April Bowling Pin Match results

Gentle Shooters,

I am a bit full of myself today. We even have a picture. We had a spectacular turnout for the inaugural Bowling Pin Match of 2024. We hosted 20 shooters, fired 296 relays, and finished before 2:30 in the afternoon. I have to shout out to Cory and Dan, who assisted with scoring and safety duties and were instrumental in keeping the match moving.

It is clear to me that some of you were practicing and the scores reflect that. Congratulations to you guys.  The rest of us just showed up for fellowship, a good time and to heckle the good shooters. So, a very successful match. As you know, now that the season has started, we shoot matches because there is no time to practice. So I don’t want to see anything like the picture above that the range. PS. There will be no washouts for 2024. We intend to shoot steel pins in the short range berm on rain days! The next match is on Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with you!


Competitor String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Cort Tompkins 3.23 5.31 2.51 2.97 14.02
2 Paul Lynch 3.60 3.60 5.60 3.67 16.47
3 Art Schoner 2.83 5.77 3.50 5.54 17.64
4 Cory Allen 2.98 5.06 6.57 3.86 18.47
5 Steven Gordon 6.57 5.22 4.22 4.80 20.81
6 Kenny Hardee 5.34 6.18 6.39 3.22 21.13
7 Courtney Bolze 8.13 5.34 8.28 4.20 25.95
8 Zac Huk 13.96 10.93 3.05 6.41 34.35
9 Dan Kniseley 9.53 8.11 7.99 9.27 34.90
10 Allen Moran 8.00 6.66 10.26 10.14 35.06
11 Jason Kossman 6.06 7.23 10.97 11.17 35.43
12 Brad Crowder 6.01 7.15 6.79 25.00 44.95
13 Taylor Strickland 2.23 5.23 45.00 3.36 55.82 2.23
1 Cort Tompkins 3.83 6.46 3.52 4.00 17.81 3.52
2 Steven Gordon 6.10 10.58 7.81 8.23 32.72
3 Taylor Strickland 9.57 12.00 5.46 9.27 36.30
4 Dan Kniseley 11.67 8.92 8.74 8.41 37.74
5 Cory Allen 9.07 13.41 9.78 7.19 39.45
6 Tip Wight 14.10 6.89 5.95 14.55 41.49
7 Paul Lynch 9.49 7.55 8.75 25.00 50.79
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 9.16 25.00 7.58 13.51 55.25
8 Phillip Van Cleave 10.03 9.68 25.00 14.78 59.49
9 Courtney Bolze 7.13 8.13 10.39 35.00 60.65
10 Kenny Hardee 9.91 6.57 25.00 25.00 66.48
11 Art Schoner 5.78 55.00 7.20 25.00 92.98
12 Anthony McKenzie 25.00 6.49 45.00 25.00 101.49
13 Allen Moran 45.00 12.60 55.00 12.64 125.24
1 Taylor Strickland 6.38 5.22 12.31 5.12 29.03 5.12
2 Kenny Hardee 7.48 8.31 7.38 6.24 29.41
NFS Don Davis 7.83 7.92 9.28 8.46 33.49
3 Steven Gordon 9.25 7.95 8.95 8.42 34.57
4 Cory Allen 9.35 5.46 9.52 10.52 34.85
5 Anthony McKenzie 9.45 9.32 7.78 12.30 38.85
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 8.33 8.51 10.77 12.26 39.87
6 Paul Lynch 9.56 10.12 11.36 9.58 40.62
7 Cort Tompkins 25.00 8.93 5.41 6.33 45.67
8 Don Davis 35.00 12.70 8.39 10.90 66.99
9 Allen Moran 13.69 25.00 25.00 8.01 71.70
10 Zac Huk 45.00 14.74 9.13 10.81 79.68
11 Dan Kniseley 25.00 35.00 14.18 13.48 87.66
12 Phillip Van Cleave 35.00 35.00 9.74 8.89 88.63
13 Brad Crowder 35.00 35.00 12.94 13.27 96.21
14 Courtney Bolze 12.48 35.00 35.00 25.00 107.48
15 Matt Finch 65.00 25.00 12.54 25.00 127.54
NFS Matt Finch 45.00 13.69 35.00 35.00 128.69
16 Art Schoner 25.00 85.00 9.04 9.76 128.80
17 George Woody 35.00 25.00 75.00 45.00 180.00
18 Jason Kossman 85.00 85.00 9.52 25.00 204.52
1 Tip Wight 4.44 4.37 4.97 4.24 18.02
2 Cort Tompkins 5.83 4.34 4.23 4.08 18.48 4.08
3 Courtney Bolze 6.24 12.44 6.01 7.69 32.38
4 Paul Lynch 8.93 9.46 9.52 8.61 36.52
5 Taylor Strickland 9.51 12.13 9.31 13.04 43.99
6 Art Schoner 6.96 7.85 25.00 8.77 48.58
7 Kenny Hardee 9.61 25.00 7.61 12.23 54.45
8 Cory Allen 25.00 8.79 25.00 7.04 65.83
9 Steven Gordon 25.00 35.00 13.37 6.83 80.20
10 Dan Kniseley 5.69 45.00 25.00 5.92 81.61
11 Allen Moran 25.00 35.00 55.00 65.00 180.00
1 Cort Tompkins 5.34 6.25 4.73 5.89 22.21
2 Courtney Bolze 6.03 5.99 5.71 6.55 24.28
3 Taylor Strickland 4.50 10.97 3.80 5.23 24.50 3.80
NFS Phillip Van Cleave 8.41 10.62 4.84 7.11 30.98
4 Dan Kniseley 12.38 10.14 10.99 8.69 42.20
5 Steven Gordon 9.99 10.29 8.55 13.47 42.30
6 Allen Moran 6.13 5.64 7.46 25.00 44.23
7 Cory Allen 25.00 7.92 6.37 9.00 48.29
8 Phillip Van Cleave 6.78 35.00 7.77 6.37 55.92
9 Tip Wight 25.00 5.62 25.00 9.30 64.92
10 Art Schoner 25.00 45.00 7.05 14.01 91.06
11 Chris Covert 45.00 11.14 25.00 45.00 126.14
12 Kenny Hardee 65.00 25.00 6.75 35.00 131.75
13 Paul Lynch 45.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 210.00
14 Matt Finch 65.00 55.00 45.00 55.00 220.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Cort Tompkins 14.02 17.81 45.67 18.48 22.21 118.19
Taylor Strickland 55.82 36.30 29.03 43.99 24.50 189.64
Cory Allen 18.47 39.45 34.85 65.83 48.29 206.89
Steven Gordon 20.81 32.72 34.57 80.2 42.3 210.60
Courtney Bolze 25.95 60.65 107.48 32.38 24.28 250.74
Dan Kniseley 34.9 37.74 87.66 81.61 42.2 284.11
Kenny Hardee 21.13 66.48 29.41 54.45 131.75 303.22
Paul Lynch 16.47 50.79 40.62 36.52 210 354.40
Art Schoner 17.64 92.98 128.8 48.58 91.06 379.06
Allen Moran 35.06 125.24 71.70 180.00 44.23 456.23

The Pins are Back

Gentle Shooters,

Like the geese that invade my yard, April is when the bowling pins re infest the Airfield Shooting Club range in otherwise bucolic Wakefield, Virginia. And like the geese, the pins will be shot, only not with paint-balls. Yes Virginia, this Saturday, April 6th, the 18th season of Airfield pin shooting kicks off. Rules for the match have not changed and are still here.

Set up will be at 9AM. We are looking for great weather and hey, all of your friends will be there. See you at the range.



Membership Invoices and Renewals

Membership invoices and renewals have already been sent out via email. If you have not received your invoice, please check your junk or spam box.

New membership cards are being sent out immediately upon receipt of payment.

If you will not be renewing, let us know.

Thank you!

Concealed Carry Intro Class – April 20

This Introduction to Concealed Carry Class will be focused on mechanics of concealed carry.  While we will be shooting, the real focus will be on the mechanics and efficiency of movement.  Class will go from 1pm to 5 pm.  General agenda will be:

  1. Safety Brief with a focus on drawing and holstering
  2. CCW Introduction
    1. Clothing discussion (what you may want to look for)
    2. Holsters (types and what to look for)
    3. Belts (What to look for)
    4. Other gear you may want to carry (extra mag, flashlight, IFAK)
  1. Mechanics
    1. Gear Check (look at clothing, holsters, guns, magazines etc)
    2. Learning to draw from the holster (we will require strong side (IWB/OWB) and appendix with concealment
    3. Emergency reloads
    4. Stoppage Drill (Tap/Rack only for this)

Required for the class:

  • Handgun
  • 2 magazines (or a speed loader if using a revolver)
  • strong side holster (inside the waist band or outside the waistband) or appendix.
  • One magazine pouch (or a speed loader holder if using a revolver)
  • Good gun belt
  • Cover garment (open front or closed front)
  • Safety Glasses/Hearing Protection


  • Hat
  • Water
  • Chair

Cost will be $25 for members and $35 for non-members.

Please contact Scott Sampson at [email protected] to register.




WOT – June 8th 2024


Hello Ladies,

June 8th, 2024 – Join us for Women on Target!   All women, ages 12+ are welcome and encouraged to come out to experience firearm education in a safe and supportive environment.  This woman only event will cover education in pistol, shotgun, rifle, and archery.  The cost is $75/person this year and will be inclusive of all firearms, ammo and lunch at the Conference Center.

Women will benefit from one-on-one instruction with certified instructors in each discipline.  Participants will receive materials and a certificate of participation.

This is a fantastic event for those women that have never held a firearm before to maybe those that have experience in a discipline but not another.

Don’t wait, spots are limited.  Sign up here Today!

Concealed Carry Intro & Shotgun 101

We have two training sessions coming up!  If interested contact the Chief Instructor to sign up at [email protected].

April 13th – Shotgun 101 – Donation $40/person. This will be a 6-8 hour class running from 9am to 4pm.  We will cover introduction to shotgun shooting.  This is a primer to be used before taking any advanced training such as Tap 101 or Skeet 101 unless someone is already proficient with a shotgun.  We will cover safety, fit and shotgun fundamentals. We will be shooting straight away targets and then crossing.  Individuals may borrow club shotguns but will need to provide their own ammunition.  The club shotguns will require 20 gauge 2-3/4″ shells. To sign up contact the Chief Instructor first.  After approval you will be asked to donate.  Participants should bring:

  • 4 boxes of shells (7.5 or 8 shot) for their shotgun
  • Shotgun unless they are borrowing one from the club
  • Ear plugs are best for shotgun shooting.  Ear muffs tend to interfere with the stock
  • Safety glasses
  • Dress appropriately for the weather
  • Lunch and something to drink
  • Consideration for insect repellant and sunscreen should be given.
  • Recommend a hat
  • Women should consider wearing a sports bra or something without any buckles on the strap


April 20th – Concealed Carry Intro – Donation $20/person.  This will be a 4 hour class running from 1pm to 5pm.  We will cover gear and cover garments and then teach drawing from concealment, emergency reloads and clearing malfunctions.  To sign up contact the Chief Instructor first.  After approval you will be asked to donate.  You will need to bring:

  • OWB/IWB or appendix holster (No sherpa style)
  • Gun belt
  • Mag pouch
  • 2 magazines
  • Cover garment (open or closed front)
  • Eyes and ears




Semi-annual NSSA registered skeet shooting competition

The semi-annual NSSA registered skeet shooting competition will be held at the Airfield Shooting Club on 16-18 March. The competition will have four (4) categories (guns):  12 Ga, 20 Ga, 28 Ga, .410 bore, and Doubles.

There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.

The cost is $30 per gun. (This is an increase from past years due to cost of clay targets)

In order to participate you please notify intent to shoot (day, gun, etc.) and be a member of NSSA.  Walkups are subject to waiting and possibly shifting to Sunday or Monday.

On the day of the shoot you will need:

1.    Cash or check for $30 for each gun. Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club

2.    NSSA membership card. You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00

3.    Classification Sheet.

The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days.  Once we have all shooters sending their preferences, a draft schedule will be made available to all.

Ties for Gun Championships will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.

Email day(s), gun(s), NSSA number and address to:

[email protected]

Additionally, if anyone needs to get their service hours in, I will be asking for help refereeing, scoring and trapping.  Let me know which days (Saturday and/or Sunday) you can work.  Past volunteers or experienced skeet shooters preferred.


Jon Lester

(757) 630-7759

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