Quick Service Hour Opportunity

Do you live close to the club and want an opportunity to check out the progress? If so, there is a job that requires at least 2 sets of hands. It’s quite simple in scope. All of the material in the pictures below needs to be moved off the grass and into the shelter, to enable the contractor to grade and spread screenings. If you take a non-member to help, you get twice the hours! If you’re interested, let me know at [email protected]. If possible, I’d like to get this done today, or tomorrow morning.


Art Schoner

Airfield Shooting and Country Club???

Mother nature has decided to add 2 pools to our ranges. The SRB side wall will now double as a lifeguard stand!

Seriously, it got a little wet at the club yesterday. These pictures were taken at 1:45, in between bands of rain. You can see that 4 of the 6 layers of block are in place on the back wall of the SRB. MT2 is still processing the lead out of the soil. I haven’t heard from either contractor on when they think they’ll be able to return. I hope to get a realistic completion date later this week so I can plan the massive work party required to get our ranges back in operation. If you have a powered post hole digger, please let me know and include the size(s) auger you have for it as well.

Art Schoner

[email protected]

Berm Work Update 4/23/23

Here is your weekly update for the first week of work on the berms:
As I stated in my last post here, the equipment started showing up Tuesday April 18th and MT2 went to work, slicing off 3 inches of the berm at a time and placing it in windrows. They then repeatedly turned the dirt over in order to get it dry enough to be processed. I’m attaching several pictures showing the progress and a video of the machine taking out the large trash out of the berm materials. The SRB is almost completely gone, there is just some remnants left in the side berm.
Yesterday afternoon at approximately 2PM, they were in the process of placing and compacting lifts on the 50-yd berm, while still processing the materials. They had covered the dirt removed on the 100m range in preparation for the coming rains.
While MT2 continues their work, Timberland should be on site Tuesday to begin the job of rebuilding the SRB. More details on this to come, hopefully later this week.
For those wondering, the 50 and 100 remain closed, and the shotgun fields will remain open throughout the rest of this evolution.

Art Schoner

Free USCCA Online Mini Class Session

Good Evening folks,

In order to ease the pain of the range being closed for repairs and renovations, our Chief Instructor Scott Sampson will be offering a FREE Online United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) mini class this Monday night (4/24) at 7 PM.  The class will be about 1.5 – 2 hours long.  The mini class will be on “The Legal Use of Force”.  You will be required to provide your ASC membership number and will be registered for the class with USCCA.  Again there is no fee.

The link to join is meet.google.com/bnk-mqpn-gwm

Hope to see you online!


WOT – June 10th 2023

June 10th, 2023 – Calling all Ladies!  Join us for Women on Target!   All women, ages 12+ are welcome and encouraged to come out to experience firearm education in a safe and supportive environment.  This women only event will cover education in pistol, shotgun, rifle and archery.  The cost is $65/person this year and will be inclusive of all firearms, ammo and lunch at the Conference Center.

Women will benefit from one-on-one instruction with certified instructors in each discipline.  Participants will receive materials and a certificate of participation.

This is a fantastic event for those women that have never held a firearm before to maybe those that have experience in a discipline but not another.

Don’t wait, spots are limited.  Sign up here Today!

ASC Women on Target 2023 Flyer

4/22 Work Party

The work party this Saturday is full. Please do not send any further responses.
If you responded, thank you for volunteering! If you have not received an email directly from me, your attendance is not needed. Only the 3 members notified will receive service hours.

Art Schoner

Work Party on 4/22

Want to knock out two birds with one stone (no pun intended?) You can get an early jump on your service hours and check out the condition of the ranges Saturday. Wes Norton will be running a 2-to-3-person work party to transfer birds from the Conex to the skeet houses. Wes will provide the access, transportation of the birds, everything but the lifting/carrying. If you’re interested, send me an email at [email protected]. The first 3 members to respond, get the hours.

Meet Wes at 9:00 Saturday 4/22 at the 50-yd range.

Art Schoner

Berm Update and Shotgun Range News 04/16/23

Berm work will begin as soon as a CAT excavator can be delivered, hopefully, tomorrow morning. The range will be closed upon arrival of the equipment. If you want to risk it and feel you must get some rounds down range before the closure, do so at your own risk. Wes Norton or I will be onsite whenever the equipment is delivered and will immediately close the ranges by putting out the black flags on the 50 and 100. The ranges will remain closed until re-opened, after the work is complete. Let’s skip the discussion of what would happen if anyone were to use a range during its closure. I’m working the possibility of getting the work started on the SRB while the other work is underway, which would shorten the overall schedule.
With concurrence from the MT2 project superintendent, the shotguns fields will remain open during this phase of the work.

Art Schoner

Berm Work Update 4/13/2023

More delays from our contractor. Work will not begin Friday or Saturday. Their crew leader will be showing up on site this weekend to assess the situation (mostly the condition of the berm materials). All ranges, except the SRB, remain open for the weekend. When he shows up, I’ll temporarily close each range as required for him to assess the conditions.

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