Defensive Action Shooting Match

The scores are in and for the first defensive action shooting match we had 11 shooters come out and join us and help iron out a few wrinkles with the matches to come we will be working on getting things moving a little quicker. The scores for this match are in the attached PDF here ( Defensive shooting scores 4-30-2022 ) The next match barring any conflicts will be scheduled July 30th  And I apologize for any misspell names let me know and I can correct them If you have any questions or comments please contact me at [email protected]  Until next time happy shooting

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The first Defensive Action Shooting Match is this Saturday April 30th entry fee for members $5 non-members is $10 and each additional category for everybody is $2 Set up is at 9:00 a.m. shooters brief is at 10:00 a.m. followed by the stage walk through then the competition Attached is the defensive match summary with rules and regulations and the three stages for the first match Defensive Match Summary Action Shooting Stages If you have any questions please contact Taylor Strickland at [email protected] If you get no response you can also contact me at [email protected]

Defensive Action Shooting Match

The airfield action shooting program is up and running first match will be the last Saturday of this month April 30th with categories for semi-automatic handguns, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and rimfire rifle and pistols  Entry fee is $5 for members $10 for general public each additional category after the first is an extra $2 For the three stages planned for the first match minimum round count is 28 rounds per category I would recommend bringing plenty of extra ammo For more information the ASC defensive pistol matches page has been updated and there is a link to the Defensive Match Summary which lists all the rules and category regulations Or direct link here Defensive Match Summary For any questions feel free to contact Taylor Strickland at defensivepistol at

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