The SEC Says …

Today is 21 MAY 2023 and here are some important updates regarding club renewals and nominations for the upcoming Board of Directors elections.


Be advised that on 1 JUN a late fee will be applied to those members who have not paid their 2023-2024 club dues. In order to process your membership renewal, two things need to happen: 1) pay your dues, and 2) return a signed renewal form to me. If you have not received your membership card(s) in the mail yet, it is probably because one (or both) of those two things has not happened yet. Renewal forms went out on 30 MAR via email. If you don’t have a copy, check your SPAM/trash folder (some members have reported finding them there) or contact me ([email protected] or [email protected]) and I will send you a pdf copy of your form. Be sure to check the form over carefully and make any changes necessary directly on the form before signing it and sending it back to me. We were made aware that the program we used to generate the renewal forms produced some errors, specifically in the area of the NRA member # & EXP date. Again, make any changes necessary directly on the form, sign it and send it back to me. If you recently updated your NRA membership, be sure to send me a copy of your card (or label from an NRA magazine) to confirm the updated information.

NOMINATIONS for Board of Directors:

I apologize for the delay in getting this out, but pursuant to the current By-Laws, the club is now accepting nominations for the upcoming Board of Directors election to be conducted at the July meeting (15 JUL 2023) in the 4-H Conference Center banquet room. We are accepting nominations for all positions. Nominations will need to be presented to the Secretary ([email protected] or [email protected]) NLT 16 JUN 2023. Nominated members must be in good standing at the time of election. Spouses, significant others, close relatives and business partners cannot serve together on the board if they serve in a position that has control of the club’s funds (i.e. Treasurer, President, etc.). The term of office is 1 year. You can find position descriptions in the By-Laws. The current positions, with the current members filling the position (or “open” where no one is currently serving) are listed below:

President: Ray Covington
Vice President: Tim Drewry
Secretary: David Willis
Ast. Secretary: Greg Shelton
Treasurer: Kirk Culpepper
Chief Instructor: Scott Sampson
Executive/Maintenance Officer: Art Schoner
Newsletter Editor: Don Aubuchon (stepping down)
Webmaster: Open
Shotgun Director: Open
Provost: Mark Fitzmorris
New Member Orientation Director: Brenda Norton
Shotgun Competition Director: Richard Sutton
Director: Mike Lawler
Director: Tom Sanford
Director: Dale Mullin
Director: Taylor Strickland

Last Updated on 1 year by David Willis

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