NSSA Registered Skeet Competition – October 16-18

  October 16 through October 18 the Airfield Shooting Club will be holding a NSSA registered skeet shooting competition. The competition will have four (4) categories (guns):

12 gauge
20 gauge
24 gauge
410 gauge


There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.

The cost is $25 per gun.

In order to participate you must pre-register and be a member of NSSA.

On the day of the shoot you will need

1.    Cash or check for $25 for each gun. Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club

2.    NSSA membership card. You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00

3.    Classification Sheet.

The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days.

Ties for Gun Championships will be determined by a Shoot-Off Monday afternoon.  If shooter is unable to attend the Monday Shoot-Off then the champion will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.

Covid-19 rules apply

    Mask are to be worn except when shooting.

    Squads will be ask to maintain Social Distancing in the field

    There will be a non competing individual to pull to miminize handling of the controller

    Email day(s) and gun(s) to compete to;

[email protected]

October Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters,
We are pleased to invite you to the October Bowling Pin match this Saturday, October 2nd at the stunning Airfield Shooting Club range in extraordinary Wakefield, VA. As usual, we will gather at 9:30. Rules for the match and directions to the club are located on the Airfield Shooting Club web page www.airfieldshootingclub.org. Specific questions can be sent to our resident adjunct associate chief pinhead at [email protected].

RSO Needed This Saturday

Hello Fellow Members!

We are in need of an RSO for this Saturday (2 Oct) for a Men’s Church Group.  They will be using the 100m range from 2-4.  If you are available please let us know!  Time counts toward your Service hours!

Please contact [email protected] to volunteer!

Thank you for your help!

Scott Sampson

Chief Instructor #762





Work Party Thank You!

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend! Some doubted that we could successfully pull off a major work party concurrently with a Bowling Pin Match (Steven!!). I thought, despite my poor shooting, that both were tremendous successes and wanted to thank all who participated in Saturday’s activities.  The work party crew did a great job building beautiful new frames for every possible position on the ranges.  Let’s do our best to keep these frames intact! If you find someone, carelessly or otherwise, shooting the frames, please point it out to them.  If the problem persists, please contact the Provost.  Speaking of the Provost, I’d like to extend a special Thank You to Mark for running a well-organized work party, allowing us to run the Pin Match as usual.

I’m tentatively planning a range clean-up work party for some time next month.  I’m planning on weed/brush trimming and general clean up.

Thanks again,

Art Schoner


Labor Day Weekend Bowling Pin Match Results

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

Verizon Fios has resurrected my internet service and so now you may have your match results. Congratulations to Dale Mullin on taking his first five gun aggregate win. I’d like to point out that we actually had a tie for second place in Major this month. I don’t remember a tie ever before. We certainly didn’t know about the tie at the end of the match, so there can’t be an Olympic moment where folks joyously share the silver medal. Besides, we are Americans and there have to winners! Well it is my circus so it’s my monkey and by decree, the winner is Brian Howell. His fastest string was almost a half second faster than the loser. Here are all of the results for the match


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Steven Gordon 3.96 2.80 5.42 5.94 18.12 2.80
2 Courtney Bolze 4.32 5.59 3.79 5.35 19.05
3 Dale Mullin 5.27 5.96 4.67 6.15 22.05
4 Art Schoner 8.14 4.96 2.92 7.49 23.51
5 Bill Lewis 6.59 5.74 7.44 9.16 28.93
6 Taylor Strickland 8.46 6.70 7.89 7.01 30.06
7 Mike Sammons 45.00 35.00 12.49 14.83 107.32
8 Chris Covert 14.43 45.00 35.00 35.00 129.43
1 Terry Miltier 3.97 6.37 5.03 12.14 27.51 3.97
2 Brian Howell 4.62 7.85 8.13 9.00 29.60
3 Steven Gordon 7.88 9.17 5.04 7.51 29.60
4 Dale Mullin 8.98 8.01 10.72 9.34 37.05
5 Taylor Strickland 11.56 3.91 25.00 7.74 48.21
6 Art Schoner 25.00 13.23 7.64 7.84 53.71
7 Paul Lynch 9.69 25.00 13.15 8.11 55.95
8 Courtney Bolze 14.61 25.00 6.40 35.00 81.01
9 Don Aubuchon 14.96 65.00 10.48 6.47 96.91
10 Bill Lewis 35.00 9.87 25.00 35.00 104.87
11 Pete Eosso 13.71 35.00 35.00 25.00 108.71
12 Mike Sammons 25.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 110.00
13 Chris Covert 35.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 150.00
1 Terry Miltier 5.36 5.41 6.26 4.99 22.02
2 Brian Howell 4.81 5.54 10.30 8.94 29.59 4.81
NFS Terry Miltier 5.95 8.30 7.26 8.29 29.80
3 Steven Gordon 11.00 10.72 7.09 6.08 34.89
4 Courtney Bolze 9.82 10.61 9.29 9.35 39.07
5 Dale Mullin 13.28 12.43 12.75 11.03 49.49
6 Don Aubuchon 9.40 14.34 13.57 14.34 51.65
7 Bill Lewis 13.71 7.89 25.00 7.48 54.08
8 Taylor Strickland 25.00 11.08 11.03 10.05 57.16
9 R Coleman 13.12 25.00 8.24 12.62 58.98
10 Art Schoner 45.00 10.62 13.70 11.05 80.37
11 John Gesctines 35.00 45.00 35.00 12.06 127.06
12 Paul Lynch 75.00 13.55 13.97 25.00 127.52
13 Pete Eosso 35.00 25.00 45.00 45.00 150.00
14 John Gesctines 85.00 65.00 13.24 35.00 198.24
15 Alex Radkevich 65.00 85.00 65.00 75.00 290.00
1 Courtney Bolze 5.08 5.00 4.68 6.94 21.70
2 Terry Miltier 6.95 4.76 5.11 5.87 22.69 4.76
3 Art Schoner 9.48 8.86 9.11 6.97 34.42
4 Dale Mullin 9.84 10.17 10.12 7.74 37.87
5 Bill Lewis 25.00 7.07 7.79 9.53 49.39
6 Don Aubuchon 25.00 9.63 25.00 10.72 70.35
7 Steven Gordon 35.00 7.85 25.00 25.00 92.85
8 Taylor Strickland 13.74 25.00 35.00 25.00 98.74
9 Pete Eosso 8.88 65.00 7.37 35.00 116.25
10 Chris Covert 35.00 55.00 35.00 45.00 170.00
1 Brian Howell 11.32 6.09 5.68 4.59 27.68 4.59
2 Courtney Bolze 25.00 5.11 6.45 7.98 44.54
3 Bill Lewis 8.63 8.29 25.00 7.17 49.09
4 Dale Mullin 7.60 10.57 7.41 25.00 50.58
5 Steven Gordon 7.19 11.83 25.00 8.59 52.61
6 Taylor Strickland 6.76 7.20 35.00 8.98 57.94
7 Paul Lynch 12.05 25.00 35.00 7.50 79.55
8 Don Aubuchon 8.83 35.00 35.00 25.00 103.83
9 Art Schoner 25.00 10.28 35.00 35.00 105.28
10 Chris Covert 45.00 14.07 65.00 25.00 149.07
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Dale Mullin 22.05 37.05 49.49 37.87 50.58 197.04
2 Courtney Bolze 19.05 81.01 39.07 21.7 44.54 205.37
3 Steven Gordon 18.12 29.6 34.89 92.85 52.61 228.07
4 Bill Lewis 28.93 104.87 54.08 49.39 49.09 286.36
5 Taylor Strickland 30.06 48.21 57.16 98.74 57.94 292.11
6 Art Schoner 23.51 53.71 80.37 34.42 105.28 297.29

Labor Day Weekend Pin Match

And so another summer draws to its unofficial close this weekend. To celebrate, your friends at the Airfield Shooting Club will be hosting our monthly pin match. We are expecting dry weather and not too hot. All of your friends will be there and for one of us, this is a bit of a bachelor party. So come wish our mystery shooter well before the big day. Arrive by 9:30 in the morning at the ASC range in wonderful Wakefield. Directions and match rules are posted on our web site at www.airfieldshootingclub.org. Our chief assistant adjunct pinhead is always available at [email protected] for specific questions.

See you there,


Work Party September 4!

Work Party!

Need service hours?  Tired of hassling with old dilapidated frames?  Come out and support your club and earn some service hours next Saturday September 4th at 10:00.  We will be rebuilding all of the frames and replacing some of the pipes in the ground. So, bring your basic carpentry tools, including (but not limited to) circular saws and miter saws, and drills/drivers. Send me a note at [email protected] if you happen to have a power post hole digger, or auger, that you’re willing to bring.  Please be aware, in order to get this done as soon as possible and minimize range down time, this work party will run concurrently with the September bowling pin match, so bring your eye and ears!

I hope to see you next Saturday, for one or both activities!


Art Schoner



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