Rimfire Challenge – 50 Yard Line Bench Rest

Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for June.  The competition is fierce this year, going to be a tough year to find out who will be the top shooter.  The rimfire match follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line.  Next match for this year is scheduled in July, If you haven’t had a chance to test your shooting skills, here’s your opportunity.  See you at the 50 yard line!  Reserve your bench early! Thanks everyone!  Tom Sanford 2023 ASC Rimfire Bench Rest Scores – 6_18_2023AM

Defensive shooting match new category

At the next defensive match July 29th there will be a new category of two gun Rifle and Pistol this category will run the same stage footprint as the other categories but with altered round count and procedure to compete in this category a rifle sling is mandatory preferably a two-point sling, single point slings will have to be used in conjunction with a keeper of some sort to prevent the muzzle from pointing directly down at the shooter’s feet, for safety reasons transitioning from rifle to Pistol will only be possible after the magazine of the rifle has been removed if possible and the last round in the chamber has been fired so that it is known without a doubt that there is no life ammunition in the chamber rifles without detachable magazines will have to be fired until empty before transitioning   If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] 

Additional task added to the work party this Saturday

This Saturday in addition to new bowling pin tables and Target stands we will also need help with the preparation of new Target backers taping hole punching and inserting the grommets. There are approximately 75 backers that need to be prepared so there will be plenty to do

Work party Saturday March 4th 9:00 a.m.

Work party Saturday March 4th 9:00 a.m. we will be building pin tables for the bowling pin competition preparing the new cardboard backers for use tape punch the hole installing The Grommet and building new Target stands. If possible bringing woodworking tools will help in speeding up the process. An easy way to get those last few service hours before renewing the annual dues   If you have any questions please contact the defensive shooting director Taylor Strickland at  [email protected]   

January seventh defensive shooting match scores

The Scores for the January seventh defensive shooting match are in the attached pdf, The next defensive shooting match Is tentatively February fourth Depending on range repairs that may or may not be possible, When I have more solid information on the time of the repairs I will get a definitive time for the next match  defensive shooting match scores –>Defensive shooting scores 1-7-2023 If you have any questions please contact me at  [email protected]

Defensive shooting match this Saturday January 7th

Grab your gear and come out and join a run and gun  Set up 9:00AM shooters brief at 9:30AM. Members entry fee $5 non-members entry fee $10 additional categories for each $2 a piece Any questions please contact me at [email protected]   The stages are in the attached PDF  —->Defensive shooting match stages 1-7-2023

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