Work party Saturday March 4th 9:00 a.m.

Work party Saturday March 4th 9:00 a.m. we will be building pin tables for the bowling pin competition preparing the new cardboard backers for use tape punch the hole installing The Grommet and building new Target stands. If possible bringing woodworking tools will help in speeding up the process. An easy way to get those last few service hours before renewing the annual dues   If you have any questions please contact the defensive shooting director Taylor Strickland at   

Defensive shooting match this Saturday January 7th

Grab your gear and come out and join a run and gun  Set up 9:00AM shooters brief at 9:30AM. Members entry fee $5 non-members entry fee $10 additional categories for each $2 a piece Any questions please contact me at   The stages are in the attached PDF  —->Defensive shooting match stages 1-7-2023

November 20th Rimfire Bench-rest Competition

Last opportunity to shoot 22LR Bench-rest from the 50 yard line for this year in a friendly bench rest shooting event following a modified version.  We have limited shooter positions open for the morning match from 8:30 am -12:00 pm. Reserve your shooting position by contacting Tom at or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM.    Opens sights/red optics will shoot at the 25-yard line, all others will shoot at the 50-yard line. Modified ARA Factory and Unlimited rules apply. Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the morning or afternoon Safety Meeting to shoot!

October Defensive shooting match scores

 Great turn out at The defensive shooting match with 11 shooters, the next defensive shooting match is January 7th Instead of December 31st, If there is anything you would like to see added  or done differently plus any and all questions Let me know at     The scores for the match our located in the PDF attached here Defensive shooting scores 10-29-2022    

Defensive shooting match stages

 The umbrella corporation has taken over the range and they’ve brought zombies, Come out and join us in our efforts to take back what’s ours With 3 stages for the defensive shooting match total round count of 49 rounds per category If you have any questions please email me at  The stages are in the attached PDF—> here Defensive shooting match stages 10-29-2022<—

Defensive shooting match October 29th

Satursay the 29th The last defensive shooting match of the year, Grab your gear and come out and join a run and gun  Set up 9:00AM shooters brief at 9:30AM. Members entry fee $5 non-members entry fee $10 additional categories for each $2 a piece Any questions please contact me at The  Stages will be posted in a few days

October Rimfire Bench-Rest Challenge October 16th

We have limited shooter positions open for the morning match 8:30 am -12:00 pm and afternoon match (1:00 pm – 4:00). Each competition limited to ten (10) shooters on the 25 – 50-yard ranges.  Reserve your bench for either the morning or afternoon shoot by contacting Tom at or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM. Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the morning or afternoon Safety Meeting to shoot!

September Rim Fire Scores

Airfield Shooting Club completed another successful 22LR rimfire bench rest match for September with fifteen (15) total shooters between the morning and afternoon sessions.  The competition follows a modified American Rimfire Association rule format on the 50 yard line.  A huge shoutout to Art and various club members and volunteers replacing and adding more wooden frames which support range events.  Next match is scheduled for October 16th.   September Rim Fire Scores –>ASC Rimfire Bench Rest Scores 9_18_2022<–

Rimfire Bench Rest Competition Sept 18,2022

Test or challenge your shooting skills in a friendly bench rest shooting event following a modified version of the ARA Benchrest Shooting Competition targeting two – six (twenty-five) bull targets. We have limited shooter positions open for the morning match 8:30 am -12:00 pm and afternoon match (1:00 pm – 4:00). Each competition limited to ten (10) shooters on the 25 – 50-yard ranges. Reserve your bench for either the morning or afternoon shoot by contacting Tom at or text/call 757-653-4850, please no calls after 9 PM. Opens sights/red optics will shoot at the 25-yard line, all others will shoot at the 50-yard line. Modified ARA Factory and Unlimited rules apply. Cost is $5 – ASC Members, $10 – Non-Members. Rules and additional rimfire information posted on website> “Club Programs” under Rimfire Challenge. All participants must attend the morning or afternoon Safety Meeting to shoot

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