ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Saturday, April 13th @ 9am

Why YES the ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match will take place this Saturday, April 13th @ 9am Looks like rain and thunderstorms likely.. but a little rain never stopped a rifleman.. and we shoot undercover. 😉  so on we go…. ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse! Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range. Check-in will begin at 8:45 with safety brief at 9:00. followed by the relays. Match fee is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members. You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.

Ken Grover Memorial Open (NSSA) Skeet shoot … Oct 20th – 22nd 2018

On October 20th through the 22nd the Airfield Shooting Club will be holding the Ken Grover Memorial Open.   A NSSA registered skeet shooting competition. The competition will have the following categories: 12 gauge 20 gauge 28 gauge 410 gauge Doubles There will be a cash prize for first place in each category. The cost is $25 per gun. In order to participate you must pre-register and be a member of NSSA. On the day of the shoot you will need; 1. Cash or check for $25 for each gun.  (Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club) 2. NSSA membership card.  (You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00) 3. Classification Sheet. The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days. Ties for Gun Championships will be determined by a Shoot-Off Monday afternoon. If shooter is unable to attend the Monday Shoot-Off then the champion will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer. Email day(s) and gun(s) to compete to; Richard Sutton – [email protected]  

13 OCT- Call for one RSO on skeet range to support Men’s Retreat

WE NEED A SKEET RANGE QUALIFIED RSO FOR 13 October 2018 Peninsula Community Chapel has the Skeet Ranges from 10:00am—Noon. We have one RSO volunteer (w/o skeet qualification to assist on the field) but desperately need one more RSO who is Skeet Range Qualified to assist/coach around 15-20 for their Men’s Retreat. RSOs should report at least 30 minutes prior to the event, and be able to assist 4-H Center personnel to set up, provide the safety brief and range orientation to the participants, and ensure safety standards are conducted according to ASC Range Rules. This is a great way to get some service hours. If you’re interested contact: [email protected].


RANGE SAFETY OFFICERS REQUEST—1 SEPT 2018 Calvary Reformed Presbyterian Church has rented the 50 Yard (3 participants) and Skeet Ranges (3 participants) for Saturday, 1 September 2018 from 4:00—6:00pm. ASC is looking for one Skeet Range Qualified RSO along with one RSO to serve on the 50 Yard Range. RSOs should report at least 30 minutes prior to the event, and be able to assist 4-H Center personnel to set up, provide the safety brief and range orientation to the participants, and ensure safety standards are conducted according to ASC Range Rules. This is a great way to get some service hours. If you’re interested contact: [email protected].

4H District Shoot

4-H is requesting some assistance for the District Shoot.  We could use the following: Two volunteers for Friday at 5 PM for about 2 hours. Two or three volunteers for Saturday morning from 8-12. Two or three volunteers for Saturday afternoon from 12-4 (or just a bit later as we’ll be cleaning up after the competition.   If you are interested in helping please contact Dale Mullin : [email protected]

RSO Needed for Saturday May 12th – 50 Yard Range Boy Scouts (RSO Positions Filled)

ASC Members, BST 12 will be at Airfield on Saturday May 12th, 2018 and have asked for an RSO for the 50 yard range from 9a-12p and from 1p to 4p that afternoon. If you are interested in filling all or part of this request please reply to [email protected] and let me know. Duties typically include providing an introductory safety briefing and ensuring the proper safe operation of the range as an RSO. These are great opportunities to help out the club, and help us get young people engaged in the shooting sports ! If you have any questions about what’s required or what not please let me know. My apologies for the short notice,  I had a reminder to send out the request last week however my schedule was overcome by events. Thank You, Jon – Webmaster ASC  

Service Rifle Results for 14 April 2018

We shot two relays. All of the shooters shot with rifles categorized in the “Civilian Marksmanship Program” realm (e.g. M-1 Garands, M1903 Springfield, etc.). We had several who also shot the course using Modern Sporting Rifles. The Service Rifle and Zombie matches continues to be conducted on the second Saturday of the month, and registration starts at 8:30am with the first relay being conducted at 9am (after the range safety and orientation briefs). The next match is scheduled for 12 May 2018. The April results are listed below. PARTICIPANT SCORE X-HITS RIFLE TYPE ASC MEMBER Swisher, Ian 244 1 M1 Garand Yes Metzgar, G 240 2 M1 Garand Yes Slee, J. 201 1 M1 Garand Yes Lane, David 196 0 MSR Yes Slee, J. 176 2 M1903 Yes Bolze, C. 175 0 M1903 Yes Lawler, M. 133 0 M91/30 Mosin Yes Lannon, M. 103 0 M1 Garand No

BST Range Usage – RSO Positions Filled- Shotgun | April 15th 13:00-17:00

ASC Members, I’ve updated to include the date of the event, that’s a bit important. On Sunday April 15th, The 50 yard range and the shotgun range will be unavailable for club use from 13:00 – 1700 ET . Two  RSO’s are requested to support a Boy Scout troop using the range.  One of the RSO’s must be shotgun qualified and able to RSO for the shotgun field. We are still in need of an RSO to look after the shotgun range for this event. If you are interested please let me know.  If you are interested in serving as RSO please send an email to [email protected]. One the two spots are taken I’ll update the title of this post on the website and notify the first to folks that respond. Thank You, Jon Welters – Webmaster ASC

Women On Target – Ladies Only Shooting Clinic – Saturday June 2nd, 2018

Women On Target®Instructional Shooting Clinics create more opportunities for women to learn all about firearms, and to gain confidence in newly-acquired shooting skills. Learn safe firearms handling Learn how to store your firearms safely Learn to shoot Learn a sport you’ll enjoy for a lifetime When: Saturday June 2nd, 2018, (sign-in begins at 9:00 a.m.) Where: Airfield 4-H Conference Center, Wakefield, Virginia 23888

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