Pin Match Canceled

Due to significant rain tonight, and the forecast more tomorrow, the May Bowling Pin Match is regretfully canceled. Stay tuned for more information concerning the rescheduling of the June match (due to Women on Target).

If you have any questions or concerns about the cancellation or June’s match, contact Steve!


Weather Watch for the Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

It appears there will be a break in the weather that may allow us to shoot the match tomorrow. If your match directors feel that the conditions will not be safe, then we will post an announcement on the Airfield Shooting Club web site by 6:30 AM Saturday. Otherwise, we are on for the match tomorrow.


Work Party

Spring Work Party
There will be a massive spring cleaning and maintenance work party on Sunday May 22 at 10:00. We will tackling the following work:
• Pressure washing the outside of the restroom building.
• Blowing out and cleaning both the 50-yard and 100-meter ranges.
• Pressure washing both ranges.
• Cleaning and sealing both ranges’ roofs.
• Repainting the red safety lines
• Sealing the wall between the ranges (if enough members show)
• General range and grounds clean up to include the trash immediately outside the gate.

We will need:
• Ladders (both step and extension)
• Gas powered pressure washers (2 to 3)
• Garden hose
• Telescoping poles for sealing the roofs. (We have the brushes and adaptors)
• Gas/battery powered leaf blowers
• Telescopic pressure washer wands for use on the roofs.
• Tools to facilitate safely removing the trash by the gate. There may be reptilian inhabitants.

So come out and get your service hours in and make your club look a little better. Both ranges will be closed from 10:00 until the work is complete. This is a fair-weather work party. In case of inclement weather, it will be rescheduled for some time in June. If you plan to attend and have any of the major items listed above, please let me know at [email protected].

Thanks, and I hope to see you on the range,

Art Schoner

May Day Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

This Saturday, May 7th. is the next scheduled installment of the ever popular Airfield Shooting Club’s renown Bowling Pin Series, not sponsored by Smith & Wesson. Weather permitting, We will assemble at the range at 9:30 AM for setup and shooters brief. If you have yet to experience the bowling pin shooting life, match rules and instructions are easily found at If you have any questions about our match, please contact our assistant adjunct master pinhead at [email protected]. If you would like to sponsor our match or win without shooting well, please see our pinhead at the range with small, non sequentially numbered and unmarked currency. And I mean twenties, not nickels.


June 5th Rimfire Modified Benchrest Challenge

Bring out the ole 22LR caliber rifle to the range and test or challenge your shooting skills in a friendly bench rest shooting event. The shooters will follow a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition shooting 25 bull targets. If you are interested come out for a fun day for some friendly shooting at the range, bring your family or friends. Depending on the number of interested parties, we may have several divisions in a factory or unlimited classification.

See the ARA Modified Flyer and Event Information at these links for more information.

Contact Tom Sanford with any further questions.

Tidewater Friends of NRA – May 20th

Are you interested helping support the shooting sports in VA?  Are you interested in winning guns and more? The Tidewater Friends of NRA is hosting its annual banquet where you can buy a table (with a gift) or you can buy individual tickets. We will give away a FOS TECH AR to one lucky attendee just for showing up.  You can find out more by clicking on the pdf below.  Purchase your ticket or table today!

VAE-8 Event Flyer

When: 20 May – Doors open 5:30
Where: Greenbrier Country Club

For more information:
Scott Sampson



Defensive Action Shooting Match

The scores are in and for the first defensive action shooting match we had 11 shooters come out and join us and help iron out a few wrinkles with the matches to come we will be working on getting things moving a little quicker. The scores for this match are in the attached PDF here ( Defensive shooting scores 4-30-2022 )

The next match barring any conflicts will be scheduled July 30th 

And I apologize for any misspell names let me know and I can correct them

If you have any questions or comments please contact me at [email protected] 

Until next time happy shooting

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The first Defensive Action Shooting Match is this Saturday April 30th entry fee for members $5 non-members is $10 and each additional category for everybody is $2

Set up is at 9:00 a.m. shooters brief is at 10:00 a.m. followed by the stage walk through then the competition

Attached is the defensive match summary with rules and regulations and the three stages for the first match

Defensive Match Summary

Action Shooting Stages

If you have any questions please contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected]

If you get no response you can also contact me at [email protected]

Only 12 Spots Left For WOT! Sign up today!

ONLY 12 Spots Left For WOT!!!!!!!

We have had a great response to our Women on Target event scheduled for June 4th.  Spots are going quickly!  Please get your registration in to ensure you have a spot.  Remember you need to register at one web site AND you need to pay at a different web site.

Register HERE.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact Scott Sampson at:

[email protected].





Defensive Action Shooting Match

The airfield action shooting program is up and running first match will be the last Saturday of this month April 30th with categories for semi-automatic handguns, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and rimfire rifle and pistols 

Entry fee is $5 for members $10 for general public each additional category after the first is an extra $2

For the three stages planned for the first match minimum round count is 28 rounds per category I would recommend bringing plenty of extra ammo

For more information the ASC defensive pistol matches page has been updated and there is a link to the Defensive Match Summary which lists all the rules and category regulations

Or direct link here Defensive Match Summary

For any questions feel free to contact Taylor Strickland at

defensivepistol at

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