The next defensive shooting match will be this Saturday 3/29

The next defensive shooting match will be this Saturday 3/29. Weather should be prefect with highs in the mid 70s. Set up is at 8:00 a.m. with the safety brief at 8:30 a.m. You must attend the safety brief to compete in the match. Cost $5 entry for members $10 for non-members $2 per additional categories The stages for the match are in the attached PDF hear DSM Stages 2-1-2025 I look forward to seeing everyone at the range

Defensive shooting match scores for January 4th

Had seven Shooters Brave the cold and wind for the first defensive match of the year and only two firearms that decided it was too cold to work properly  the next defensive shooting match is February 1st set up 8:00 a.m. Shooter’s brief at 8:30 to compete you must attend the Shooter’s brief the stages for the next match will be posted closer to the match, I look forward to seeing everyone February 1st The scores for January 4th are in the attached PDF here —> Defensive shooting scores 1-4-25

The defensive shooting match is kicking off the new year January 4th

The defensive shooting match is kicking off the new year January 4th weather permitting set up at 8:00 a.m. Shooters brief at 8:30 Cost $5 entry for members $10 for non-members $2 per additional categories Shooting stages will be posted a little closer to the match for any questions please email me at [email protected]

The defensive shooting match that was scheduled for November 30th unfortunately is canceled

The defensive shooting match that was scheduled for November 30th unfortunately is canceled two of the three match directors have prior obligations that prevent them from being there the third one is being worked into the ground the next defensive match on schedule is January 4th followed by February 1st and then March 29th If there are any questions or you are looking for more information contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected]

Rimfire Challenge

This month’s Rimfire Challenge will be the Modified Metal Madness; it is a speed shooting competition consisting of shooting five steel targets in the proper order using a 22LR pistol or rifle. Competitors are scored solely by the time it takes to complete each stage. The course of fire is designed to be completed by even the most inexperienced shooter using one 10-round magazine per string without the need to reload “on the clock.” It is recommended to have 2 – 5 magazines; note a maximum of 10 round limits per string.  The match winner is the competitor with the lowest overall time.  We will set up a couple of benchrest stations and KYL “Know Your Limits” spinner targets if you want to try them. The range is set up at 7:00 am, Safety Meeting 8:00-8:30 am, and the safety meeting is mandatory to shoot the match. The match starts immediately after the safety meeting.  Contact Match Director: Tom Sanford, [email protected]

Defensive shooting match this Saturday March 2nd 8:00 a.m.

The next defensive shooting match will be this Saturday March 2nd 8:00 a.m. set up 8:30 Shooters brief this match will be held in tandem with the work party for the bowling pin tables and shooting frames Entry fee $5 for members $10 for non-members this competition is open to the public, entry fee includes one category each additional category is an extra $2 Come out enjoy a IDPA /USPSA like competition that has categories for basically everything semi Autos, revolvers, rimfire, shotguns, rifles, and Two Gun category Rifle and Pistol all experience levels are welcome and to those with no experience we will happily coach you through this if you want to try  if you plan on attending please send me an email letting me know so that I can get an idea of how many people to expect and or if you have any questions please contact me at [email protected] The courses of Fire are in the attached PDF —->March Match Stages<—-

Another defensive shooting match in the books

Another defensive shooting match in the books we had a record setting day with a grand total of 24 shooters the most we’ve ever had thus far I would like to thank everyone that came out and joined us Going forward in an effort to condense things down a little bit we will be combining a few categories predominantly all handguns including 22 Rimfire and revolvers will be under the pistols category with the semi-automatic pistols so going forward there will only be four categories pistols rifles shotguns two guns additionally shooting the same category multiple times with different firearms will be listed on the official scores not marked not for score as it would have been in the past   The next defensive shooting match will be March 2nd 8:00 a.m. set up 8:30 Shooters brief if you plan on attending please send me an email letting me know at [email protected] so that I can get an idea of how many people to expect   The shooting scores are in the attached PDF hear —->Defensive shooting scores<—–   For any questions please contact me at [email protected]   Additionally someone had loaned a leather single magazine pouch to a fellow competitor …

The next defensive shooting match is February 3rd starting at 8:00 a.m.

The next defensive shooting match is February 3rd starting at 8:00 a.m. for setup Shooter’s brief is at 8:30 Entry fee $5 for members $10 for non-members this competition is open to the public, entry fee includes one category each additional category is an extra $2 Come out enjoy a IDPA /USPSA like competition that has categories for basically everything semi Autos, revolvers, rimfire, shotguns, rifles, and Two Gun category Rifle and Pistol all experience levels are welcome and to those with no experience we will happily coach you through this if you want to try For any questions please contact me at [email protected] The shooting stages are linked in the PDF hear –> IDPA Stages 2-3-2024

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