Or even a tropical storm. Yes, Gentle Shooters, we sure did think about it, but no, we can’t play in the rain this weekend. See you in November.
Or even a tropical storm. Yes, Gentle Shooters, we sure did think about it, but no, we can’t play in the rain this weekend. See you in November.
Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for September with fifteen (15) total shooters between the morning and afternoon sessions. The competition follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line. A huge shoutout to Art and various club members and volunteers replacing and adding more wooden frames which support range events. Next match is scheduled for October 16th.
September Rim Fire Scores –>ASC Rimfire Bench Rest Scores 9_18_2022<–
Good afternoon folks,
We have a near term need that the Center just asked us to support. They need 2 RSOs for shotgun. At least one needs to be familiar with Trap and the other familiar with Skeet.
The group is the Peninsula Community Chapel on Oct 1st from 10am-12pm.
If you have the ability to help out this group please email the Chief Instructor at: [email protected]
This will contribute to your work hours.
Thank you in advance!
Accidents or attacks can happen at anytime. We do our best to be safe, but to quote Forest Gump “Stuff Happens” and we need to be prepared. We have an extraordinary opportunity for our club to help its members be prepared. The club has purchased and installed an AED and emergency tramua kits at the club. But do you know how to use them?
If not, this is the class for you! We have coordinated a trauma medical class for you! HM2 Ricardo Khaleel who teaches combat medics, is offering us an introductory Tactical Combat Casualty Care Class. No, you are not going to get a certification, but you will walk away with critical safety knowledge which you can use to save lives.
In this 1.5 to 2 hour class we will cover the standard trauma care taught to our nations warfighters. This will include how to identify and treat various wounds and conditions, AED Basics, and trauma Kit familiarization.
Our member Brandon Jantzen is helping to coordinate HM2 Khaleel who works and lives out of the Little Creek Amphibious Base area so we are keeping the classroom in this area. Another member John Lowe is offering the use of his training classroom which is in Chesapeake, VA. We hope that you can attend this valuable training.
This training is available for ASC members and their immediate family. It is recommended that individuals be at least 15 years old to attend.
You must Pre-register!!!!!!
Class – Introduction to Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Prerequisites – No previous medical training required.
Time: 0930-1130
Location: Piedmont Service Group office at 533 Byron Street, Suite A, Chesapeake VA
Reservations: Email [email protected] early to ensure your spot!
ASC Members,
Please see the below link to access the September 2022 edition of the ASC flyer.
Any questions, comments, concerns or submissions to the newsletter can be sent to [email protected].
Sorry for the late notice, there will be a work party to build new frames this Saturday morning (September 17) at 9:30 a.m. The 50-yard range will be closed for the duration of this work. We will be replacing all of the existing frames. Tools needed include: drills/impact drivers, torx bits, snap lines, miter saws, table saw (for the beveled edge), chisels, hammers, and tape measures. For the light duty, or mobility challenged, we will also be installing grommets on backers. A hammer and utility knife are needed for this job.
If there are any members with expertise in framing, I also need some advice during this work party.
If you have any questions, I can always be contacted at [email protected].
Thanks, and I hope to see you there,
Art Schoner
Test or challenge your shooting skills in a friendly bench rest shooting event following a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition targeting two – six (twenty-five) bull targets.
We have limited shooter positions open for the morning match 8:30 am -12:00 pm and afternoon match (1:00 pm – 4:00). Each competition limited to ten (10) shooters on the 25 – 50-yard ranges.
Reserve your bench for either the morning or afternoon shoot by contacting Tom at [email protected] or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM.
Opens sights/red optics will shoot at the 25-yard line, all others will shoot at the 50-yard line. Modified ARA Factory and Unlimited rules apply.
Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the morning or afternoon Safety Meeting to shoot
Gentle Shooters,
We had another nice turnout at our Bowling Pin Match this weekend. Seventeen shooters braved a group of dastardly targets, highlighted by pins wearing what must have been green body armor. That is my story for my scores and I sticking to it. There was a lot of humidity and it appeared to rust up more than one trigger finger. Our toasty, hot weather scores are posted below for your viewing pleasure. Our next match is October 1st.
Gentle Shooters,
Start your Labor Day Weekend off with a bang. Quite a few of them actually. The Airfield Shooting Club will host its monthly bowling pin match this Saturday, September 3rd at 9:30 AM at the inspiring ASC Shooting Club range in idyllic Wakefield. Watch as yet another new 38 Special load fails me in a spectacular fashion. No, it could not be the shooter! Find out for yourself this Saturday. For information about the match see our web site at:www.airfieldshootingclub.org. Please direct an specific questions to our local pinhead resource group at [email protected]. See you Saturday.
Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for August with seventeen (17) total shooters between the morning and afternoon sessions. The competition follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line. Next match is scheduled for September 18th.
results click here —> ASC Rimfire Bench Rest Scores <—