December Bowling Pin Match Results

We had an outstanding match to close our season Saturday. A baker’s dozen shooters competed while enjoying each others company. There was a lot of talk about potential untoward development from our new legislative regime in Richmond, but we did not let it dampen our spirits. Half of our group met for lunch at the Virginia Diner afterwards. As veteran pin shooters know, we can’t shoot in the dead of winter because the plastic coating on the pins is fragile during cold weather. Our next pin match will be April 4, 2020. Match results are below.

Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Steven Gordon 3.78 4.51 4.68 3.34 16.31 3.34
2 Art Schoner 3.54 5.82 3.54 4.13 17.03
3 Dale Mullin 4.38 4.36 4.06 4.28 17.08
4 Charles Lankford 3.94 5.42 3.27 5.46 18.09
5 Courtney Bolze 4.33 5.46 3.70 7.23 20.72
6 Gary Galumbeck 5.76 4.56 5.42 5.83 21.57
7 Scott Sampson 6.75 6.90 25.00 4.32 42.97
8 Kenneth Clark 7.14 6.88 5.71 25.00 44.73
NFS Frank Sanders 4.43 5.18 5.91 4.03 19.55
1 Frank Sanders 7.48 5.68 8.17 5.33 26.66
2 Courtney Bolze 4.85 8.58 8.21 8.53 30.17 4.85
3 Charles Lankford 5.75 6.39 8.16 25.00 45.30
4 Art Schoner 5.42 9.65 25.00 9.66 49.73
5 Dale Mullin 10.23 35.00 14.44 9.33 69.00
6 Scott Sampson 35.00 10.59 7.69 25.00 78.28
7 Kenneth Clark 35 11.48 25.00 12.17 83.65
8 Steven Gordon 35.00 35.00 10.01 35.00 115.01
9 Don Aubuchon 55.00 12.05 35.00 25.00 127.05
10 David Hodgson 9.59 25.00 35.00 65.00 134.59
11 Gary Galumbeck 25.00 65.00 35.00 35.00 160.00
NFS Ron Boyle 35.00 45.00 45.00 35.00 160.00
12 Ron Boyle 45.00 55.00 65.00 25.00 190.00
1 Kenneth Clark 7.5 7.42 7.83 6.50 29.25
2 Charles Lankford 7.12 10.03 11.27 9.31 37.73
3 Steven Gordon 11.00 11.57 9.04 8.16 39.77
4 David Hodgson 13.30 11.24 8.46 7.68 40.68
5 Courtney Bolze 12.14 9.42 14.04 6.16 41.76 6.16
NFS David Hodgson 25.00 13.52 12.97 12.70 64.19
6 Art Schoner 35.00 9.50 9.21 11.08 64.79
7 Mike Lawler 35.00 9.87 12.00 9.20 66.07
8 Dale Mullin 13.09 8.94 10.05 45.00 77.08
9 Gary Galumbeck 9.08 25.00 8.78 35.00 77.86
10 Don Aubuchon 25.00 10.41 35.00 35.00 105.41
11 Scott Sampson 55.00 45.00 25.00 13.77 138.77
NFS Gary Galumbeck 65.00 10.18 35.00 75.00 185.18
1 Charles Lankford 5.02 5.64 4.54 7.44 22.64 4.54
2 Courtney Bolze 6.68 9.00 5.59 4.77 26.04
3 Don Aubuchon 7.20 9.02 8.66 7.26 32.14
4 Art Schoner 9.91 10.75 8.86 7.81 37.33
5 Dale Mullin 9.14 6.28 35.00 7.68 58.10
6 Scott Sampson 6.83 35.00 14.24 25.00 81.07
7 Steven Gordon 25.00 25.00 35.00 12.48 97.48
8 Kenneth Clark 45 45.00 35.00 35.00 160.00
1 Charles Lankford 5.33 7.97 4.84 7.88 26.02 4.84
2 Courtney Bolze 7.29 7.06 6.72 6.76 27.83
3 Kenneth Clark 9.11 9.01 6.66 8.52 33.30
4 Dale Mullin 10.92 9.16 11.49 9.56 41.13
5 Mike Lawler 6.22 25.00 6.72 8.96 46.90
6 Art Schoner 11.15 25.00 9.75 7.13 53.03
7 Don Aubuchon 12.27 11.55 7.51 25.00 56.33
8 Scott Sampson 45.00 9.12 11.18 8.84 74.14
9 Steven Gordon 10.93 7.66 45.00 13.17 76.76
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Courtney Bolze 20.72 30.17 41.76 26.04 27.83 146.52
2 Charles Lankford 18.09 45.3 37.73 22.64 26.02 149.78
3 Art Schoner 17.03 49.73 64.79 37.33 53.03 221.91
4 Dale Mullin 17.08 69 77.08 58.1 41.13 262.39
5 Steven Gordon 16.31 115.01 39.77 97.48 76.76 345.33
6 Kenneth Clark 44.73 83.65 29.25 160 33.3 350.93
7 Scott Sampson 42.97 78.28 138.77 81.07 74.14 415.23

December Bowling Pin Match Last Ever Carbine Match?

Well Gentle Shooters,

As I look back to last month, the biggest news for the pin match was that we had nice weather. Based on what we hear from the new leadership in the General Assembly, this month we hold what could be the last ever carbine bowling pin match at our range. Certainly pin matches will go on at the range. We have survived gun bans before and we can adapt the matches based on whatever legislation comes out of Richmond. But it just feels like this match will be special, kind of an old school throwback. I think we should all show up, plan to make a day of it. After the match, maybe a bunch of us go up the the Virginia Diner, who knows? Anyway, I do hope you will come out for our last match of the season. All of the normal particulars apply. We start at 9:30, rules and directions are on the web page and specific questions go to the aged and decrepit pinhead at

Hope to see you Saturday


New membership closed for December

The Airfield Shooting Club is currently NOT accepting new members for December. If interested in becoming a new member, please email the club secretary for information regarding joining in January.

The Airfield Shooting Club will not hold a December Board of Directors meeting. The next meeting will be January 18th.

Virginia Gun Rights: A Call To Pens !


Fellow Members of ASC, as we are sure you are aware the last election did not go our way as gun owners.  The newly elected officials for 2020 are already proposing draconian laws that in some cases will make most of us felons (Class 6 – minimum 5 year prison term) with the stroke of pen unless we turn in our firearms.  The time to act was during the election, but now it is imperative that we rise up and make our voices heard and pray that it is not too late.

Many of the cities that our members live in are having 2A Sanctuary City votes and discussions.  At this point the resolution may mean little legally, however it does send a message to Richmond that we the people are not going to stand for our rights to be infringed.  Time is of the essence.  There are already 20 cities/counties that have passed 2A Sanctuary Resolutions, but we have a long way to go.  If your city/county has not yet had a 2A Sanctuary City Resolution vote we would like to encourage you to contact your city or county representatives and let them know your concerns and fears and why a vote in a positive manner is needed.  The following cities have meetings on the 2A Sanctuary resolution.  We strongly encourage you to attend these meetings if you reside in their city and make your voices heard politely and respectfully.

Virginia Beach – Dec 3rd

Chesapeake – Dec 10th

It is also important for you to become educated on these extreme measures that are being proposed by the VA congress and respond politely and professionally to your representative.  Many of us have left the fight up to organization like NRA and Virginia Citizens Defense League to fight this effort, but they need your help, they need your voice. The days ahead are troubling to say the least.  You can find more information on the following websites:

Https:// – NRA web site  Institute for Legislative Action

Https:// – Virginia Citizen’s Defense League

Https:// – State of Virginia proposed legislation

Per ASC’s By-laws, the clubs purpose is “…influence legislation to protect the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms”. Rest assured that action groups like Mom’s Demand Action are in full swing to ensure your rights are infringed.  If we are not successful in convincing legislators to abandon these horrendous bills, our way of life and our children’s way of life will be forever changed in VA.

We will try to keep you up to speed as best we can in the following weeks and months and let you about specific actions and events you can become involved with.


ASC Board of Directors

Volunteer Opportunity- Hampton Gun Show Nov 30th and Dec 1st

Looking to earn some service hours? The Airfield Shooting Club will have a booth at the Hampton Gun Show on Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st. We need at least 4 volunteers on Saturday and 2 more volunteers for Sunday. If you would like to help out and represent our club, please email the Gun Show Director, Gary at There will be future opportunities to volunteer at gun shows, if interested, reach to Gary for details.

FREE Shooter Tune Up! November 17th 1 – 3 PM

Airfield Shooting Club

Is offering a FREE Shooter Tune Up!

November 17th 1 – 3 PM

ASC Instructors are offering a FREE shooter tune up.  Instructors will be at the range November 17th from 1-3 PM.  We will offer free instructions specific to you.  All you have to do is show up!  We will be offering this first session for pistol and rifle.   We will be on the SRB, 50 and if need be the 100 range, but no range will be fully reserved.

Is your pistol shooting a little rough?  Does your deer rifle need some sighting in?  We can help!  All you have to do is bring your gun, ammo and targets. If you know what you want to work on, great, if not, we can assess and go from there.

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Saturday, Nov 9th @ 9:00am

The ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match will take place this Saturday, November 9th @ 9:00am…
To honor Veterans Day we will be having a match this Saturday on the 100m range .. Why not bring out your old WW1 and WW2 war horses..  We may also have a few Zombies left over from Halloween to shoot. 😉

Info: ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

  • Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
  • Check-in will begin at 8:45am with safety brief at 9am. followed by the relays.
  • Match fee is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.


November Bowling Pin Match Results

Wow, what a great day at the range. Beautiful weather and a group of safe shooters dedicated to having fun together. As you know, in our game, everyone does not get a trophy. The good, the bad and the truly ugly are listed below. We have one match left, December 7th. See you on Pearl Harbor Day.

Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 4.64 3.26 3.44 3.23 14.57
2 Bill Lewis 4.54 3.41 5.57 7.50 21.02
3 Charles Lankford 10.57 6.45 3.62 2.77 23.41 2.77
4 Paul Ruffle 5.26 7.13 5.23 6.01 23.63
5 Courtney Bolze 6.79 6.90 5.25 5.23 24.17
6 Steven Gordon 7.25 6.37 6.72 4.71 25.05
7 Kenneth Clark 6.18 6.90 6.79 5.33 25.20
8 Dennis Bondi 3.79 8.62 4.45 8.51 25.37
9 Allen Moran 7.21 4.99 8.34 5.00 25.54
10 John Claypool 5.20 5.94 7.85 11.05 30.04
11 Chris Covert 11.97 7.88 12.78 10.50 43.13
12 Tom Aston 11.84 12.83 12.36 8.38 45.41
1 Tom Aston 4.34 7.76 6.50 5.45 24.05 4.34
2 Bill Lewis 5.84 10.52 7.64 8.70 32.70
3 Charles Lankford 10.71 8.05 7.91 7.72 34.39
4 Art Schoner 9.00 10.40 8.37 13.30 41.07
5 Courtney Bolze 7.15 25.00 5.59 11.11 48.85
6 John Claypool 9.16 6.74 25.00 11.84 52.74
7 Dennis Bondi 9.44 25.00 12.41 9.95 56.80
8 Steven Gordon 9.48 14.31 25.00 14.04 62.83
9 Paul Ruffle 11.41 7.53 35.00 10.78 64.72
10 Allen Moran 6.01 7.02 35.00 25.00 73.03
11 Kenneth Clark 35.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 120.00
12 Chris Covert 65.00 45.00 35.00 45.00 190.00
1 Kenneth Clark 6.79 6.55 7.20 6.44 26.98
2 Bill Lewis 6.83 6.04 11.07 6.35 30.29 6.04
3 Charles Lankford 6.78 7.98 7.10 8.75 30.61
4 Paul Ruffle 8.24 10.04 7.16 8.72 34.16
5 Jonathan Ryan 9.17 7.59 7.47 10.30 34.53
6 Courtney Bolze 7.24 10.78 8.10 9.63 35.75
7 Tom Aston 9.95 9.40 10.38 9.95 39.68
8 Allen Moran 8.71 14.00 8.25 14.08 45.04
9 Steven Gordon 8.66 12.96 25.00 9.93 56.55
10 John Claypool 25.00 10.81 11.37 13.93 61.11
11 Art Schoner 12.53 13.60 25.00 10.18 61.31
12 Dennis Bondi 9.43 6.83 25.00 35.00 76.26
13 Jonathan Ryan 75.00 6.98 8.54 8.76 99.28
14 Chris Covert 65.00 55.00 65.00 95.00 280.00
1 Charles Lankford 5.53 5.08 5.34 3.83 19.78 3.83
2 Bill Lewis 6.34 6.65 5.43 5.94 24.36
3 Courtney Bolze 5.98 6.93 7.57 6.50 26.98
4 Allen Moran 7.23 8.77 7.07 7.93 31.00
5 Kenneth Clark 8.83 35.00 9.06 25.00 77.89
6 Dennis Bondi 9.03 11.39 25.00 35.00 80.42
7 Chris Covert 10.86 25.00 25.00 25.00 85.86
8 Art Schoner 7.38 35.00 35.00 10.01 87.39
9 Tom Aston 45.00 35.00 8.33 7.52 95.85
NFS Eric Neder 10.96 25.00 25.00 35.00 95.96
NFS Eric Neder 45.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 130.00
10 Steven Gordon 35.00 45.00 45.00 8.18 133.18
11 Eric Neder 25.00 45.00 25.00 45.00 140.00
1 Charles Lankford 9.82 8.04 7.66 7.59 33.11
2 Courtney Bolze 10.35 7.39 5.54 10.92 34.20
3 Bill Lewis 8.40 12.36 6.03 10.32 37.11
4 Allen Moran 8.28 13.65 10.60 5.57 38.10
5 Art Schoner 14.56 11.49 12.89 9.06 48.00
6 Kenneth Clark 25.00 9.90 4.71 9.42 49.03 4.71
7 Dennis Bondi 10.73 25.00 7.16 8.42 51.31
8 Steven Gordon 10.49 25.00 9.11 13.05 57.65
9 Paul Ruffle 10.55 25 7.06 25.00 67.61
10 Chris Covert 25.00 35.00 7.44 11.75 79.19
11 Tom Aston 5.18 10.32 35.00 35.00 85.50
12 John Claypool 25.00 10.22 45.00 25.00 105.22
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Charles Lankford 23.41 34.39 30.61 19.78 33.11 141.30
2 Bill Lewis 21.02 32.70 30.29 24.36 37.11 145.48
3 Courtney Bolze 24.17 48.85 35.75 26.98 34.20 169.95
4 Allen Moran 25.54 73.03 45.04 31.00 38.10 212.71
5 Art Schoner 14.57 41.07 61.31 87.39 48.00 252.34
6 Dennis Bondi 25.37 56.80 76.26 80.42 51.31 290.16
7 Tom Aston 45.41 24.05 39.68 95.85 85.50 290.49
8 Kenneth Clark 25.20 120.00 26.98 77.89 49.03 299.10
9 Steven Gordon 25.05 62.83 56.55 133.18 57.65 335.26
10 Chris Covert 43.13 190.00 280.00 85.86 79.19 678.18

November Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

The Airfield Shooting Club will hold its monthly Bowling Pin Match this Saturday, November 2, beginning at 9:30 AM. This is the second to the last match of the season, which concludes next month and resumes in April of 2020. The weather looks great for shooting and we hope you will join us. You can find directions to the range and the rules for the match at our web site For specific questions or if you just want to talk about shooting pins, you’ll need a pinhead. It just so happens that we have one, available at

See you at the range,


VCDL Reminder: Elections coming up on Tuesday, November 5, are absolutely crucial to protect our right to keep and bear arms

ASC Members,

One of the goals of ASC is to work to preserve our rights and educate others concerning the shooting sports. The Virginia Citizen’s Defense League provides outreach, support, and helps to ensure our firearms rights are preserved. About twice a year we feel it’s appropriate to send an email letting our members know about VCDL and include pertinent information about elections or other key gun rights issues. This year may bet the most important one yet to stay informed.

Below you will find two links to the VCDL for your reference.

General Assembly Candidate Survey Response Grades (
• VCDL-PAC General Assembly Endorsements (

The primary Virginia Citizens Defense League website is located here:

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