A work party is planned for OCT 7th to assist the 4H center with the new 3D archery range. A flier from the 4H center is forthcoming. If you are in need of service hours, this will be a good chance for them. Information from Kathy, 4H Center Director below.
Details for now:
Lunch provided.
We are putting in shooting lanes for 15 stations. / clearing trees and shrubs as needed.
Marking the shooting lines
work gloves
bug spray
work boots / closed toe shoes
Pruning saws, pole saws and hand saws for tree limbs.
refillable water bottle – we will have a water cooler of ice water back there.
Chain saw likely not needed unless they want to cut firewood for us and stack it neatly by the road.
The pathway is already in, we just need to create and mark the shooting lanes.
If you have any questions, contact me.