Labor Day Weekend Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

Start your Labor Day Weekend off with a bang. Quite a few of them actually. The Airfield Shooting Club will host its monthly bowling pin match this Saturday, September 3rd at 9:30 AM at the inspiring ASC Shooting Club range in idyllic Wakefield. Watch as yet another new 38 Special load fails me in a spectacular fashion. No, it could not be the shooter! Find out for yourself this Saturday. For information about the match see our web site Please direct an specific questions to our local pinhead resource group at See you Saturday.


22LR rimfire bench rest match results

Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for August with seventeen  (17) total shooters between the morning and afternoon sessions.  The competition follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line.  Next match is scheduled for September 18th.

results click here —> ASC Rimfire Bench Rest Scores <—

Rimfire challenge August 21st

We have limited shooter positions open for the afternoon match (1:00 pm – 4:00) following a modified American Rimfire Association bench rest competition.


Reserve your bench for either the morning or afternoon shoot by contacting Tom at or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM.

Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the morning or afternoon Safety Meeting to shoot!

Come early or stay late to help set up or take down the range for service hours.  All help is greatly appreciated.

Rimfire benchrest challenge August 21st

Test or challenge your shooting skills in a friendly bench rest shooting event following a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition targeting two – six (twenty-five) bull targets.


We have limited shooter positions open for the morning match 8:30 am -12:00 pm and afternoon match (1:00 pm – 4:00). Each competition limited to ten (10) shooters on the 25 – 50-yard ranges.


Reserve your bench for either the morning or afternoon shoot by contacting Tom at or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM.


Opens sights/red optics will shoot at the 25-yard line, all others will shoot at the 50-yard line. Modified ARA Factory and Unlimited rules apply.


Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the morning or afternoon Safety Meeting to shoot!

Dog Days Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters,

We had a nice mix of veteran and new shooters at the match this month. Overcast conditions made shooting much more tolerable than expected for August. Thanks to all of our veteran shooters who pitched in with timing and scoring duties to get all of the competitors in and us off the range in a timely manner. Our next match is Labor Day Weekend Saturday September 3rd. until then, celebrate or weep over the scores below.

Airfield Shooting Club Bowling Pin Match Results August 6, 2022
Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cort Tompkins 3.17 3.73 3.13 3.59 13.62 3.13
2 Taylor Strickland 4.05 5.86 3.19 3.23 16.33
3 Steven Gordon 5.27 3.85 6.18 4.34 19.64
4 Brian Wells 3.31 25.00 3.55 25.00 56.86
5 Allen Moran 10.68 4.75 4.64 45.00 65.07
1 Paul Lynch 8.86 6.62 5.99 7.49 28.96 5.99
2 Cort Tompkins 13.89 8.62 6.78 12.26 41.55
3 Steven Gordon 8.50 11.75 9.38 13.36 42.99
4 Brian Wells 8.06 7.41 25.00 8.67 49.14
5 Tip Wight 6.54 25.00 5.23 25.00 61.77
6 Allen Moran 45.00 9.61 6.76 10.99 72.36
1 Allen Moran 11.25 6.66 5.94 8.17 32.02 5.94
2 Steven Gordon 11.33 8.79 6.87 7.18 34.17
3 Brian Wells 7.91 7.39 9.84 10.33 35.47
4 Frank Sanders 14.54 9.12 10.64 7.85 42.15
5 David Petix Jr. 10.80 25.00 10.17 7.42 53.39
6 Bob Coleman 13.69 8.62 25.00 10.78 58.09
NFS Bob Coleman 25.00 12.90 11.79 13.66 63.35
7 Taylor Strickland 25.00 8.98 25.00 14.71 73.69
8 Matt Finch 7.52 35.00 35.00 8.31 85.83
9 Cort Tompkins 6.17 7.53 8.76 85.00 107.46
10 Tip Wight 12.63 6.81 45.00 45.00 109.44
NFS Frank Sanders 10.75 85.00 9.14 8.48 113.37
11 David Petix Sr. 55.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 130.00
1 Cort Tompkins 3.30 4.33 3.70 3.34 14.67 3.30
NFS Tip Wight 3.70 3.47 5.09 3.78 16.04
2 Tip Wight 5.16 4.76 5.23 6.27 21.42
3 Allen Moran 4.78 25.00 5.25 5.95 40.98
NFS Tip Wight 8.66 25.00 5.06 6.17 44.89
5 Steven Gordon 25.00 65.00 8.63 55.00 153.63
6 Brian Wells 65.00 65.00 8.30 25.00 163.30
1 Allen Moran 3.43 7.04 6.17 6.16 22.80 3.43
2 Cort Tompkins 5.79 6.38 6.79 5.11 24.07
3 Steven Gordon 9.19 10.81 13.88 12.65 46.53
4 Brian Wells 6.70 7.73 25.00 11.69 51.12
5 Paul Lynch 6.97 4.51 5.77 55.00 72.25
6 Matt Finch 25.00 11.12 25.00 25.00 86.12
7 Gregory Wintersteen 55.00 55.00 65.00 55.00 230.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Cort Tompkins 13.62 41.55 107.46 14.67 24.07 201.37
2 Allen Moran 65.07 72.36 32.02 40.98 22.8 233.23
3 Steven Gordon 19.64 42.99 34.17 153.63 46.53 296.96
4 Brian Wells 56.86 49.14 35.47 163.3 51.12 355.89

Dog Days Bowling Pin Match

Gentle Shooters,

How about attending a fun match this Saturday Morning. If you have never been to a bowling pin match, you have the opportunity to fix that this very Saturday, August 6th at 9:30. The matches are action packed and a lot of fun. Basically, you shoot full size bowling pins off a table with handguns at 25 feet with the shortest amount of time winning. There are reduced targets for .22 and we even shoot pistol caliber carbines. More information on the matches can be found here. The match is at the Airfield Shooting Club range in Wakefield. For directions, see our about page. For specific questions about our match, please email our resident adjunct chief assistant pinhead at

See you Saturday,



July Defensive shooting match scores

Had a good turnout today despite the heat, had nine brave shooters come out and run shoot and sweat in the July heat and humidity. The next match is October 29th when the weather will be a bit cooler.

If you have issues with the attachments send me an email I will send you the file directly

The scores are in the attached PDF here —>Defensive shooting scores 7-30-202

Rimfire Challenge

Test or challenge your shooting skills in a friendly bench rest shooting event following a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition targeting six (twenty-five) bull targets.  

We have two shooter positions open for the morning match 8:30 am -12:00 pm and six open positions for the afternoon match (1:00 pm – 4:00). Each competition limited to ten (10) shooters on the 25 – 50-yard ranges. 

Reserve your bench for either the morning or afternoon shoot by contacting Tom at or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM.   

Opens sights/ red optics will shoot at the 25-yard line, all others will shoot at the 50-yard line. Factory and Unlimited or open rules apply. 

Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the Safety Meeting to shoot!

Defensive shooting match

Mark the calendar the next defensive shooting match is July 30th, come out and join us for a run and gun against the clock. All shooters welcome have categories for everybody members $5 entry additional category $2, non-members $10 entry additional category $2. Set up time 9:00 a.m. shooters brief and stage walk-through starts at 9:30. The stages will be posted closer to the event if you have any questions feel free to contact me at


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