
8 Dale Mullin 9.88 25.00 8.96 14.55 58.39
9 Courtney Bolze 9.38 45.00 10.09 7.39 71.86
NFS David Pearson 25.00 35.00 25.00 14.19 99.19
10 Charles Tuggle 45.00 45.00 8.85 7.68 106.53
11 David Pearson 9.64 25.00 55.00 25.00 114.64
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Charles Lankford 15.66 32.99 33.67 23.26 37.14 142.72
Ray Neiderhiser 27.05 28.53 37.72 45.58 38.65 177.53
Courtney Bolze 17.09 31.01 34.46 33.55 71.86 187.97
Steven Gordon 15.80 52.40 45.80 43.14 36.41 193.55
Allen Moran 20.80 34.98 44.42 92.19 30.74 223.13
Dale Mullin 19.58 56.78 49.21 45.82 58.39 229.78
Art Schoner 14.43 61.93 90.27 46.80 41.89 255.32
Dennis Bondi 21.28 36.55 84.71 132.49 54.11 329.14
Charles Tuggle 92.09 77.58 119.67 50.01 106.53 445.88

May Bowling Pin Match

The Airfield Shooting Club will tempt the weather gods again this weekend as we schedule the May Bowling Pin Match this Saturday, May 5th at 9:30 AM. As always, the match will be held at the beautiful ASC range in scenic Wakefield, VA. Just a reminder, there will be no June match this year, so if you miss this weekend, you won’t shoot pins until summer. Details on the match and directions can be found on our web page, Specific questions can be directed to our pinhead at [email protected]

See you Saturday,


Work party… Saturday, May 5th 2018, starting at 8:00 am.

Calling all carpenters.. We will be building a New Shed for the well head. Frames for the 100yd and general range clean up.

Will be starting at 8:00AM and work until work is completed.  Only one of the ranges will be close due to work being done.

We will need.. chop saws, circular saws, small table saws, cord less drills / saws, hammers, squares, rulers, etc… and any other woodworking tools you can think of..
(also may need shovels, rakes, work gloves, etc…)

If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours.
If you have any questions,  Please contact the Secretary at  [email protected]

** Attention **
The club could use a XO (Executive Officer). Our last one had to step down.
The XO, handles maintenance and security of the ASC range, property, and equipment.
He/she will also run the Work Parties.
If you have time and interested in filling this position. (this is a board position).
Please contact the Secretary.


Service Rifle Results for 14 April 2018

We shot two relays. All of the shooters shot with rifles categorized in the “Civilian Marksmanship Program” realm (e.g. M-1 Garands, M1903 Springfield, etc.). We had several who also shot the course using Modern Sporting Rifles. The Service Rifle and Zombie matches continues to be conducted on the second Saturday of the month, and registration starts at 8:30am with the first relay being conducted at 9am (after the range safety and orientation briefs). The next match is scheduled for 12 May 2018. The April results are listed below.

Swisher, Ian 244 1 M1 Garand Yes
Metzgar, G 240 2 M1 Garand Yes
Slee, J. 201 1 M1 Garand Yes
Lane, David 196 0 MSR Yes
Slee, J. 176 2 M1903 Yes
Bolze, C. 175 0 M1903 Yes
Lawler, M. 133 0 M91/30 Mosin Yes
Lannon, M. 103 0 M1 Garand No
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