April Bowling Pin Match Cancelled

Greetings Fellow Shooters,

Wow, I get really down when we cancel a match for weather. So this is a sad day for me. For the first time in the history of the Airfield Shooting Club, we are announcing cancelling a match due to pandemic. As you know, due to the Covid19 outbreak Governor Northam has instituted a ban on all gatherings of more than 10 people for both public and private organizations.  I suppose I may be flattering myself to think that nine other friends would show up, but in spite of my attendance we seem to be drawing reasonable crowds to the matches. Hopefully we will be back in business for the May match, but the safety of our shooters has to come first.

I’ll be spending some quality time with my reloading presses family during the break. I hope you can find components time to do the same.


ASC 2020-2021 Club Renewals

Hello ASC Members.

Your 2020-2021 renewal forms have been sent out.
Most of you will receive it via email.  If you don’t see it, check your spam/ junk folder. Sometimes it gets stuck in there.
A few of you will get it via U.S. mail. Should be a few days depending on the U.S. mail.
If you have any problems or questions, Please contact [email protected]

** Renewal Due Date **

You will have from March 31st to June 1st to pay your membership dues and other costs owed to ASC.
If you pay your membership dues after June 1st through August 31st there will be a penalty fee of $25.00.

After September 1st, you will be required to re-join the club.
This will include attending a board meeting, redoing member orientation, reviewing club rules and regulations, and paying prorated dues as well as the $50.00 initiation fee.

The ASC gate combination will be changed after the April Board of Directors meeting.
You will receive a new membership card and combination(s) after your invoice is paid and requirements are met.

If you are not renewing your ASC Membership this year, Please email the [email protected]  to let us know.

NSSA Registered Skeet Competition March 21-23

March 21 through March 23 the Airfield Shooting Club will be holding a NSSA registered skeet shooting competition. The competition will have four (4) categories (guns):

12 gauge
20 gauge
24 gauge
410 gauge


There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.

The cost is $25 per gun.

In order to participate you must pre-register and be a member of NSSA.

On the day of the shoot you will need

  1. Cash or check for $25 for each gun. Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club
  2. NSSA membership card. You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00
  3. Classification Sheet.

The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days.

Ties for Gun Championships will be determined by a Shoot-Off Monday afternoon.  If shooter is unable to attend the Monday Shoot-Off then the champion will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.

Email day(s) and gun(s) to compete to;

[email protected]

Women on Target 2020

It’s that time of year again!!!!  WOT Sign Up is available!!!!!

Please don’t wait, spots are starting to fill up!!!!  Our event is June 6th!  The cost is $55/person which includes use of all the guns, the ammo, access to world class instructors and LUNCH!   To sign up you need to do two things:

  1. Go to the Airfield shooting club Web site and make a payment: https://airfieldshootingclub.org/make-payment/
  2. Register for the event by going to the NRA web site: https://www.nrainstructors.org/CourseDetails.aspx?Courseid=563485&seats=44&id=73

You can find out more information by going to the ASC website at: https://airfieldshootingclub.org/women-on-target/ 

Sorry Guys – this is only for women, but please help us get the word out!!!!

Or you can contact

Scott Sampson (757) 618-1525 (Please no calls after 9 PM) or via email at [email protected]

Work Party – Saturday March 7th

We will be building tables for the bowling pin competitions starting at 9:00am on Saturday, March 7th. You will need.. circular saws, cord less drills / saws, Hammers and any other woodworking tools. If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours before the end of the membership year in March.

If you have any questions… Please contact the XO .. [email protected]

Shooter Tune Up – Rifle

Good Evening,

Sorry for the short notice but we holding another Shooter Tune up this Saturday at 10 am. This one will be focused on Rifle! Our own Fletcher Dunton will be hosting this event on the 50 yd range. Depending on the need of the participants he will be going over two distinct marksmanship skills:

1. Basic Rifle Sight-In:

This will include checking and adjusting the scope eye relief, parallax, level, mounts and bore for correctness, and basic bore sight before sending lead down range. Then correct sight in procedure will be covered. Please bring your own rifle to practice on.

2. Precision Rifle Shot Fundamentals:

This will include a review of the classic 5 shooting fundamentals. The focus will be to provide instructions and feedback to give each shooter solid techniques to walk away from the morning with tighter groups.

We hope to see you there. For awareness, the Shooter Tune Ups will be schedule every time there is a 5th Saturday of the month. These are located on the calendar and will vary in the topic we are covering.

See you on the firing line!

Service Hours Due

If you have performed service hours for the Club this past year, and not yet turn your hours in, please email the secretary by Monday, March 9th at [email protected]

In the email please provide:

  • Your name
  • Member #
  • Date of service
  • Service performed
  • Amount of time spent performing service

This will help with calculation and processing of your membership dues in March and avoid confusion when you receive your dues invoice.

Upcoming Service Hour Opportunities:

March Work Party – Date TBD. Keep an eye on the calendar and contact the XO at [email protected] to sign up

Paying for Incomplete Service Hours:

The amount of outstanding service hours will be calculated and added to your dues invoice. Invoices will be processed the 3rd week of March. We do not have the amount you owe until processing is complete so please wait for your invoice.

Work Party – Saturday, February 15th 2020

On Saturday, February 15th 2020 , starting at 12:00pm,  we will be having a work party. This work party will include building new frames and general clean up of the range.

You will need…
Tools for building and repairing the frames.. Circular saws, cord less drills / saws, Hammers, extension cords and any other woodworking tools. Don’t forget work gloves and ear protection.

Remember service hours for the year are due by March. This is a great opportunity to help out the club and earn a few service hours.

If you have any questions… Please contact Mark ..  [email protected]

*(Both the 50 and 100 yard ranges will be open during this time)*

RSOs Needed (Service Hour Opprotunity) (March 14, October 3)

We are requesting RSO’s for the following groups and dates:

  1. New Covenant Presbyterian Church  –  25 and 50 Yard ranges for March 13, 2020 from 1 – 3 PM
  2. Peninsula Community Chapel  –  Trap field on Oct 3, 2020 from 10 AM – 12 PM –> Can’t say we didn’t plan ahead !

Please contact Scott Sampson to volunteer and get your service hours! [email protected]

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