Work Party Sunday November 5th

On Sunday Nov 5th we will be holding a work party starting at 9am to make repairs to the range. The primary focus will be to clear as much brush from the berm that separates the 100 and the shotgun range and the drainage ditch by the shotgun ranges. We will be building frames for the SRB, 25m and 50m. Also, we need to replace the removable shooting rails for the 100.

General carpentry tools, chop saws and table saws will be needed for building the target frames. If someone has a router and a roundover bit that would be a huge bonus for building the removable rails at the 100. For clearing the berm, we will need chainsaws, pole saws, pruning tools and/or loppers. If anyone has any specialty equipment or tools, ie tractor with grapple or a 4 way bucket, that would be a huge bonus. We plan on renting a chipper shredder to mulch all the brush removed. Please wear some kind of boots, gloves and safety glasses if you plan to do any kind of cutting or sawing.

If we get the new target backers in by the work party date, we will need the target backers prepped for usage, installing gromets.

For members that may not be able to help with the heavy maintenance, we can always use people for general cleanup around the range and bathroom areas.

Please reach out to me via email if you have any specialty tools or equipment that would make this process of clearing the berm easier.

If you still require service hours this will be an easy way to catch up or complete the 6hr requirement for the year.




[email protected]

The last of the defensive matches for this year have concluded

The last of the defensive matches for this year have concluded below are attached to the scores for the July and September match

The next match will be January 6th first weekend in January followed by February 3rd

 any questions please contact me at [email protected]

July scores here Defensive shooting scores 7-29-2023

September scores here Defensive shooting scores 9-30-2023

October Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters,

I am pleased to present the October ASC Bowling Pin Match results below. We set yet another record in Carbine. Who will be the first to fire and under two second string? Come to the November 4th match to find out. Until then, Practice.


String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cort Tompkins 2.31 3.06 2.25 4.58 12.20 2.25
2 Art Schoner 3.09 2.43 5.36 4.47 15.35
3 Paul Lynch 4.56 3.94 5.06 4.21 17.77
4 Brian Wells 4.51 4.39 5.16 3.81 17.87
5 Kenny Hardee 6.57 11.16 6.42 6.06 30.21
1 Cort Tompkins 5.07 5.84 5.02 5.66 21.59 5.02
2 Kenny Hardee 4.38 8.91 8.89 14.17 36.35
3 Art Schoner 10.37 3.98 25.00 11.27 50.62
4 Tip Wight 12.21 25.00 8.48 5.89 51.58
5 Paul Lynch 7.84 25.00 7.73 13.49 54.06
6 Brian Wells 25.00 25.00 7.61 7.58 65.19
1 Cort Tompkins 6.82 5.54 9.19 10.31 31.86 5.54
2 Paul Lynch 9.61 9.06 8.03 6.83 33.53
3 Don Davis 8.65 7.39 10.40 12.39 38.83
4 Brian Wells 10.01 7.66 9.24 12.83 39.74
5 Art Schoner 12.16 12.60 9.71 14.81 49.28
NFS Don Davis 6.34 7.13 35.00 6.18 54.65
6 Tip Wight 14.48 14.29 14.80 25.00 68.57
7 Kenny Hardee 55.00 11.52 10.24 6.66 83.42
NFS Don Davis 8.51 10.65 35.00 35.00 89.16
1 Cort Tompkins 3.52 3.50 6.09 4.77 17.88 3.50
2 Tip Wight 13.35 6.39 5.20 4.64 29.58
3 Brian Wells 9.15 12.16 6.93 5.04 33.28
4 Art Schoner 14.60 11.67 5.58 10.24 42.09
5 Paul Lynch 7.75 25.00 9.50 7.55 49.80
1 Cort Tompkins 4.07 4.63 5.33 6.90 20.93 4.07
2 Kenny Hardee 5.03 6.43 4.53 5.51 21.50
3 Tip Wight 9.75 5.03 5.20 5.72 25.70
4 Brian Wells 10.40 10.47 9.27 6.17 36.31
5 Art Schoner 25.00 8.30 6.16 25.00 64.46
6 Paul Lynch 25.00 8.22 35.00 9.18 77.40
7 Don Davis 7.76 7.83 45.00 35.00 95.59
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Cort Tompkins 12.20 21.59 31.86 17.88 20.93 104.46
2 Brian Wells 17.87 65.19 39.74 33.28 36.31 192.39
3 Art Schoner 15.35 50.62 49.28 42.09 64.46 221.80
4 Paul Lynch 17.77 54.06 33.53 49.80 77.40 232.56

4H Center Work Party update

The 4H work party is still a go, its a rain or shine event. One other member going, got an email asking everyone to meet at the Gray Building. I unfortunately, will not be able to attend as I have become under the weather.



Saturday (Oct 7) Activities

The center’s work party tomorrow is a rain or shine event. If you’re attending, be prepared to work in the rain/wet conditions.

The Pin Match decision will be made last minute. If it’s raining in Wakefield in the morning, I’ll post a cancellation on the website and FB. Otherwise, I’ll assess the conditions when I get out there. If the match is cancelled, I’d like the pinheads to crash the Center’s work party to help get that work knocked out.

I hope to see you tomorrow at the range.

Art Schoner
ASC President/Pinhead-in-charge this week.

NSSA Skeet Shoot – on 21 – 23 October.

The semi-annual NSSA registered skeet shooting competition will be held at the Airfield Shooting Club on 21 – 23 October.

The competition will have four (4) categories (guns):  12 Ga, 20 Ga, 28 Ga, .410 bore, and Doubles.

There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.

The cost is $25 per gun.

In order to participate you please notify intent to shoot (day, gun, etc.) and be a member of NSSA.  Walkups are subject to waiting and possibly shifting to Sunday or Monday.

On the day of the shoot you will need:

1.    Cash or check for $25 for each gun. Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club

2.    NSSA membership card. You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00

3.    Classification Sheet.

The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days.  Once we have all shooters sending their preferences, a draft schedule will be made available to all.

Ties for Gun Championships will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.

Email day(s), gun(s), NSSA number and address to:

[email protected]

Additionally, if anyone needs to get their service hours in, I will be asking for help refereeing, scoring and trapping.  Let me know which days (Saturday and/or Sunday) you can work.  Past volunteers or experienced skeet shooters preferred.

Jon Lester

Pins Fall in the Fall

Gentle Shooters,

We are entering the final third of the Bowling Match Shooting Season this weekend at the Airfield Shooting Club. Including the tilt on Saturday, October 7th there are only three more bowling pin matches left in 2023. Reserve your spot early by being at the range this Saturday at 9:30. Shooters are requested to check in with the Airfield Shooting Club work party on the adjacent field before departing after the match. We are assisting our 4H partners with getting an archery range and we may need you help.

For those of you who are new to this, we have directions and instructions at the Airfield Shooting club web site. For specific questions, please feel free to ping a pinhead at [email protected].


September Rimfire Challenge Results

The September Rimfire Challenge is in the books for the Modified Benchrest Challenge.  The weather was great except for the wind gusts.  It proved most challenging for the most experienced contestants.  

If you have not had a chance to experience a Rimfire Challenge, come out on the 3rd Sunday of the month.  The range is set up with a short sighting in period from 7:00 am to 8:30, Safety Meeting at 8:30, and the Rimfire Challenge runs from 9:00am to Noon.
The next Rimfire Challenge is the KNOW YOUR LIMITS (KYL) that will test your limits.  KYL Targets are 8 swinging steel targets at 50-yard line, ranging in size from 2” diameter to ¼” diameter in ¼” increments.  Any firearm chambered for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge may be used.  Front bag or rest only, shooting off the bench.  This is a timed event for best score.
See you at the range!
Thomas Sanford

Oct 7th 3D archery range work party to assist the 4H center-reminder

This is a reminder that this coming Saturday, October 7th, there will be a work party to assist the 4H center with the new 3D archery range. Part of the Airfield Shooting Clubs original goals were to assist the 4H center with projects since they are our host. This new range will be available for ASC members to use also. This adds archery to our offerings to members. If you have time please consider helping out the center and our club. Service hours will be given for hours performed. Please RSVP from the information provided in the flier.


Cory, ASC MO

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