Service Rifle Results for 14 April 2018

We shot two relays. All of the shooters shot with rifles categorized in the “Civilian Marksmanship Program” realm (e.g. M-1 Garands, M1903 Springfield, etc.). We had several who also shot the course using Modern Sporting Rifles. The Service Rifle and Zombie matches continues to be conducted on the second Saturday of the month, and registration starts at 8:30am with the first relay being conducted at 9am (after the range safety and orientation briefs). The next match is scheduled for 12 May 2018. The April results are listed below.

Swisher, Ian 244 1 M1 Garand Yes
Metzgar, G 240 2 M1 Garand Yes
Slee, J. 201 1 M1 Garand Yes
Lane, David 196 0 MSR Yes
Slee, J. 176 2 M1903 Yes
Bolze, C. 175 0 M1903 Yes
Lawler, M. 133 0 M91/30 Mosin Yes
Lannon, M. 103 0 M1 Garand No

Found Rifle/Shotgun Case at 50 Yard Range

Good Evening,


On Saturday 04/14/18 someone left a black hard-shell rifle/shotgun case on the 50 yard firing line.  We didn’t see any identification labels or such on the case.We did validate that it did not belong to the Boy Scout troop that was utilizing the range.

I verified the case was empty and put it in the range shed. If it’s your case feel free to let me know ([email protected]) and of course you can pick it up in the shed at the range.


Thank You,

Jon Welters ([email protected])

BST Range Usage – RSO Positions Filled- Shotgun | April 15th 13:00-17:00

ASC Members,

I’ve updated to include the date of the event, that’s a bit important.

On Sunday April 15th, The 50 yard range and the shotgun range will be unavailable for club use from 13:00 – 1700 ET .

Two  RSO’s are requested to support a Boy Scout troop using the range.  One of the RSO’s must be shotgun qualified and able to RSO for the shotgun field.

We are still in need of an RSO to look after the shotgun range for this event. If you are interested please let me know. 

If you are interested in serving as RSO please send an email to [email protected]. One the two spots are taken I’ll update the title of this post on the website and notify the first to folks that respond.

Thank You,

Jon Welters – Webmaster ASC

April is Here, Let’s go Bowling

Bowling Pins, that is. Yes, it is again springtime and the 2018 Bowling Pin Match season is underway again. It is time to dust off those handguns and straight walled carbines and come to the ASC range in Wakefield this Saturday at 9:30 for another installment of how the pins fall (or don’t.) For those of you who want to refresh yourself on the rules or can’t remember how to get to the range, all of that information is at For specific information on the match, contact our resident adjunct assistant chief pinhead at [email protected]. See you Saturday at the range.


Defensive Shooting Match Results— 31 March 2018


Here are the final scores for the ASC Defensive Shooting Match held 301 Mar.  We had 30 shooter, great weather, and five fun stages to keep us all honest.

Congratulations to the Division winners:

Overall                  Illya Denyanyek

SSP                         Illya Denyanyek

ESP                         Denny Machie

CCP                        Terry Miltier

PCC and CO        David Faber

BUG-S                   Jeff Hewlett

SPD                        Erik Gunmunter

REV                        Larry Atkins

Thanks to all the folks that help set up and stayed to take down.  Your support is appreciated.

The next scheduled match is 30 Jun. HOWEVER, many of the staff are already signed up for the Carolina Cup and will not be available to run a formal club match.  If any of would like to use the range time to run a practice / training session please let me know so we can get the word out.


Jeff H

Match Results are available here: ASC Mar 2018 Final Scores

ASC Defensive Pistol Match: Saturday March 31

The next Defensive Shooting Match will be Sat, 31 Mar 2018
It will be a five stage, 65 to 75 round match.

For NEW shooters: If you do not have a holster but want to shoot the match please come out; we’ll start you from a low ready position!
You can stuff your extra mags in your pants pockets or tuck them in your waist belt.
Note: Three mags are needed for the match but you can make it with two … (as a new shooter).
And of course you will need a firearm.

Semi-auto, 9mm and larger will work or a Revolver.
When: Every month with a 5th Saturday … 8:00am to 4:00pm
Where: 50 yard range in use from 08:00am until 04:00pm or whenever cleanup is done.
Who: Open to anyone that can safely operate a handgun from a holster.—Set-up: 8 am – 10 am on the 50 yard range.
Staff and SO’s shoot: 10 am – 11 am.
Squad 1: 11 am – 1 pm (NOTE: Set up crew has priority to shoot in Squad 1)
Squad 2: 1 pm – 3 pm
Squad 3: 3 pm – 4 pm
Break down and clean up: 3:30-4pm

Any questions please email

Airfield Shooting Club – New Website

Good Afternoon ASC Members,

We’ve just transitioned the ASC website to a system that should be a bit easier to manage and keep running properly.

A couple things you’ll notice:
1. The emails you receive are integrated and sent via a service called MailChimp. The service will be adding a small logo to the bottom of the emails. Please do not unsubscribe to emails sent to ASC-Announce.
2. The calendar is now a “Google Calendar”, that means if you are a google user you can add it in on your mobile device or google calendar on the web. If you’re not it works more or less the same as the previous one.
3. Notifications should come out faster from this version of the website then the previous one.
4. All ASC Members are subscribed to the flyer and our core membership list, however there are additional mailing lists available for matches and programs. You can sign up for those lists here.

In the next month or so we’ll be working on updating the actual content of the website, for now much of it is imported from the old site.

Match Directors and Board Members, you’ll be receiving a separate email from me with further instructions.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions concerning the website as always pleas let me know.

Jon Welters
ASC – Webmaster
[email protected]

2018-2019 renewal forms have been sent out

Hello ASC Members.
Your 2018-2019 renewal forms have been sent out. 
Most of you will receive it via email.
If you don’t see it, check your spam/ junk folder. Sometimes it gets stuck in there.
A few of you will get it via U.S. mail. Should be a few days depending on the U.S. mail.
If you have any problems or questions, Please contact [email protected]

** Renewal Due Date **
You will have from March 31st to June 1st to pay your membership dues and other costs owed to ASC..
Your membership will be considered lapsed if your payment is not received in full on or before June 1.
Once lapsed you will need to pay $100 plus a $50 one-time initiation fee to renew your membership.

If your membership has lapsed for more than 1 year you will need to reapply to rejoin the club
This will be at the $100 price, with the $50 one-time initiation fee.

If you are not renewing your ASC Membership this year, Please email the
[email protected] to let us know.

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