Thursday Help Needed

I’m looking for people interested in spending a little time on the range this Thursday. A dumpster for Sunday’s work party will be delivered inside the range area sometime Thursday. All that will need to be done will be to direct the driver to leave it in the correct location. I’ll give 2 hours of service for each half day (for less than 10 minutes light labor). Ideally, I’d like a volunteer to be at the range in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’d like the morning person there NLT 830 and the afternoon person leave no earlier than 3 (or until the dumpster is delivered). I will get a call 30 minutes prior, but I live more than an hour away. If you live close by the club, and can be on standby (for half or whole day), that would be great as well.

I will coordinate the desired location, phone numbers and names after I get the volunteers.

If you’re able to help out, please contact me at [email protected].


Art Schoner

Last Updated on 2 years by Art Schoner

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