Defensive Action Shooting Match

The first Defensive Action Shooting Match is this Saturday April 30th entry fee for members $5 non-members is $10 and each additional category for everybody is $2

Set up is at 9:00 a.m. shooters brief is at 10:00 a.m. followed by the stage walk through then the competition

Attached is the defensive match summary with rules and regulations and the three stages for the first match

Defensive Match Summary

Action Shooting Stages

If you have any questions please contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected]

If you get no response you can also contact me at [email protected]

Only 12 Spots Left For WOT! Sign up today!

ONLY 12 Spots Left For WOT!!!!!!!

We have had a great response to our Women on Target event scheduled for June 4th.  Spots are going quickly!  Please get your registration in to ensure you have a spot.  Remember you need to register at one web site AND you need to pay at a different web site.

Register HERE.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact Scott Sampson at:

[email protected].





Defensive Action Shooting Match

The airfield action shooting program is up and running first match will be the last Saturday of this month April 30th with categories for semi-automatic handguns, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and rimfire rifle and pistols 

Entry fee is $5 for members $10 for general public each additional category after the first is an extra $2

For the three stages planned for the first match minimum round count is 28 rounds per category I would recommend bringing plenty of extra ammo

For more information the ASC defensive pistol matches page has been updated and there is a link to the Defensive Match Summary which lists all the rules and category regulations

Or direct link here Defensive Match Summary

For any questions feel free to contact Taylor Strickland at

defensivepistol at

April Fools Bowling Pin Match results

Gentle Shooters,

We had a nice turnout and great weather for the Bowling Pin Match. Fifteen shooters participated and there were some noteworthy performances. The indomitable Charles Langford cruised to victory in the Five Gun standings after shooting an almost entirely clean match.  I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Dale Mullin turned in a scorching 3.35 second carbine string with a lever action gun. Way to go Cowboy! The rest of the more plebeian results are below for your viewing pleasure. We will do it again next month on Saturday, May 7th. See you then.


April 2022 Results

No Foolin’ April Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

You’d be a fool to miss this weekend’s 2022 season opening Bowling Pin match at the soon to be famous Airfield Shooting Club range in historic Wakefield. Ammunition is now more plentiful, so you have no reason not to attend. We will begin at 9:30 this Saturday, April 2nd. For information, rules, and directions, please see our web site at For specific questions, our associate, adjunct, chief pinhead is always ready with pithy advice of questionable quality at [email protected]. He isn’t all that bright, but the price is right!

See you at the range


Calling All Trap Shooters!!!

We have a member Jon Lester who has volunteered to run some ATA/AIM Trap shooting events.  This takes a lot of work to host, but Jon has gladly stepped up.  Anyone is welcome to come watch or shoot.  If you are not an Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) member,  Jon has the forms to join on site.  Cost is $20 for adults to join and $25 for youth ($12 ATA and $13 AIM).  Please bring cash – no credit cards please.

These shoots are for all ages to include kids!  The kids become part of a AIM (Academics, Integrity and Marksmanship) and compete at their level.  They have the ability to go beyond just our club if they are interested as AIM is a Nation Wide competition.

The two Big 50 shoots on Sunday will be a 1400 start time.  The Saturday morning shoots are at 1000.  Registration starts 30 minutes prior.  Cost is $10 per shooter to cover targets and ATA fees.  Cash only please.  Here is a schedule of the upcoming shoots.

  • Saturday – 2 April 2022 for VYTL, week 2 (28 Mar -3 April)
  • Sunday – 10 April 2022 – Pollenfest Big 50 [VYTL, week 3]
  • Saturday – 16 April 2022 for VYTL, week 4 (11-17 April)
  • Saturday – 23 April 2022 for VYTL, week 5 (18-24 April)
  • Saturday – 30 April 2022 for VYTL, week 6 (25 April – 1 May)
  • Saturday – 7 May 2022 for VYTL, week 7 (2-8 May)
  • Saturday – 14 May 2022 for VYTL, week 8 (9-15 May)
  • Sunday – 22 May 2022 – Memorial Big 50

Any questions, feel free to reach out for more info.

Jon Lester

E-mail:  [email protected]

Cell:  (757) 630-7759

Women On Target (WOT) Is BACK!!!!!

June 4th, 2022 – Women on Target is back this year!  All women, ages 12+ are welcome and encouraged to come out to experience firearm education in a safe and supportive environment.  This women only event will cover education in pistol, shotgun, rifle and archery.  The cost is $65/person this year and will be inclusive of all firearms, ammo and lunch at the Conference Center.

Women will benefit from one-on-one instruction with certified instructors in each discipline.  Participants will receive materials and a certificate of participation.

This is a fantastic event for those women that have never held a firearm before to maybe those that have experience in a discipline but not another.

Don’t wait, spots are limited.  Sign up here Today!



ASC Membership Renewals Delayed

ASC Members, due to an unforeseen technical issue, the Airfield Shooting Club Membership Renewals will be delayed this year. Renewals will go out by April 2nd. Please do not pay ahead of receiving your renewal form.  A notice will be posted when the renewals are sent to keep everyone informed. If you have not received a renewal form by April 15th, please contact the Secretary at [email protected]. The gate combination change will be delayed to allow time for mailing out new cards. Please continue to use your current card until we announce that the locks have been changed. Thank you for your understanding.

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