Range road is open
The waters have receded, and the road is open again. Art Schoner ASC President
The waters have receded, and the road is open again. Art Schoner ASC President
Due to extremely heavy rains, the road to the range is flooded. To prevent any problems the Center is closing the road and locking the gate. The center expects the water level to recede tomorrow and have a contract in place to have the culverts cleared and dredging performed to increase their efficiency, Art Schoner ASC President
Join me in supporting our friends (and landlords) at this fundraiser. Sounds like a delicious meal and a good cause. The menu is: House salad Yeast rolls Prime rib Baked potato Broccoli Dessert $40 a ticket and one drink ticket included. There is also a $100 a ticket raffle with a chance to win $10,000. I hope to see you for dinner next Saturday. Sorry no service hours for eating dinner! 🙂 Art Schoner ASC President
Effectively immediately, the range noise restrictions on Sunday mornings have been lifted. The range hours are now, with no restrictions, sunrise to sunset 7 days a week. Remember that special events, like weddings, may call for a temporary cease fire for specified hours. Check the club calendar before heading to the range! Thanks to Kathy Guindon, the center’s executive director for lifting these random restrictions! Art Schoner ASC President
I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday season and your New Year is off to a great start! Now for some important club business that needs to be addressed: Kirk Culpepper, has served as the ASC treasurer for the past five years. He has stated his desire to retire from this position at the end of the board year in July. He strongly recommends having a multi-month turn over with his replacement as there are many passwords, financial accounts, and processes to be learned and turned over. Kirk would like to have 6 months to work with his replacement and feels that this is in the best interest of all parties. He had his duties dumped on him and he has no desire to repeat that with his replacement. If you’d like to support the club and time and interest, please contact me at [email protected] or Kirk directly at [email protected]. The club treasurer is an essential member of the Board, so this position MUST be filled. The earlier we find a replacement, the easier the transition will be. Kirk has summarized his duties below: On a daily basis the treasurer monitors the various accounts of the club including …
Our newsletter editor has produced another professional quality newsletter for your reading enjoyment. Thanks to Tom Sanford for another quality newsletter! Art ASC Q4 Newsletter 2024
Rimfire Challenge – ARA Modified Bench-rest 50-Yard Precision Skill Challenge on Dec 15th. Experience the fun of a friendly ARA-modified bench-rest shooting event uniquely designed to test and challenge your shooting skills. Join us on Sunday, December 15th, for a day of precision 22LR shooting. The shooters will follow a modified version of the ARA Bench-rest Shooting Competition, shooting two to four official ARA 50 YD 25 bull targets. Each shooter gets 20 mins to complete each target. Factory or unlimited target classifications. The cost is $5 for ASC Members and $10 for Non-Members. All participants must attend the Safety Meeting to shoot! The range set-up/sighting-in period lasts until 8:30 AM, and then the range goes cold for the 8:30 AM Mandatory Safety Meeting/Instructions. The match starts promptly at 9:00 a.m. and lasts until 12 noon. All participants must attend the Safety Meeting to shoot! *** The 25 – 50 Meter Range is Closed for this Event. *** For more information about this event, Contact the Match Director, Tom Sanford, at [email protected]. This event will be canceled due to poor weather conditions.
Hot off the presses by our Editor in Chief, Tom Sanford. ASC Q3 Newsletter 2024
Please remember to check the calendar prior to heading to the range as 4H Summer Camps are now in session for the next 8 weeks. We cannot be anywhere on the ranges while the campers are there. Art Schoner ASC Pres.
The road to the range will be closed on Tuesday April 23 at 6PM. The culverts under the roadway at the swamp/beaver dam area will be cleaned out. Work will be completed that evening and normal access to the range will resume Wednesday morning. Art Schoner ASC President