November Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

The Airfield Shooting Club will hold its monthly Bowling Pin Match this Saturday, November 2, beginning at 9:30 AM. This is the second to the last match of the season, which concludes next month and resumes in April of 2020. The weather looks great for shooting and we hope you will join us. You can find directions to the range and the rules for the match at our web site For specific questions or if you just want to talk about shooting pins, you’ll need a pinhead. It just so happens that we have one, available at [email protected].

See you at the range,


VCDL Reminder: Elections coming up on Tuesday, November 5, are absolutely crucial to protect our right to keep and bear arms

ASC Members,

One of the goals of ASC is to work to preserve our rights and educate others concerning the shooting sports. The Virginia Citizen’s Defense League provides outreach, support, and helps to ensure our firearms rights are preserved. About twice a year we feel it’s appropriate to send an email letting our members know about VCDL and include pertinent information about elections or other key gun rights issues. This year may bet the most important one yet to stay informed.

Below you will find two links to the VCDL for your reference.

General Assembly Candidate Survey Response Grades (
• VCDL-PAC General Assembly Endorsements (

The primary Virginia Citizens Defense League website is located here:

Ken Grover Memorial Open (NSSA) Skeet shoot … Oct 26th – 28th 2019

Skeet shooters… On October 26th – 28th the Airfield Shooting Club will be holding the Ken Grover Memorial Open.. A NSSA registered skeet shooting competition.
If you need to get targets in, here is your chance… If you are not a member of the NSSA, You may join at the shoot..

The competition will have the following categories:
12 gauge
20 gauge
28 gauge
410 gauge

There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.

The cost is $25 per gun.

In order to participate you must pre-register and be a member of NSSA.

On the day of the shoot you will need;
1. Cash or check for $25 for each gun. (Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club)
2. NSSA membership card. (You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00)
3. Classification Sheet.

The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days.
Ties for Gun Championships will be determined by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.

Email day(s) and gun(s) you want to compete in to;
Richard Sutton – [email protected]


ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Saturday, Oct 12th @ 9:00am

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match will take place this Saturday, October12th @ 9:00am…
Will start at the normal time this month. Weather should be nice and partly cloudy..
Please be aware! the Boy Scout Troop will be using the 50yd range, Skeet range and Bow range. So there will be kids and scout leaders around.. The 100m rage will be open for the match.

Info: ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

  • Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
  • Check-in will begin at 8:30am with safety brief at 9am. followed by the relays.
  • Match fee is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.

October Fall into Pins Match Results

Thanks to all of our shooters who came out for a fabulous match. As noted below, there were a lot of quality scores that would win most of our matches. Our shooters should be proud of their scores. Despite that, the day boiled down to  Kenneth Clark and Paul Ruffle stopping by to interrupt what was otherwise the Bill Lewis show last Saturday at the range. Congratulations Bill on a dominating performance, winning the aggregate by over 45 seconds and taking first in everything but Major (Kenneth) and Minor (Paul).

It was nice to see such a large turnout. A couple of shout outs this month. First of all, nice to see Paul Ruffle behind his gun again. Paul, it has been far to long. And I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that Art Schoner came remarkably close to not leaving a pin for the entire match. You are just one pin away from perfection, Art. For the rest of us, we get another chance next month at the Get out the Vote Pin Match, November 2nd at 9:30 at the range.

I will see you there.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Bill Lewis 6.01 4.31 4.89 6.24 21.45
2 Dennis Bondi 5.94 5.59 6.14 4.99 22.66
3 Ray Neiderhiser 5.16 7.46 8.33 6.81 27.76
4 John Nolastname 6.10 8.93 5.81 7.53 28.37
5 Art Schoner 8.04 8.01 13.26 2.92 32.23 2.92
6 Tom Aston 9.16 8.46 7.35 8.80 33.77
7 Kenneth Clark 6.49 7.20 8.44 11.65 33.78
8 Paul Ruffle 3.81 3.72 3.90 25.00 36.43
9 Courtney Bolze 7.86 7.91 7.02 14.55 37.34
1 Kenneth Clark 4.09 4.89 6.37 9.52 24.87 4.09
2 Bill Lewis 5.48 13.67 5.16 6.30 30.61
3 Sam Kowalczyk 8.72 5.05 8.63 11.58 33.98
4 Ray Neiderhiser 8.72 9.86 13.51 6.66 38.75
5 Art Schoner 10.18 10.44 9.64 9.70 39.96
6 Tom Aston 7.24 5.82 25.00 6.09 44.15
7 Courtney Bolze 7.76 6.93 5.72 25.00 45.41
8 Swisher Noname 5.36 7.88 25.00 9.38 47.62
9 Dennis Bondi 25.00 45.00 12.67 9.38 92.05
NFS John Edwards 35.00 25.00 11.93 25.00 96.93
10 John Nolastname 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 100.00
11 Frank Sanders 6.00 55.00 35.00 5.28 101.28
12 John Edwards 25.00 25.00 45.00 25.00 120.00
12 Don Aubuchon 45.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 130.00
14 Chris Covert 35.00 35.00 55.00 65.00 190.00
1 Paul Ruffle 6.21 6.18 10.66 5.93 28.98 5.93
2 Kenneth Clark 7.86 9.43 7.34 8.64 33.27
3 Tom Aston 9.06 6.03 9.20 10.69 34.98
4 Swisher Noname 10.67 11.54 7.73 6.81 36.75
5 Bill Lewis 12.73 10.79 6.50 12.52 42.54
6 Art Schoner 13.87 13.76 8.90 8.39 44.92
7 Dennis Bondi 11.33 9.85 7.08 25.00 53.26
8 Ray Neiderhiser 10.56 10.64 25.00 7.82 54.02
9 Courtney Bolze 12.71 10.04 10.00 25.00 57.75
10 Sam Kowalczyk 10.62 14.25 12.83 35.00 72.70
11 John Nolastname 65.00 12.20 14.91 35.00 127.11
12 Chris Covert 13.12 55.00 25.00 45.00 138.12
13 Don Aubuchon 45.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 150.00
1 Bill Lewis 5.46 7.08 8.04 6.04 26.62
2 Ray Neiderhiser 7.62 6.37 5.64 7.57 27.20
3 Courtney Bolze 8.19 4.96 5.32 9.23 27.70 4.96
4 Art Schoner 25.00 10.96 10.57 6.15 52.68
5 Cal Genereux 14.69 12.91 12.99 13.97 54.56
6 Don Aubuchon 25.00 10.41 9.60 25.00 70.01
7 Sam Kowalczyk 9.94 35.00 7.11 25.00 77.05
8 Dennis Bondi 25.00 7.19 35.00 11.44 78.63
9 Swisher Noname 8.86 7.02 25.00 45.00 85.88
10 Tom Aston 35.00 45.00 6.69 25.00 111.69
11 John Nolastname 35.00 45.00 25.00 35.00 140.00
12 Kenneth Clark 65.00 35.00 25.00 45.00 170.00
1 Bill Lewis 6.17 8.05 9.08 7.39 30.69 6.17
2 Art Schoner 10.46 11.27 7.09 6.32 35.14
3 Courtney Bolze 13.47 11.72 8.84 5.77 39.80
4 Cal Genereux 9.22 9.35 10.05 11.55 40.17
5 Kenneth Clark 9.95 25.00 6.80 7.15 48.90
6 Ray Neiderhiser 8.97 25.00 8.91 7.36 50.24
7 Chris Covert 25.00 25.00 9.61 12.71 72.32
8 Dennis Bondi 25.00 25.00 6.36 25.00 81.36
9 Tom Aston 9.91 35.00 25.00 25.00 94.91
10 Don Aubuchon 45.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 120.00
11 Sam Kowalczyk 55.00 55.00 13.90 10.79 134.69
12 Frank Sanders 55.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 220.00
13 John Nolastname 65.00 45.00 55.00 65.00 230.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Bill Lewis 21.45 30.61 42.54 26.62 30.69 151.91
Ray Neiderhiser 27.76 38.75 54.02 27.2 50.24 197.97
Art Schoner 32.23 39.96 44.92 52.68 35.14 204.93
Courtney Bolze 37.34 45.41 57.75 27.7 39.8 208
Kenneth Clark 33.78 24.87 33.27 170 48.9 310.82
Tom Aston 33.77 44.15 34.98 111.69 94.91 319.5
Dennis Bondi 22.66 92.05 53.26 78.63 81.36 327.96
John Nolastname 28.37 100 127.11 140 230 625.48


October Bowling Pin Match

Fall into the October Bowling Pin Match this Saturday, October 5th at 9:30 at the Airfield Shooting Club Range in Wakefield. Conditions should be ideal for the match with temperatures topping out in the 70’s. For a detailed listing of the rules of the match as well as directions to our range can be found at For specific questions such as can I bring my flamethrower (uh, NO!)  please consult a pinhead. If you cannot afford a pinhead, one will be provided at no charge at [email protected].


Service Hours Opportunity – VA Beach Gun Show Oct 19th and 20th

Looking to earn some service hours? The Airfield Shooting Club will have a booth at the Virginia Beach Gun Show on October 19th and 20th. If you would like to help out and represent our club, please email the Gun Show Director, Gary at [email protected]. There will be future opportunities to volunteer at gun shows, if interested, reach to Gary for details.

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