The Culmination of the 2023 Bowling Pin Season is Saturday

Gentle Shooters, We will reach the end of another Bowling Pin season this weekend. Saturday December 2nd is the last match of the season. The pins will go dark until April 6th of 2024. That is 126 days before we will shoot pins again. So don’t miss the match this Saturday at 9:30 at the newly renovated 50 yard range at the Airfield Shooting Club in stunning Wakefield Virginia. The rules for the match and directions can be found at the shooting club web site Good Luck. Steven

Yes, There are Bowling Pin Shoot results in November

Gentle Shooters, I am a little off my game this month. I will certainly do better for the next match, Saturday, December 2nd. Until then, technically practice isn’t cheating and ponder the scores below. String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Taylor Strickland 2.73 3.33 3.09 2.56 11.71 2.56 2 Paul Lynch 6.49 3.57 5.06 4.47 19.59 3 Art Schoner 3.71 3.22 9.40 3.92 20.25 4 Cory Allen 2.87 7.28 3.63 7.84 21.62 5 Cort Tompkins 2.33 2.21 2.79 14.64 21.97 6 Frank Sanders 7.83 4.25 5.02 5.15 22.25 7 Courtney Bolze 3.80 6.67 10.85 4.52 25.84 8 Kenny Hardee 6.72 9.71 12.63 9.18 38.24 9 Shane Pouns 11.70 8.15 9.95 11.41 41.21 Major 1 Cort Tompkins 3.65 4.37 6.88 6.89 21.79 3.65 2 Phillip Van Cleave 5.38 6.33 9.58 11.01 32.30 3 Cory Allen 12.64 5.63 8.19 8.10 34.56 4 Paul Lynch 6.92 5.91 11.81 10.20 34.84 5 Art Schoner 12.82 9.56 11.24 11.74 45.36 6 Taylor Strickland 12.44 11.14 14.25 13.00 50.83 NFS Daniel Stayner 11.38 15.00 8.55 35.00 69.93 7 Courtney Bolze 14.38 9.46 7.18 45.00 76.02 8 Daniel Stayner 9.68 11.76 9.84 45.00 76.28 9 M. Altekrose 35.00 25.00 7.20 …

Yes, there is a November Bowling Pin Shoot

Even though your humble match director seemingly can’t remember when the beginning of the month is, there will be a match this very Saturday at the stunningly re-imagined Airfield Shooting Club range in fantastic Wakefield. Be there at 9:30 in the morning to participate. If you are unsure about how to get there or what to do when you arrive, refer to the Bowling Pin Information pages at our web site. If you can’t find what you need there, contact a pinhead at Whatever you do, don’t miss this match   Steven

October Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters, I am pleased to present the October ASC Bowling Pin Match results below. We set yet another record in Carbine. Who will be the first to fire and under two second string? Come to the November 4th match to find out. Until then, Practice. Steven String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String Carbine 1 Cort Tompkins 2.31 3.06 2.25 4.58 12.20 2.25 2 Art Schoner 3.09 2.43 5.36 4.47 15.35 3 Paul Lynch 4.56 3.94 5.06 4.21 17.77 4 Brian Wells 4.51 4.39 5.16 3.81 17.87 5 Kenny Hardee 6.57 11.16 6.42 6.06 30.21 Major 1 Cort Tompkins 5.07 5.84 5.02 5.66 21.59 5.02 2 Kenny Hardee 4.38 8.91 8.89 14.17 36.35 3 Art Schoner 10.37 3.98 25.00 11.27 50.62 4 Tip Wight 12.21 25.00 8.48 5.89 51.58 5 Paul Lynch 7.84 25.00 7.73 13.49 54.06 6 Brian Wells 25.00 25.00 7.61 7.58 65.19 Minor 1 Cort Tompkins 6.82 5.54 9.19 10.31 31.86 5.54 2 Paul Lynch 9.61 9.06 8.03 6.83 33.53 3 Don Davis 8.65 7.39 10.40 12.39 38.83 4 Brian Wells 10.01 7.66 9.24 12.83 39.74 5 Art Schoner 12.16 12.60 9.71 14.81 49.28 NFS Don Davis 6.34 7.13 35.00 6.18 54.65 …

Pins Fall in the Fall

Gentle Shooters, We are entering the final third of the Bowling Match Shooting Season this weekend at the Airfield Shooting Club. Including the tilt on Saturday, October 7th there are only three more bowling pin matches left in 2023. Reserve your spot early by being at the range this Saturday at 9:30. Shooters are requested to check in with the Airfield Shooting Club work party on the adjacent field before departing after the match. We are assisting our 4H partners with getting an archery range and we may need you help. For those of you who are new to this, we have directions and instructions at the Airfield Shooting club web site. For specific questions, please feel free to ping a pinhead at Steven

Bowling Pin A Thon Match Results

We had a nice if a bit warm day for pin shooting. Cort Tompkins dominated all categories for a complete and compelling win. He did leave one Fastest String for Taylor Strickland, but no other shooter came close. I’d also like to thank those volunteers who helped out today with scoring.Your handwriting was very good and your assistance did speed the match. We get to do it all again Saturday, October 2nd. Until then, practice. Your scores are below. Steven Carbine String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String 1 Cort Tompkins 3.31 2.46 3.17 3.03 11.97 2 Taylor Strickland 3.71 2.72 2.37 7.47 16.27 2.37 3 Art Schoner 2.84 4.98 4.26 4.80 16.88 4 Steven Gordon 4.20 4.16 6.13 2.94 17.43 5 Rod Quiros 5.83 8.47 4.54 3.97 22.81 6 Allen Moran 5.18 6.01 7.18 5.16 23.53 7 Cory Allen 25.00 6.76 5.91 2.88 40.55 8 Courtney Bolze 25.00 6.77 4.41 4.58 40.76 9 Kenny Hardee 9.34 9.39 9.28 25.00 53.01 10 Chris Covert 8.27 25.00 12.31 13.40 58.98 Major 1 Cort Tompkins 6.18 4.24 5.54 5.04 21.00 4.24 2 Cory Allen 9.28 8.27 6.56 7.45 31.56 3 Kenny Hardee 10.43 7.68 12.98 7.74 38.83 4 …

Labor Day Weekend Bowling Pin-a-thon

Gentle Shooters, There is no longer a Labor Day weekend Telethon as there was in my youth, and no, we won’t tie up the range all weekend, In fact, If you intend to shoot bowling pins this weekend, then we need you at the idyllic Airfield Shooting Club range at 9:30 this Saturday September 2nd. You can review the rules here. For specific questions, please contact our assistant adjunct chief pinhead at See you Saturday! Steven

Dog Days Bowling Pin Shoot

Gentle Shooters, The next installment of “How the Pins Fall” will occur this Saturday, August 5th at the newly renovated Airfield Shooting Complex in Uptown Wakefield. All of your friends will be there at 9:30, so don’t miss it. We are expecting much better weather. And we may even post scores after the match! New to Bowling Pin Shooting? See our information page. Specific Questions? Well good luck but sometimes our Adjunct Associate Chief Pinhead can help at See you Saturday Steven

June Bowling Pin Match Results

Gentle Shooters, I regret that I am traveling for work today. There was so much at the match to talk about. Perhaps there will be a Flyer article. I have to get on a plane now, and I made the executive decision that you would rather have scores than narrative. The next match is July 1st. Steven   Carbine 1 Cort Tompkins 2.98 2.62 5.14 2.45 13.19 2 Charles Lankford 4.27 4.63 2.36 4.02 15.28 3 Steven Gordon 4.03 2.52 5.43 4.11 16.09 4 Art Schoner 3.69 3.32 6.92 2.78 16.71 5 Taylor Strickland 7.62 4.20 3.74 2.37 17.93 6 Cory Allen 3.66 6.30 5.96 2.37 18.29 7 Paul Lynch 6.60 4.91 9.50 8.90 29.91 8 Kenny Hardee 10.06 13.86 7.79 13.26 44.97 9 Courtney Bolze 11.80 14.18 14.18 9.16 49.32 10 Allen Moran 8.95 4.51 10.59 35.00 59.05 11 Dan Kniseley 35.00 12.64 25.00 10.07 82.71 12 Shane Pouns 35.00 45.00 8.42 55.00 143.42 Major 1 Cort Tompkins 8.09 7.63 6.89 8.60 31.21 2 Taylor Strickland 5.52 9.27 10.02 8.44 33.25 3 Steven Gordon 6.66 8.20 12.65 9.74 37.25 4 Phillip Van Cleave 14.38 11.55 7.46 14.98 48.37 5 Charles Lankford 5.11 6.54 35.00 6.79 53.44 6 Allen Moran …

We’re Back – The Excuse Free Bowling Pin Match June 3

Gentle Shooters, Like you, I am giddy with anticipation for the first match of the painfully delayed 2023 Pin Shooting season. That pain resolves on June 3rd. There has never been an ASC match like the one we are going to hold. The Excuse Free match will begin at 9:30 AM in pastoral Wakefield Virginia at the newly renovated Airfield Shooting Club’s 50 meter shooting complex. Shooters can expect a completely flat, dry and level range with brand new flat tables, aligned in three dimensions to within mere centimeters of true. The pins for this match have been curated from some of the finest dumpsters in the 757. Your perfectly placed impacts will vigorously remove these pins from these tables with ease. Likewise, you have had two extra months of practice, so your match directors are expecting record scores. All previous excuses are declared null and void for this match. You have one week to think up new ones! Rules have not changed for this year and can be found at Specific questions may directed at our assistant adjunct Pinhead 3rd class at I’d be truly remiss if I didn’t say thanks to all of the club members …

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