Need some last minute Holiday Gift ideas????

Airfield Shooting club has some exciting training classes that will be coming up.  Please mark your calendars and let me know if you are interested.  PLEASE DO NOT PAY in advance.  If you do and we don’t have room for the class, then it painful for us to refund your money.  Some of these might make the perfect Holiday Gift!!!!

Jan 17th (Wednesday) –  Situational Awareness the beginning to the best defense. 

This will be a FREE Online Course 7-8:30 PM.  This course will be an online class offered by Scott Sampson and part of USCCA’s Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.  Learn about the Color Codes, what to look for, how to walk, where to walk, etc.  Criminals look for victims that are not paying attention.  Learn how to be a harder target!  For questions or the link to attend email [email protected]


Feb 10th  (Saturday) – ASC First Steps Class with a legal review for concealed carry and the use of deadly force.

This will be a $65.00 donation.  For more details visit:


Feb 17th (Monday) – How make your Home, your Castle! 

This course will be a FREE online class offered by Scott Sampson and part of USCCA’s Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals.  Learn how to assess your home how a criminal might, how to make it a harder target from early detection, making it harder to break into and what to put in a safe room.  Learn how to be a harder target!  For questions or the link to attend email [email protected].


May 18/19 – Handgun Combatives Kinetic Combative Pistol Course

IN YALE, VA (NOT Airfield sponsored event but an opportunity)  – This course is all about movement and using those essential skills while on the move. Here’s a link to that one:

The Kinetic Combative Pistol course is one that will get you thinking about more options and will make you a better shooter AND a better CCW-er. There is some physical exertion in this course.  We have a lot of great info to share and bring to you. We will have a TON of fun! (oh – I bet you’ll learn something too!)

June 1 & 2 – Critical Carry Skills

Donation of $450.00

This 2 day course will build your Critical Carry Skills for shooting along with your mindset and ability to win a gunfight. These are not ‘range shooting skills’. These are CRITICAL shooting skills that will save your life, taught by Rochester Personal Defense.

Think about this: Once you have been forced to defend yourself, you MUST win. There is no other option. The skills that you will learn and refine in this course are designed to help you do just that. Coupled with the required mindset, you will greatly increase your odds.

This course will also make your reaction time, presentation, reload, and your overall Critical Carry shooting skills faster and more efficient. Our goal is to help you make the transition from thinking about each skill to a near intuitive and efficient and skilled shooter.

If you wish to draw faster, reload faster, become a more accurate shooter, and be able to process information and feedback from your handgun better, this is the course for you!

Critical Carry Skills – for that Critical moment in your life.

For questions email [email protected].


We are working on setting dates for more…so stay tuned!  Until then keep training!  If you have

Have a great holiday season!

Defensive shooting match January 6th at new start time 8:00 a.m.

The next defensive shooting match will be held on January 6th set up time for this match will be 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief at 8:30 trying to move things up an hour so as to not tie up as much time on the 50 and SRB

 Open to members and non-members.
Come out enjoy a day on the Range, set up 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief 8:30 if you are bringing loaded mags remember we run capacity cap at 10 Rounds maximum.

Members $5 entry $2 for every additional category
Non-members $10 entry same $2 for additional categories

For any questions please contact me at

[email protected]

December Bowling Pin Match results

Gentle Shooters,

We draw to the close of another year of Bowling Pin shooting. Thanks to all of our competitors who come out month after month, set up, tear down, and support and even heckle our shooting community. I have to say that I am not worthy of this group that I find myself a part of. It is pleasure to know and get to shoot with each and every one of you. I learn something every time I set foot on the range with all of you. I hope to see all of you around the range this winter and certainly on Saturday, April 6 at 9:30 in the morning at the stunning ASC range for the next installment of how the pins fall. You final scores are posted below, but stay tuned for the 2023 and all time recap coming to a club newsletter near you.


String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cory Allen 2.89 2.61 3.90 2.68 12.08
2 Art Schoner 4.32 2.87 2.58 4.96 14.73 2.58
3 Taylor Strickland 10.59 3.11 4.13 3.06 20.89
4 Rod Quiros 5.87 8.92 8.92 4.30 28.01
5 Kenny Hardee 12.26 6.61 8.04 5.77 32.68
6 Benaiuh Goodman 14.10 13.23 35.00 35.00 97.33
NFS Chris Covert 12.43 9.13 35.00 45.00 101.56
7 Chris Covert 10.60 35.00 25.00 35.00 105.60
8 Jamar Goodman 45.00 55.00 55.00 65.00 220.00
1 Phillip Van Cleave 5.89 8.42 9.11 8.52 31.94 5.89
2 Charles Lankford 13.42 7.28 9.66 12.11 42.47
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 9.55 9.11 10.49 13.58 42.73
3 Cory Allen 10.49 11.55 12.37 12.87 47.28
4 Rod Quiros 25.00 11.54 9.67 9.28 55.49
5 Jamar Goodman 7.83 13.59 25.00 13.82 60.24
6 Kenny Hardee 12.37 8.79 35.00 8.95 65.11
7 Art Schoner 10.20 25.00 25.00 25.00 85.20
8 Taylor Strickland 35.00 7.88 10.30 35.00 88.18
NFS Matt Altekruse 25.00 25.00 10.25 45.00 105.25
9 Matt Altekruse 55.00 6.96 8.54 35.00 105.50
10 Benaiuh Goodman 35.00 35.00 55.00 11.73 136.73
1 Rod Quiros 6.50 5.03 6.53 7.31 25.37 5.03
2 Kenny Hardee 7.04 6.78 6.45 7.31 27.58
3 Taylor Strickland 5.92 8.91 7.80 7.42 30.05
4 Matt Altekruse 8.77 5.55 9.20 7.96 31.48
5 Charles Lankford 6.75 13.41 7.59 7.31 35.06
6 Phillip Van Cleave 8.88 8.30 10.44 7.91 35.53
NFS Matt Altekruse 11.93 9.74 10.95 10.00 42.62
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 11.06 10.96 10.00 35.00 67.02
7 Art Schoner 35.00 9.90 11.00 13.22 69.12
8 Cory Allen 35.00 13.29 55.00 12.60 115.89
9 Brenda Norton 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 340.00
1 Charles Lankford 5.72 25.00 7.37 4.70 42.79 4.70
2 Art Schoner 25.00 25.00 7.23 6.14 63.37
3 Cory Allen 7.94 25.00 25.00 25.00 82.94
4 Taylor Strickland 35.00 65.00 65.00 35.00 200.00
1 Cory Allen 6.63 8.17 5.11 6.55 26.46 5.11
2 Taylor Strickland 9.11 7.04 7.80 5.15 29.10
3 Kenny Hardee 8.92 7.02 6.37 8.59 30.90
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 7.96 8.36 7.66 11.97 35.95
4 Art Schoner 9.82 7.87 12.62 6.37 36.68
5 Phillip Van Cleave 9.28 11.36 5.88 12.32 38.84
6 Charles Lankford 13.87 8.90 9.27 7.88 39.92
7 Chris Covert 35.00 25.00 25.00 14.76 99.76
NFS Chris Covert 12.22 45.00 45.00 25.00 127.22
8 Brenda Norton 65.00 25.00 35.00 65.00 190.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Art Schoner 14.73 85.2 69.12 63.37 36.68 269.10
2 Cory Allen 12.08 47.28 115.89 82.94 26.46 284.65
3 Taylor Strickland 20.89 88.18 30.05 200 29.1 368.22

Glasses Found

A pair of glasses, appears to be prescription glasses were found at the range. If you may have lost a pair of prescription glasses please reach out to me or Brenda Norton, shotgun director.




Instructor Opportunity

The Airfield Conference Center is looking for one or two volunteers to help them to teach shotgun to young folks. Most of the work would take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during their summer camp season. Other opportunities to teach shotgun would be at special events and perhaps during events where someone rents the range and would like instructor assistance. Any of these instructor services which you might provide to the Center will count toward service hours with ASC.

If you meet their criteria, instructor training is available. The 4-H Shotgun Instructor training includes an online session and two days of in person training. If things go as planned, the in-person training would take place at Airfield.

Contact Dale Mullin ([email protected]) if interested.

The Culmination of the 2023 Bowling Pin Season is Saturday

Gentle Shooters,

We will reach the end of another Bowling Pin season this weekend. Saturday December 2nd is the last match of the season. The pins will go dark until April 6th of 2024. That is 126 days before we will shoot pins again. So don’t miss the match this Saturday at 9:30 at the newly renovated 50 yard range at the Airfield Shooting Club in stunning Wakefield Virginia. The rules for the match and directions can be found at the shooting club web site Good Luck.


Modified Small Bore Silhouette Rifle Challenge

The first modified NRA Rimfire Silhouette Match shooting small steel silhouette targets (chicken, pigs, turkey & ram) was held on Sunday, November 19. We all had a great time doing our best. Traditionally the match is shot in the standing off-hand position but we will try our hand at the bench using front rests only at the different size animal silhouettes at the berm (approximately 60 yards).  The match description is a relay of 4 shooters shooting the course of fire for their respective targets/distance then rotate to the next station and repeat until all four stations have been completed.  This is a timed event to complete the string of 5 targets with a rest period of 30 seconds between strings. It is more challenging than one thinks. Our next Rimfire Challenge will be Steel Challenge in December (weather permitting) using 22LR pistols and/or rifles.


scores here 11_19 Small Bore Silhouette Rimfire Challenge

Lost items at range

I received an email from a member today about some lost magazines found at the SRB on Friday Nov 10th. Also a drill was left at the range Sunday Nov 5th the work party day. Please email the MO if anyone may have been the members that left either item so they can be returned.

Greetings from member 770 Dave Hodgson.

At the SRB today I found two 17 round pistol magazines that someone probably left on Friday some time. There were a lot of signups so I did not copy them down. Can an email be sent out to see if someone in the club left them? They aint cheap!





[email protected]

4H Center Work Party

Do we have a members interested in equestrian events? Well the 4H Center is hosting a work party to do some work on their stables and equestrian area. If you would like to help please RSVP to the information on the flyer. If you do attend please reach out to me with your service hours worked.




Yes, There are Bowling Pin Shoot results in November

Gentle Shooters,

I am a little off my game this month. I will certainly do better for the next match, Saturday, December 2nd. Until then, technically practice isn’t cheating and ponder the scores below.

String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Taylor Strickland 2.73 3.33 3.09 2.56 11.71 2.56
2 Paul Lynch 6.49 3.57 5.06 4.47 19.59
3 Art Schoner 3.71 3.22 9.40 3.92 20.25
4 Cory Allen 2.87 7.28 3.63 7.84 21.62
5 Cort Tompkins 2.33 2.21 2.79 14.64 21.97
6 Frank Sanders 7.83 4.25 5.02 5.15 22.25
7 Courtney Bolze 3.80 6.67 10.85 4.52 25.84
8 Kenny Hardee 6.72 9.71 12.63 9.18 38.24
9 Shane Pouns 11.70 8.15 9.95 11.41 41.21
1 Cort Tompkins 3.65 4.37 6.88 6.89 21.79 3.65
2 Phillip Van Cleave 5.38 6.33 9.58 11.01 32.30
3 Cory Allen 12.64 5.63 8.19 8.10 34.56
4 Paul Lynch 6.92 5.91 11.81 10.20 34.84
5 Art Schoner 12.82 9.56 11.24 11.74 45.36
6 Taylor Strickland 12.44 11.14 14.25 13.00 50.83
NFS Daniel Stayner 11.38 15.00 8.55 35.00 69.93
7 Courtney Bolze 14.38 9.46 7.18 45.00 76.02
8 Daniel Stayner 9.68 11.76 9.84 45.00 76.28
9 M. Altekrose 35.00 25.00 7.20 10.67 77.87
10 Frank Sanders 7.20 13.83 11.85 55.00 87.88
11 Kenny Hardee 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 110.00
12 Dan Kniseley 35.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 130.00
1 Cort Tompkins 5.60 5.42 5.00 5.98 22.00
2 Cory Allen 7.24 5.42 8.41 9.26 30.33
3 Paul Lynch 9.97 7.61 7.83 4.95 30.36 4.95
4 Kenny Hardee 6.77 9.14 6.67 8.39 30.97
5 Taylor Strickland 9.11 8.00 9.74 10.13 36.98
NFS Shane Pouns 10.55 9.01 14.18 8.50 42.24
NFS M. Altekrose 11.69 8.93 14.12 12.39 47.13
6 M. Altekrose 11.14 5.57 25.00 8.79 50.50
7 Shane Pouns 8.79 9.56 8.72 25.00 52.07
NFS Bob Coleman 12.97 25.00 12.53 10.31 60.81
8 Benaiuh Goodman 14.21 25.00 14.19 14.32 67.72
9 Courtney Bolze 45.00 8.48 10.56 14.28 78.32
10 Phillip Van Cleave 13.70 25.00 12.20 35.00 85.90
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 25.00 45.00 25.00 9.92 104.92
11 Dan Kniseley 11.54 25.00 55.00 35.00 126.54
12 Jamar Goodman 12.47 75.00 12.56 35.00 135.03
13 Art Schoner 11.18 85.00 9.26 35.00 140.44
14 Bob Coleman 55.00 35.00 35.00 25.00 150.00
15 John Gardiner 85.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 160.00
16 Wayng? 25.00 55.00 25.00 55.00 160.00
NFS John Gardiner 55.00 55.00 35.00 25.00 170.00
NFS Wayng? 75.00 55.00 45.00 35.00 210.00
17 Patrick Lonberger 65.00 55.00 55.00 65.00 240.00
1 Cort Tompkins 4.24 4.31 3.95 4.00 16.50 3.95
2 Cory Allen 9.84 9.22 9.80 7.51 36.37
3 Courtney Bolze 7.22 6.42 6.22 25.00 44.86
4 Art Schoner 25.00 8.81 5.50 7.41 46.72
5 Taylor Strickland 14.37 9.17 9.46 35.00 68.00
6 Dan Kniseley 7.44 25.00 8.47 35.00 75.91
7 Paul Lynch 8.25 11.92 45.00 45.00 110.17
1 Cort Tompkins 3.32 3.95 6.10 4.93 18.30 3.32
2 Taylor Strickland 6.53 7.33 6.15 5.91 25.92
3 Phillip Van Cleave 12.41 4.72 8.83 4.60 30.56
4 Kenny Hardee 11.36 7.27 7.46 9.21 35.30
5 Cory Allen 9.08 8.16 25.00 7.45 49.69
6 Courtney Bolze 25.00 8.07 12.46 6.75 52.28
7 Art Schoner 45.00 10.78 10.11 7.22 73.11
8 Paul Lynch 55.00 10.61 10.51 14.50 90.62
9 Dan Kniseley 25.00 55.00 35.00 14.31 129.31
10 Shane Pouns 35.00 55.00 35.00 25.00 150.00
11 Patrick Lonberger 55.00 55.00 25.00 65.00 200.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Cort Tompkins 21.97 21.79 22 16.5 18.3 100.56
Cory Allen 21.62 34.56 30.33 36.37 49.69 172.57
Taylor Strickland 11.71 50.83 36.98 68 25.92 193.44
Courtney Bolze 25.84 76.02 78.32 44.86 52.28 277.32
Paul Lynch 19.59 34.84 30.36 110.17 90.62 285.58
Art Schoner 20.25 45.36 140.44 46.72 73.11 325.88




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