Thanksgiving Bowling Pin Match Results

Greeting Gentle Shooters,

Your results for the November 2018 Bowling Pin Match are below for your viewing pleasure.

Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Dennis Bondi 3.71 4.06 4.53 5.76 18.06
2 Art Schoner 5.28 5.64 3.67 3.93 18.52 3.67
3 Courtney Bolze 9.11 4.74 3.98 7.71 25.54
4 Tom Aston 5.65 5.64 8.88 8.59 28.76
NFS Dennis Bondi 4.98 4.67 4.84 55.00 69.49
5 Ray Neiderhiser 6.62 55.00 4.37 12.88 78.87
6 Chris Covert 25.00 25.00 8.90 25.00 83.90
1 Terry Miltier 5.11 4.93 5.93 4.81 20.78 4.81
2 Ray Neiderhiser 11.68 7.42 6.62 11.54 37.26
3 Art Schoner 12.22 25.00 7.99 10.21 55.42
4 Courtney Bolze 10.62 6.76 45.00 10.57 72.95
5 Tom Aston 25.00 6.18 35.00 8.93 75.11
6 Dennis Bondi 25.00 35.00 35.00 11.69 106.69
7 Chris Covert 55.00 55.00 45.00 45.00 200.00
NFS Terry Miltier 7.71 5.33 7.32 7.48 27.84 5.33
1 Dennis Bondi 7.31 7.29 8.15 5.50 28.25
2 Terry Miltier 8.67 9.04 7.37 9.38 34.46
3 Ray Neiderhiser 10.39 8.58 7.49 8.27 34.73
4 Courtney Bolze 7.83 8.00 10.04 8.88 34.75
5 Tom Aston 8.90 8.85 14.98 11.65 44.38
6 Art Schoner 12.33 8.73 11.30 13.44 45.80
NFS Jonathan Ryan 12.45 10.13 13.77 14.39 50.74
NFS Joey Kreidler 13.15 25.00 10.84 13.76 62.75
NFS Joey Kreidler 35.00 11.68 12.07 8.13 66.88
7 Joey Kreidler 7.98 3.90 12.82 45.00 69.70
8 Jonathan Ryan 35.00 9.61 45.00 10.03 99.64
NFS Jonathan Ryan 45.00 12.06 45.00 11.45 113.51
1 Ray Neiderhiser 5.84 5.48 5.91 5.83 23.06
2 Courtney Bolze 10.02 5.59 7.02 5.11 27.74 5.11
3 Dennis Bondi 7.23 8.56 6.65 5.53 27.97
4 Terry Miltier 5.65 12.95 11.60 6.90 37.10
5 Art Schoner 25.00 5.33 25.00 6.92 62.25
6 Jeff Flanagan 45.00 9.52 7.99 45.00 107.51
7 Chris Covert 35.00 25.00 55.00 14.53 129.53
8 Tom Aston 55.00 45.00 14.61 55.00 169.61
Jeff Flanagan 35.00 45.00 55.00 35.00 170.00
Dennis Bondi 5.37 6.77 5.91 5.29 23.34 5.29
Courtney Bolze 8.13 5.08 6.75 5.13 25.09
Terry Miltier 6.25 7.33 6.76 5.48 25.82
Art Schoner 9.13 8.19 11.23 14.12 42.67
Tom Aston 6.58 8.43 10.75 35.00 60.76
Chris Covert 45.00 25.00 55.00 65.00 190.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Courtney Bolze 25.54 72.95 34.75 27.74 25.09 186.07
2 Dennis Bondi 18.06 106.69 28.25 27.97 23.34 204.31
3 Art Schoner 18.52 55.42 45.8 62.25 42.67 224.66
4 Tom Aston 28.76 75.11 44.38 169.61 60.76 378.62

The November Thanksgiving Bowling Pin Shoot

Gentle Shooters,

We are winding down to the end of our season. November and December mark the end the bowling pin shooting calendar until April of 2019. This Saturday, November 3rd will mark the second to the last match of the year.  Join your friends or make new ones at the Airfield Shooting Club Match at our range in beautiful Wakefield, VA. We begin at 9:30. For directions to the range and rules and descriptions of the match, please see our web site at If you have any questions or would like to discuss the match, please reach out to our associate adjunct chief assistant pinhead at [email protected]

Ken Grover Memorial Open (NSSA) Skeet shoot … Oct 20th – 22nd 2018

On October 20th through the 22nd the Airfield Shooting Club will be holding the Ken Grover Memorial Open.   A NSSA registered skeet shooting competition.
The competition will have the following categories:
12 gauge
20 gauge
28 gauge
410 gauge

There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.

The cost is $25 per gun.

In order to participate you must pre-register and be a member of NSSA.

On the day of the shoot you will need;
1. Cash or check for $25 for each gun.  (Checks are to be payable to Airfield Shooting Club)
2. NSSA membership card.  (You may join the NSSA at the shoot, the yearly membership is $30.00)
3. Classification Sheet.

The competition will allow mixed guns each day so you may compete on any of the 3 days.
Ties for Gun Championships will be determined by a Shoot-Off Monday afternoon.
If shooter is unable to attend the Monday Shoot-Off then the champion will be decided by long runs from the front or back whichever is longer.

Email day(s) and gun(s) to compete to;
Richard Sutton – [email protected]



The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries will be using the Short Range Berm and 50-yard range for their annual qualification and we need two ASC RSOs to oversee them from 2:00—4:00pm. RSOs should report at least 30 minutes prior to the event, and be able to assist 4-H Center personnel to set up, provide the safety brief and range orientation to the participants, and ensure safety standards are conducted according to ASC Range Rules.

This is a great way to get some service hours. If you’re interested contact: [email protected].


13 OCT- Call for one RSO on skeet range to support Men’s Retreat

WE NEED A SKEET RANGE QUALIFIED RSO FOR 13 October 2018 Peninsula Community Chapel has the Skeet Ranges from 10:00am—Noon. We have one RSO volunteer (w/o skeet qualification to assist on the field) but desperately need one more RSO who is Skeet Range Qualified to assist/coach around 15-20 for their Men’s Retreat. RSOs should report at least 30 minutes prior to the event, and be able to assist 4-H Center personnel to set up, provide the safety brief and range orientation to the participants, and ensure safety standards are conducted according to ASC Range Rules. This is a great way to get some service hours. If you’re interested contact:

Service Rifle & Zombie Match, Saturday, 13 October 2018

The range will be full of Boy Scouts working on their rifle marksmanship and shooting sports, but the 100-yard range will be open for the Service Rifle / Zombie Match this coming Saturday. Now that the weather is cooling off, it should be a good time. So make your plans and join us on the range at 8?30am for the Safety Brief and start of the first relay. Open to the public ($5 members, $10 non-members).

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