Bowling Pin A Thon Match Results

We had a nice if a bit warm day for pin shooting. Cort Tompkins dominated all categories for a complete and compelling win. He did leave one Fastest String for Taylor Strickland, but no other shooter came close. I’d also like to thank those volunteers who helped out today with scoring.Your handwriting was very good and your assistance did speed the match. We get to do it all again Saturday, October 2nd. Until then, practice. Your scores are below.


String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cort Tompkins 3.31 2.46 3.17 3.03 11.97
2 Taylor Strickland 3.71 2.72 2.37 7.47 16.27 2.37
3 Art Schoner 2.84 4.98 4.26 4.80 16.88
4 Steven Gordon 4.20 4.16 6.13 2.94 17.43
5 Rod Quiros 5.83 8.47 4.54 3.97 22.81
6 Allen Moran 5.18 6.01 7.18 5.16 23.53
7 Cory Allen 25.00 6.76 5.91 2.88 40.55
8 Courtney Bolze 25.00 6.77 4.41 4.58 40.76
9 Kenny Hardee 9.34 9.39 9.28 25.00 53.01
10 Chris Covert 8.27 25.00 12.31 13.40 58.98
1 Cort Tompkins 6.18 4.24 5.54 5.04 21.00 4.24
2 Cory Allen 9.28 8.27 6.56 7.45 31.56
3 Kenny Hardee 10.43 7.68 12.98 7.74 38.83
4 Allen Moran 9.58 10.23 10.09 9.13 39.03
5 Tip Wight 6.30 6.44 25.00 7.37 45.11
6 Courtney Bolze 13.38 6.93 25.00 7.45 52.76
7 Taylor Strickland 11.70 25.00 7.56 12.04 56.30
8 Phillip Van Cleave 9.08 45.00 9.54 9.24 72.86
9 Frank Sanders 55.00 7.46 6.12 8.36 76.94
10 Steven Gordon 35.00 25.00 7.15 13.15 80.30
11 Art Schoner 5.44 35.00 45.00 25.00 110.44
12 Dan Kniseley 6.49 10.29 55.00 55.00 126.78
1 Cort Tompkins 4.35 4.16 6.68 4.24 19.43 4.16
2 Taylor Strickland 6.55 7.53 7.64 9.59 31.31
3 Rod Quiros 8.66 7.26 12.24 7.79 35.95
4 Steven Gordon 11.90 9.89 8.13 11.01 40.93
5 Phillip Van Cleave 14.15 10.06 12.38 9.16 45.75
6 Dan Kniseley 9.69 25.00 11.54 10.34 56.57
7 Cory Allen 7.92 14.74 25.00 9.27 56.93
NFS Rod Quiros 8.62 25.00 14.48 9.29 57.39
8 Art Schoner 8.57 7.47 11.38 35.00 62.42
9 Courtney Bolze 35.00 12.35 8.78 8.87 65.00
10 Allen Moran 13.51 10.31 35.00 6.98 65.80
11 Kenny Hardee 35.00 9.70 25.00 12.26 81.96
12 Tip Wight 35.00 14.61 25.00 25.00 99.61
13 Chris Covert 85.00 95.00 55.00 55.00 290.00
1 Cort Tompkins 5.10 3.71 4.21 3.88 16.90 3.71
2 Courtney Bolze 5.64 4.86 5.00 8.19 23.69
3 Cory Allen 7.47 7.19 9.73 8.01 32.40
4 Allen Moran 7.11 35.00 8.27 10.17 60.55
5 Tip Wight 11.69 8.28 25.00 25.00 69.97
6 Steven Gordon 13.81 25.00 11.95 35.00 85.76
7 Art Schoner 25.00 8.95 45.00 7.86 86.81
8 Frank Sanders 35.00 45.00 25.00 5.91 110.91
9 Taylor Strickland 25.00 65.00 25.00 8.52 123.52
10 Chris Covert 45.00 55.00 35.00 55.00 190.00
11 Dan Kniseley 55.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 220.00
1 Cort Tompkins 3.82 7.45 5.91 4.66 21.84 3.82
2 Taylor Strickland 5.12 4.63 10.32 4.72 24.79
3 Phillip Van Cleave 5.85 7.12 9.10 5.13 27.20
4 Allen Moran 5.81 9.30 5.96 6.38 27.45
5 Cory Allen 6.13 7.03 8.60 8.61 30.37
6 Art Schoner 10.31 8.59 8.09 7.45 34.44
7 Steven Gordon 7.03 25.00 6.97 4.72 43.72
8 Tip Wight 8.72 5.95 5.73 25.00 45.40
9 Courtney Bolze 35.00 10.61 9.13 7.11 61.85
10 Dan Kniseley 55.00 25.00 25.00 9.52 114.52
11 Chris Covert 25.00 55.00 13.98 25.00 118.98
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Cort Tompkins 11.97 21.00 19.43 16.90 21.84 91.14
2 Cory Allen 40.55 31.56 56.93 32.40 30.37 191.81
3 Allen Moran 23.53 39.03 65.80 60.55 27.45 216.36
4 Courtney Bolze 40.76 52.76 65.00 23.69 61.85 244.06
5 Taylor Strickland 16.27 56.30 31.31 123.52 24.79 252.19
6 Steven Gordon 17.43 80.30 40.93 85.76 43.72 268.14
7 Art Schoner 16.88 110.44 62.42 86.81 34.44 310.99

Future Work Party

Hello from your new elected MO, Cory Allen. With all the recent upgrades and repairs to the range I was left in pretty good shape. We will be looking to schedule a few work parties in September and/or October. I am currently waiting for information back from Kathy, the 4H center director, about helping with the new 3D archery range work party in early October. As soon as we find out details they will posted. If you need service hours this will be a good way to make them.

Now that the lead abatement and rebuilding of the SRB has been completed, we need to tackle a project on the berm separating the 100 from the shotgun range. The majority of the vegetation needs to be stripped so that we do not risk losing the berm in the event of a major storm, i.e. hurricane. The roadways down to the shotgun range will need to be trimmed back also. If any member has access to a tractor with cutting attachments, mini excavator or a skid loader/tractor with a grapple that would be a big plus. If you have access to this type of equipment, please reach out to me at [email protected] so that we can coordinate a good date for the work party.

I look forward to working with all the board members and the members of the club to keep the club in excellent shape and make future improvements to the facilities.

Cory Allen


Labor Day Weekend Bowling Pin-a-thon

Gentle Shooters,

There is no longer a Labor Day weekend Telethon as there was in my youth, and no, we won’t tie up the range all weekend, In fact, If you intend to shoot bowling pins this weekend, then we need you at the idyllic Airfield Shooting Club range at 9:30 this Saturday September 2nd. You can review the rules here. For specific questions, please contact our assistant adjunct chief pinhead at [email protected]. See you Saturday!


Rimfire results for August, 2023

Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for August.   The rimfire match follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line.  Next match for this year is scheduled in September, If you haven’t had a chance to test your shooting skills, here’s your opportunity.  See you at the 50 yard line!  Reserve your bench early!
Thanks everyone!  Tom Sanford

Trap an Skeet RSOs Needed Sept 23rd

We are in need of two RSOs for a Peninsula Community Chapel Mens Retreat.  I will need an RSO for the Trap Field and one for the Skeet Field.  It is anticipated to meet 3 service hours. The event will run form 10-12 but require 30 min setup and clean up on each side.

Each RSO is required to be qualified to open and operate the fields.  If you have a current combination and RFID card, you are qualified.

If interested please contact the Scott Sampson at [email protected].

Thank you!


Board Meeting Change

Due to the loss of the wife of a long-time board member whose services will be held this Saturday, the board meeting has been changed to a virtual meeting.

Any member desiring to attend can get the link by emailing me at [email protected]. Please include your member number.


Dog Days Bowling Pin Shoot

Gentle Shooters,

The next installment of “How the Pins Fall” will occur this Saturday, August 5th at the newly renovated Airfield Shooting Complex in Uptown Wakefield. All of your friends will be there at 9:30, so don’t miss it. We are expecting much better weather. And we may even post scores after the match! New to Bowling Pin Shooting? See our information page. Specific Questions? Well good luck but sometimes our Adjunct Associate Chief Pinhead can help at [email protected]. See you Saturday


Defensive shooting match tomorrow Saturday July 29th

Defensive shooting match tomorrow Saturday July 29th weather looks to be clear but hot so please make sure if you are coming to dress appropriately there will be a water cooler full of ice water and I will have fans out there but we are expecting actual air temperature of 95° if you have pop-up canopies please bring them shade is our friend


I hope to see everyone out there tomorrow let’s go have a fun and safe day of shooting

Rimfire Challenge – 50 Yard Line Bench Rest

Thanks everyone!  Tom Sanford

Range Updates and Housekeeping

Range Updates:

1) The 100m range is now open for vehicular traffic, when appropriate. Be smart! If its wet, or soft, you probably shouldn’t be driving down there. If you make the wrong decision, and leave ruts, or otherwise damage the range, you’ll probably be asked to make it right (in one form or another).

2) The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) that was located in the sign-in shed was recently relocated adjacent to the steps on the 50 nearest the 100m range. This was done at the request of the Center, in order for them to have access while using the range. If you open the range, please check to make sure it’s still inside.

Last year, the club placed a quality first aid kit and quality trauma kit in the sign-in shed. If you get a minor cut or scape and need something from the first aid kit, please use whatever is required. Afterwards please notify the MO ([email protected]) of all supplies and/or equipment used so they can be properly restocked. There is little worse than going to a first aid kit in need and finding it depleted. If you require the trauma kit, render assistance following the procedures in the range rules.

We are a shooting CLUB. We are dependent upon volunteers to run the club and to help with maintaining and improving our ranges and facilities. I’d like to thank everyone who supported me (and the club) in the last 2 years by coming out to work parties. Unfortunately, there is a small core group of people that made most of the work parties and were responsible for the majority of the work. Please come out and help out at the next work party, given enough members, the work goes quickly. If you’re not careful, you may even find yourself having a good time and may even make a new friend or two! Can’t make the work parties? Contact the MO and let him know if you have any trade skills or hobbies that could be beneficial to the club.

The last thing I’d like to say here is thank Cory Allen for stepping up to assume the role as Maintenance Officer for the club as I move up to become president. I know Cory will do a great job. Please support him as much as possible. It’s a big job that only gets easier and better with help from members.

Thanks again for the support over the last two years. I hope to see you on the range.

Art Schoner
ASC MO/President Elect

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