Freedom Bowling Pin Match Results

Warm and Gentle Shooters,

It definitely was the Fourth of July weekend at the range and shall we say the temperature didn’t disappoint. Regardless, out intrepid shooters fired 235 strings today with a large number of five gun competitors. I would be remiss if I didn’t offer a shout out to one of our original match directors, Cort Tompkins, who dropped by today to shoot the match. We have five Saturday’s in July, meaning you have an extra week to practice (or get enough gunpowder into your new .38 Special load to actually move your pin off the table) before our next match on August 6th. Until then, celebrate or weep over this month’s results posted below for your viewing pleasure.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 5.53 2.89 4.24 2.78 15.44 2.78
2 Cort Tompkins 3.69 4.92 3.50 4.12 16.23
3 Taylor Strickland 4.36 4.65 3.22 4.46 16.69
4 Steven Gordon 4.46 2.99 6.26 4.25 17.96
5 Corbett Allen 10.56 7.94 10.62 11.28 40.40
6 Courtney Bolze 7.35 5.81 35.00 3.63 51.79
7 Chris Covert 6.61 5.96 8.38 45.00 65.95
1 Cort Tompkins 6.51 8.09 5.74 6.64 26.98 5.74
2 Taylor Strickland 8.55 6.90 6.66 6.87 28.98
3 Corbett Allen 11.73 7.11 9.40 25.00 53.24
4 Steven Gordon 25.00 8.10 25.00 9.36 67.46
5 Courtney Bolze 10.44 14.74 12.87 35.00 73.05
6 Art Schoner 25.00 6.68 35.00 10.30 76.98
7 Don Aubuchon 45.00 25.00 25.00 14.82 109.82
1 Corbett Allen 5.22 7.57 7.67 7.14 27.60 5.22
NFS Frank Sanders 9.88 8.29 8.00 5.64 31.81
2 Frank Sanders 7.76 7.74 9.04 7.94 32.48
3 Courtney Bolze 11.78 8.94 8.94 7.31 36.97
4 Art Schoner 8.52 12.28 9.33 13.61 43.74
NFS Bob Coleman 14.87 14.28 10.96 10.64 50.75
5 Bob Coleman 12.80 25.00 12.30 25.00 75.10
6 Steven Gordon 11.31 7.95 55.00 9.12 83.38
7 Don Aubuchon 35.00 35.00 13.75 13.91 97.66
8 Cort Tompkins 25.00 8.33 35.00 45.00 113.33
9 Taylor Strickland 14.85 45.00 14.08 85.00 158.93
10 Everett Woesmen 25.00 45.00 45.00 55.00 170.00
1 Cort Tompkins 6.80 4.91 6.90 5.79 24.40 4.91
2 Courtney Bolze 6.97 9.10 5.76 5.23 27.06
3 Corbett Allen 35.00 10.40 8.07 6.69 60.16
4 Steven Gordon 35.00 25.00 25.00 10.88 95.88
5 Art Schoner 25.00 25.00 12.31 35.00 97.31
6 Don Aubuchon 25.00 25.00 45.00 25.00 120.00
NFS Chris Covert 13.38 55.00 25.00 35.00 128.38
7 Chris Covert 45.00 45.00 45.00 13.04 148.04
8 Taylor Strickland 65.00 55.00 25.00 12.69 157.69
1 Corbett Allen 5.50 5.48 4.75 8.86 24.59
2 Cort Tompkins 5.48 25.00 4.39 4.53 39.40
3 Taylor Strickland 25.00 7.83 7.44 3.72 43.99
4 Courtney Bolze 4.46 4.01 7.59 35.00 51.06 4.01
5 Steven Gordon 25.00 11.45 12.34 9.04 57.83
6 Art Schoner 8.23 7.39 9.80 35.00 60.42
7 Bob Coleman 10.46 35.00 8.12 7.10 60.68
8 Don Aubuchon 11.09 10.48 25.00 45.00 91.57
9 Josh Brown 65.00 45.00 25.00 12.18 147.18
NFS Josh Brown 45.00 14.63 55.00 65.00 179.63
10 Ryan Delbridge 45.00 35.00 45.00 55.00 180.00
11 Chris Covert 65.00 65.00 45.00 45.00 220.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Corbett Allen 40.40 53.24 27.60 60.16 24.59 205.99
Cort Tompkins 16.23 26.98 113.33 24.4 39.4 220.34
Courtney Bolze 51.79 73.05 36.97 27.06 51.06 239.93
Art Schoner 15.44 76.98 43.74 97.31 60.42 293.89
Steven Gordon 17.96 67.46 83.38 95.88 57.83 322.51
Taylor Strickland 16.69 28.98 158.93 157.69 43.99 406.28

Freedom Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

We are having a Bowling Pin Match Saturday July 2nd at 9:30 AM at the pastoral Airfield Shooting Club range in stunning Wakefield Virginia because America. I can’t think of a better way to fire up the Fourth of July weekend that with your favorite guns and your favorite friends. I know that I will be debuting a new optical sight and reload for my 38 revolver. Anyone who has attended a match where I am trying something new can attest to the entertainment value in my overwhelming frustration in the next installment of “what else can go wrong.” That alone is worth the cost of admission. Rules for the match and directions to the range are available on our web site at Specific questions and concerns along with the more general insults may be hurled at [email protected]. See you at the range


June Results- 22LR Bench Rest Competition

A huge thank you for those who came out to the range on Sunday and participated in the first Rimfire Bench Rest event.  The turnout was fantastic, we had great weather and loads of fun.  I learned a lot being my first time as a match director but just thinking about it, I would say it turned out better than expected!
Stay tuned and keep an eye the calendar!  I’m sure we will more 22LR events to come!  See you at the range!!!

Check the scores and results at this link:

June 2022 Rimfire Benchrest Results

Tom Sanford

2022 ASC Election Flyer

ASC Members,

Please see the below link to access the 2022 Special Edition Newsletter for Airfield Shooting Club, containing information on the 2022 Member Elections, the July 16 Election Meeting and annual member breakfast.

Please RSVP for the Member Breakfast by July 13, by emailing Chris Ferguson at the email listed on the Flyer.

2022 ASC Election Flyer

Work Party

Work Party

It’s time to clean up and do a little range maintenance.  Given time, and enough members show up, I’d like to tackle the following items Sunday starting at 10:00

  • Pressure washing the outside of the restroom building.
  • Cleaning both the 50-yard and 100-meter ranges.
  • Sealing both ranges’ roofs.
  • Repainting the red safety lines
  • Sealing the wall between the ranges (if enough members show)
  • General range and grounds clean up to include the trash immediately outside the gate.

Priority will be given to the work on the ranges as to allow the Swamp Shooters access at 1:30.

We will need:

  • Ladders (both step and extension)
  • Gas powered pressure washers
  • Garden hose
  • Telescoping painting poles for sealing the roofs. (We have the brushes and adaptors)
  • Gas/battery powered leaf blowers
  • Telescopic pressure washer wands for use on the roofs.
  • Tools to facilitate safely removing the trash by the gate (rakes and hoes).  There may be reptilian inhabitants.

The forecast is for temps in the 90’s and thunderstorms in the afternoon.  Bring plenty to drink and if the rain forecast holds true, we’ll have to delay the roof work. 

So come out and clean up and improve your ranges.  Remember both ranges will be closed from 10:00 when the Swamp Shooters take over at 1:30. 

Thanks, and I hope to see you on the range,

Art Schoner


Thursday Help Needed

I’m looking for people interested in spending a little time on the range this Thursday. A dumpster for Sunday’s work party will be delivered inside the range area sometime Thursday. All that will need to be done will be to direct the driver to leave it in the correct location. I’ll give 2 hours of service for each half day (for less than 10 minutes light labor). Ideally, I’d like a volunteer to be at the range in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’d like the morning person there NLT 830 and the afternoon person leave no earlier than 3 (or until the dumpster is delivered). I will get a call 30 minutes prior, but I live more than an hour away. If you live close by the club, and can be on standby (for half or whole day), that would be great as well.

I will coordinate the desired location, phone numbers and names after I get the volunteers.

If you’re able to help out, please contact me at [email protected].


Art Schoner

ASC Gate Combination Will Change Saturday, May 21st

The ASC gate combination will be changed after the May Board of Directors meeting. The new badges have been mailed out to members who have paid their renewal invoice and provided updated NRA if necessary.  

If you have not seen your renewal, please check your junk folder. They were emailed out between April 3rd and 5th. Review your renewal form for the amount owed. If your NRA is marked expired, please email the Secretary,,  a copy of your current NRA card or NRA magazine label.

Renewal Due Date
You will have until June 1st to pay your membership dues and other costs owed to ASC.
If you pay your membership dues after June 1st through August 31st there will be a penalty fee of $25.00.
After September 1st, you will be required to re-join the club. This will include attending new member orientation, reviewing club rules and regulations, and paying owed back dues as well as the $50.00 initiation fee.

Thank you



The Woman on Target Program is all sold out for this year!!!  If interested you may still register on the NRA website but it will record you as a standby participant.  If we do have a cancellation we will go in order of the standby list.  Thank you!!!!

If you have any questions please contact Scott Sampson 757-618-1525.

Thank you!!



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