Leaving the range at end of day – close the 4-H gate

Please close the white gate (4-H) at the end of the day if you are the last member leaving the range. The combination for the 4-H gate is listed on your membership badge. If you have trouble with the lock, please close the gate and make sure it appears to be locked. There are concerns with illegal hunting on the property.

The 4-H Center is open to employees only. Please do not go down to the center unless there is an emergency.  They have a sign posted and health check procedures in place.

Airfield Shooting Club Reopening Friday the 15th- Covid 19 Protocols

Dear ASC Members,

The following protocols are being put in place by the ASC Board in an attempt to keep our members, their families, and our communities as safe as possible from infection by the Covid 19 virus. The Board will continuously monitor this situation and may modify these protocols as new information becomes available.

1) Members only, no guests, only spouse or immediate family member(s); i.e., sons or daughters will be allowed.

2) Everyone on ASC ranges is urged to wear a mask which covers nose and mouth.

3) Anyone who believes he/she may have been exposed to Covid 19 should avoid coming to the range for a period of at least 14 days after that exposure. If any symptoms are present during that time stay away until you are certain that you have not been infected.

4) Everyone using the ranges is expected to maintain a minimum of 6-feet of separation with anyone who is not a member of immediate family.

5) Occupancy restrictions for the ranges are as follows:

100-meter range – no more than 4 occupants at a time.

50-yard range – no more than 4 occupants at a time.

Short Range Berm – no more than 3 occupants at a time.

Skeet Range – no more than 6 occupants at a time.

Trap Range – no more than 6 occupants at a time

6) Time limits: In order to share limited range availability, members and their family will be limited to no more than 2-hours on the range.  Only in the case where no-one is waiting to use the range may shooters spend more than 2-hours on a range.

7) Waiting area: In the event that occupancy of the range which you wish to use is already at the above limitations, members should wait well away from the firing line and maintain at least 6-feet of separation between non-family members.

8) Members are encouraged to bring their own pen to be used for sign-in and sign-out.

9) Disinfectant bottles have been placed inside each bathroom. Members who utilize the bathrooms are asked to spray down any areas which they may have touched. Just prior to leaving the bathroom members should thoroughly wash their hands using soap and water.

10) While these protocols are in effect they shall be considered to be range rules. Anyone not in compliance will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the club in accordance with the Bylaws

11) Club members acting as Range Safety Officers for any group which might rent a range from the Airfield Conference Center shall be responsible for enforcing these protocols with members of the group.  (Time limits for these groups shall be negotiated with the Conference Center.)

With these protocols in place we believe that we can maintain a safe environment for our members. Your cooperation will help to keep us all safe while allowing our members and their families to utilize the ranges.

/Raymond Covington/ Board President Airfield Shooting Club

Letter from Club President | Membership Renewals

Dear ASC Members,

The ASC Board continues to monitor conditions with a view toward reopening the range as soon as we can. Below is an update on other related matters concerning the Club.

Membership renewals – we have received some emails asking about dues and renewals due to the closure of the range.

Accordingly, the Board has determined adjustments will be made as follows:

1. Service hours requirement will be adjusted and reduced at a rate of one half hour (.5 hr.) per month during the period in which the range is closed.

2. For current members:
(a) The period for renewals has been extended to September 30, 2020.

(b) Renewal penalties will apply for renewals on or after October 1, 2020.

(c) On December 1, 2020, re-application will be required including paying initiation fees, etc.

3. For New members:
(a) New member applications are not being accepted at this time and will begin again once the range reopens.

4. Future credit for dues paid by renewing members:
(a) It is the Board’s desire that credit will be given and dues adjusted in the 2021-2022 renewals for the period in which the range was closed.

(b) Please note that any reduction in dues will have to be made in concert with the 4-H Center due to rent obligations owed to the 4-H Center (they receive one half of dues collected as payment of rent).

(c) Please further note that any reduction in dues must take into account long-term fixed cost obligations coming due at the range, such as lead abatement, erosion control, etc.

Again, we recognize the challenges and inconvenience this poses for everyone. However, it is also very important that we insure the long-term viability of the range.


/Raymond Covington/ Board President Airfield Shooting Club

Letter from Club President | COVID-19 Status

Dear Members,

As fellow shooters we recognize the enjoyment of shooting and the hardship that closing the range causes for our members. However, the COVID-19 virus has proven to be deadly and at this time there is still much which we do not know about it. Medical professionals have made it clear that they and their facilities will be quickly overwhelmed if we are not able to slow the spread of the virus.
We have already had at least one situation where club members may have been exposed to the virus. Both are presently nearing the end of their 14 day post-exposure quarantine period and at present it appears that they were not infected. However, we cannot always count on such good fortune.
It appears that the virus can remain viable for relatively long periods of time on objects which we might come into contact with during routine use of the range. Many of our members are in the high-risk category. Even members who are not in the high-risk category may have family members who may be at higher risk. At this point we are hearing reports of people dying from the virus who were reported to be healthy and strong and NOT in a high-risk group.

The ASC Board has considered many factors and the many unknowns and thinks that the prudent thing to do is to close the range, at least until more is known about the virus and its spread. Rest assured that we too would like to reopen the range as soon as we can do so without undue concerns about contributing to the spread of COVID-19.

Membership renewals – we have received some emails saying that sending out our membership renewals at this time was in bad taste if we were going to close the range. The membership renewals are required per our by-laws to be sent out during this time. We regret the unfortunate coincidence.
Again we recognize the challenges during this difficult time for everyone. We understand this decision is not popular. We are attempting to act in good faith and are thinking about the safety of our members, the welfare of our club and our responsibilities to the communities where we live. We will reopen as soon as it is safe and prudent.

/Raymond Covington/
Board President AirField Shooting Club

ASC Range Closed Effective 03/27/2020 PM

ASC Members,

The ASC board made the difficult decision to close the range for access,and shooting by all members effective tonight 03/27/2020 when we will change the combinations to prevent access. The ASC board is carefully reviewing the overall situation with COVID-19 and will continue to assess the appropriateness of opening the range for use. The safety of our members, lack of services to maintain the restroom facilities, and overall COVID-19 situation contributed to our decision making.I will send a notice to the club should the situation change. Please keep an eye on the website, your email and the range calendar for up to date information.

The ASC board did not make this decision lightly, and feel at this time it’s the right choice.

Members that access the range after it’s locked, and receiving this notice will be considered in violation of the closure and will face disciplinary action up to and including removal from the club.

If you have questions about this decision you can email [email protected], or the board at [email protected].

April Bowling Pin Match Cancelled

Greetings Fellow Shooters,

Wow, I get really down when we cancel a match for weather. So this is a sad day for me. For the first time in the history of the Airfield Shooting Club, we are announcing cancelling a match due to pandemic. As you know, due to the Covid19 outbreak Governor Northam has instituted a ban on all gatherings of more than 10 people for both public and private organizations.  I suppose I may be flattering myself to think that nine other friends would show up, but in spite of my attendance we seem to be drawing reasonable crowds to the matches. Hopefully we will be back in business for the May match, but the safety of our shooters has to come first.

I’ll be spending some quality time with my reloading presses family during the break. I hope you can find components time to do the same.


ASC 2020-2021 Club Renewals

Hello ASC Members.

Your 2020-2021 renewal forms have been sent out.
Most of you will receive it via email.  If you don’t see it, check your spam/ junk folder. Sometimes it gets stuck in there.
A few of you will get it via U.S. mail. Should be a few days depending on the U.S. mail.
If you have any problems or questions, Please contact [email protected]

** Renewal Due Date **

You will have from March 31st to June 1st to pay your membership dues and other costs owed to ASC.
If you pay your membership dues after June 1st through August 31st there will be a penalty fee of $25.00.

After September 1st, you will be required to re-join the club.
This will include attending a board meeting, redoing member orientation, reviewing club rules and regulations, and paying prorated dues as well as the $50.00 initiation fee.

The ASC gate combination will be changed after the April Board of Directors meeting.
You will receive a new membership card and combination(s) after your invoice is paid and requirements are met.

If you are not renewing your ASC Membership this year, Please email the [email protected]  to let us know.

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