April Bowling Pin Match Results

It turned out to be crisp but lovely day for a match at the range. I guess a few of you are still practicing or scrounging up ammunition. For the nine of us who did attend, we go to see a little of everything including some spectacular early season failures. In addition, today’s contestants witnessed a new club record for clearing five pins from a table. Art Schoner now holds the club record for a 2.38 second relay. Congratulations. For the rest of us, the good, the bad and the just plain embarrassing results are listed below. See you next month at the range.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 3.77 2.38 3.47 4.58 14.20 2.38
2 Steven Gordon 5.96 4.89 2.75 2.66 16.26
3 Tim Branbos 5.48 5.74 5.32 4.74 21.28
4 Taylor Strickland 9.03 7.17 4.32 3.73 24.25
5 Courtney Bolze 3.17 14.54 8.46 3.94 30.11
NFS Frank Sanders 13.40 8.65 10.13 8.36 40.54
6 Brian Wells 25.00 8.16 4.19 3.96 41.31
7 Frank Sanders 10.68 11.92 11.00 8.69 42.29
1 Steven Gordon 6.18 7.09 5.73 6.20 25.20
2 Taylor Strickland 8.59 10.62 12.00 11.21 42.42
3 Art Schoner 7.34 25.00 5.67 6.02 44.03 5.67
4 Brian Wells 25.00 7.80 11.89 7.45 52.14
5 Courtney Bolze 10.13 25.00 12.13 13.33 60.59
6 Tim Branbos 9.61 6.07 25.00 25.00 65.68
7 Paul Lynch 35.00 8.84 35.00 45.00 123.84
1 Courtney Bolze 9.74 8.47 8.17 7.84 34.22
2 Jordan Ryan 13.11 9.57 9.97 10.57 43.22
3 Brian Wells 45.00 9.96 7.24 13.14 75.34 7.24
4 Tim Branbos 12.66 11.81 25.00 55.00 104.47
5 Taylor Strickland 45.00 45.00 14.65 9.30 113.95
6 Paul Lynch 75.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 160.00
7 Art Schoner 14.93 55.00 45.00 55.00 169.93
1 Courtney Bolze 5.35 4.90 9.48 4.89 24.62 4.89
2 Brian Wells 8.95 11.84 25.00 11.04 56.83
3 Steven Gordon 12.30 25.00 13.11 9.15 59.56
4 Art Schoner 7.17 5.62 25.00 25.00 62.79
5 Taylor Strickland 9.83 35.00 45.00 14.46 104.29
6 Tim Branbos 35.00 45.00 45.00 12.70 137.70
7 Paul Lynch 35.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 150.00
1 Courtney Bolze 5.54 4.62 10.81 5.45 26.42 4.62
2 Taylor Strickland 8.94 7.45 10.66 6.25 33.30
3 Steven Gordon 11.01 9.23 12.92 8.01 41.17
4 Brian Wells 7.22 11.51 12.37 11.59 42.69
NFS Brian Wells 13.53 45.00 14.06 15.00 87.59
5 Art Schoner 12.86 45.00 9.37 25.00 92.23
6 Tim Branbos 25.00 25.00 45.00 13.45 108.45
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Courtney Bolze 30.11 60.59 34.22 24.62 26.42 175.96
Brian Wells 41.31 52.14 75.34 56.83 42.69 268.31
Taylor Strickland 24.25 42.42 113.95 104.29 33.30 318.21
Art Schoner 14.20 44.03 169.93 62.79 92.23 383.18
Tim Branbos 21.28 65.68 104.47 137.70 108.45 437.58

Are They Doing That Bowling Pin Thing Again?

Yes Virginia, yes we are. We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Bowling Pin Match season kicks off this Saturday, April 3rd at 9:30. As always, the match is at the ASC range in bucolic Wakefield VA. The 2021 tables are built and the pins have been procured in the off season. If you have ever wanted to shoot on brand new tables, (we have seen you shoot so trust me) this is your only chance this year to do so. The rules have not changed for 2021, but it never hurts to refresh yourself. You can find them along with the the directions to the match at www.airfieldshootingclub.com. And of course, our resident assistant chief adjunct pinhead is always available at [email protected] for those more perplexing questions like should is use a 9mm for carbine. (not if you want to beat Art)

See you Saturday


ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Canceled for March 13th

The Service Rifle & Zombie Match for March 13th has been canceled.. Due to a scheduling conflict. Range will be open if members want to hold a practice or shooting, just no match this month.  A note, ASC will be having a New Member Orientation that day, so range will be a bit busy. 

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Be safe and see you on the range!

Work Party For Pin Shooting 7 March 1000 – 1500 hrs

A work party has been called to help prepare for restarting our Bowling Pin matches.

Primary work will include building the tables for the pins, and general range prep.

It’s requested that any Pinheads that are available attend and help out.


For information about the pin matches, or further information about the work required to keep them going you can contact [email protected].


Online Training Session Feb 25th at 7pm : Situational Awareness

Hello Fellow ASC Members!

I am Scott Sampson the Chief Instructor at Airfield Shooting club.  I have decided to conduct small training sessions via the web.  I am hoping to conduct these once a month.  The sessions will last 30 min, maybe a little longer for some topics.  I will hold these during the week in the evening.

To join the training session, all you need to do is click on the link below to join at the prescribed time.  I will be hosting the event, and for the majority of them I will be sharing PowerPoints and/or live video for demonstrations.

WHEN: This first session will be held on Feb 25th at 7pm.

TOPIC:  Situational Awareness

Join us for a discussion on situational awareness.  We will cover

  • Jeff Copper’s Color codes
  • How situational awareness impacts your response to a potential or real threat
  • Situational awareness strategies/rules to live by when you carry

When it’s time click on the link below!


See you online!


Scott Sampson

[email protected]

ASC Chief Instructor

NRA Grassroots Workshop – February 17th at 7:00pm

Good Day ASC Members,

As many of you are aware, we continue to be in a fight for our 2nd Amendment rights.  While NRA, VSSA, VCDL continue to help battle those that would restrict our rights, it is up to us as individuals to help ensure that our politicians hear our voice.  The Institute for Legislative Action portion of NRA has set up a free workshop that you can attend online.  I attended the first workshop which provided helpful links to their web site and discussed how to deal with social media.  The email below from Lexy Higgins (NRA) describes the second event and its content.  Again it is free.  You can ask questions (due to number of folks and time, not all questions get answered while online, but they do promise to get back to you).   I was very impressed with how the first session went.  And no they didn’t ask for money or donations.  I hope you will join this online workshop.




Scott Sampson

ASC Chief Instructor

#### Message below from NRA-ILA ####

Join NRA-ILA for the second in a series of virtual grassroots workshops we are hosting in Spring 2021. This workshop will be focused on how to be an effective Second Amendment advocate in your state legislature, and will take place on Wednesday February 17th at 7:00pm EDT. This will be a free and live online event.

During this workshop, you will hear from former elected officials who are now NRA State Directors. These NRA State Directors will provide attendees with a unique perspective on what was either helpful or harmful when trying to lobby legislation both from the position of the one being lobbied as well as from the one doing the lobbying. We will also discuss how the Coronavirus has changed the ways we interact with our lawmakers at the state level.  To RSVP, click on the button below.

Sign Up Today!

We hope you will join us for this dynamic virtual event on Wednesday February 17th,  in support of the Second Amendment and to learn more about how to be an effective advocate at the state level.


Yours in Freedom,

Lexy Higgins
NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs & Campaign Field Operations


VA Legislative Activity January 21

One of our members asked if we could pass this along, doing so with the boards consensus:
The Public Safety Committee of the Virginia House of Delegates will meet @9am Friday morning. Several anti-gun bills are on the agenda. The following link will allow you to see them and either sign up to speak via phone/computer or to submit written comments:https://hodspeak.house.virginia.gov/committees/H15/bill_feedback

Suggested comments from a VCDL alert when the bills were in sub-committee:

HB1909 – School Boards are offices with adult workers in them, just like thousands of offices across the Commonwealth. It makes no sense to treat them as if they were a school with children in them.

HB1992 – This bill expands the number of things that qualify as misdemeanor domestic violence beyond what the federal government uses to take away gun rights. There is no provision to restore rights in the bill and it would create a lifetime ban on gun ownership for a mere misdemeanor. From a gun-rights perspective under this bill, the person charged would be better off seriously harming the other person and getting a felony conviction, from which their gun-rights could eventually be restored.

HB2128 – This bill could make a person wait up to five business days for a background check approval, which would take more pressure off the government to do a timely background check. The promise to gun owners is that the background check system is supposed to be an INSTANT CHECK, not a five-day waiting period check, which, with weekends/holidays could be up to NINE-days in realtime. The current three days is more than sufficient.

HB2276 – This bill was written without a clear understanding of the current law on homemade guns for a person’s own use, which has been legal since America’s founding. Besides banning personally-made guns completely, the bill makes the owners of such guns instant criminals, even if the owner had applied directly to the ATF for a serial number and put the serial number on the gun.

HB2295 – A solution in search of a problem. There has been no events that justify stripping the very people represented by the General Assembly of their right to self-defense. Citizens have been carrying on Capitol grounds and buildings for years responsibly and without incident.

ASC Email Changes and Bylaws Update

Some of you may have noticed our last email didn’t work quite right, after much testing it looks like the provider we were using was actively removing our links. We later found out that they suspended VA CDL’s service due to their political views. That being said we will be working on moving off from that platform rather quickly.


We will be attempting to simply host the mechanisms that send out email ourselves. What this means for you is:

  1. We will be sending email in a “newsletter” fashion, meaning each day if there is new information the website will roll that up and send it on out.
  2. The system will send 100 emails at a time, which means after posting an item to the site it could take a few hours for all members to receive it.
  3. Certain key emails may still be manually sent, but in general this new workflow is designed to avoid getting us blocked by spam filters and email security mechanisms.
  4. Please bear with us, we are making this change rather quickly due to a real need to get off from Mailchimp, as such we may experience some issues. If you notice anything or have feedback please email [email protected].
  5. Initially you may notice in the emails that you only see a portion of articles, if you click the link below it’ll take you to the site with the entire post. We’re going to work on resolving this.


In preparation for any additional attempts at impacting our ability to communicate to members the board also established a standing webmaster budget, that way if our service provider was to discontinue service we could quickly find an alternative one.


We have updated the club Bylaws to reflect a resolution made by the Board at today’s board meeting to add a yearly budget to the webmaster.  The Bylaws have been updated to reflect this passed resolution.  We have also added a revision page to make it easier to see what has changed.

*Note that this email will be sent using both Mailchimp and the self hosted solution. This should be the last email you receive with both methods.

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