ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Saturday, April 13th @ 9am

Why YES the ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match will take place this Saturday, April 13th @ 9am
Looks like rain and thunderstorms likely.. but a little rain never stopped a rifleman.. and we shoot undercover. 😉  so on we go….

ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
Check-in will begin at 8:45 with safety brief at 9:00. followed by the relays.
Match fee is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.

The Camo Pin Shoot

April 6th dawned dreary, damp and overcast. Despite the light drizzle, I headed out to the range, practice ammo and targets in tow. Certainly, few if any shooters are showing up for this pin match. I’ll hide under the pavilion and drill a few targets and go home. Imagine my surprise when I could not park on the line. We had 23 shooters. They were greeted with drizzle and rain and combined with Friday’s showers, the mud was epic. By mid way through the match, the pins looked like they were camouflaged as the berm colored mud coated them. Regardless, our intrepid sharpshooters picked them off will impunity. We even two shooters tie with a 3.00 second string in Carbine. Hat tip to Charles Langford on that one. Of course, he is the club record holder at 2.48 seconds. Results are below for your viewing pleasure.

April 2019 Bowling Pin Match Results
Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Steven Gordon 3.38 3.00 4.24 3.20 13.82
2 Art Schoner 4.08 3.49 4.22 5.51 17.30
3 Courtney Bolze 6.44 3.14 6.12 3.68 19.38
4 Charles Lankford 11.05 3.69 3.15 3.00 20.89 3.00
5 Allen Moran 11.99 5.78 4.38 7.28 29.43
6 Bill Lewis 8.23 7.91 8.43 5.81 30.38
7 Tom Aston 11.07 9.85 6.53 5.20 32.65
8 Sam K 13.53 14.83 14.14 35.00 77.50
9 Pete Eosso 55.00 12.81 12.38 12.62 92.81
10 John Claypool 35.00 45.00 25.00 35.00 140.00
1 Bill Lewis 5.97 7.02 7.60 5.33 25.92
2 Allen Moran 5.53 9.89 5.20 8.46 29.08
3 Ian Swisher 7.72 8.01 7.33 6.63 29.69
4 Charles Lankford 5.57 10.80 4.86 10.60 31.83
5 Sam K 8.77 11.55 7.85 9.96 38.13
6 Courtney Bolze 8.96 35.00 9.84 4.79 58.59 4.79
7 Art Schoner 6.39 8.17 12.29 35.00 61.85
8 Steven Gordon 12.30 10.11 25.00 25.00 72.41
9 Tom Aston 7.81 6.80 35.00 25.00 74.61
10 Frank Sanders 55.00 14.87 6.11 10.13 86.11
11 Cal Genereux 25.00 12.43 45.00 14.01 96.44
12 Pete Eosso 55.00 14.22 8.57 25.00 102.79
13 Mike Tacke 25.00 25.00 14.03 45.00 109.03
14 John Claypool 65.00 45.00 25.00 65.00 200.00
1 Bill Lewis 6.33 7.98 5.87 9.99 30.17 5.87
2 Jonathan Ryan 5.92 9.40 8.98 6.15 30.45
3 Sam K 8.37 7.71 7.19 9.05 32.32
4 Steven Gordon 9.54 8.33 9.26 7.62 34.75
5 Charles Lankford 11.04 7.14 9.51 7.86 35.55
6 Courtney Bolze 8.92 9.96 10.71 6.61 36.20
7 Tom Aston 11.40 7.81 12.70 8.28 40.19
8 Allen Moran 8.82 10.83 11.07 10.74 41.46
9 Jonathan Ryan 8.89 13.48 9.24 10.09 41.70
10 Art Schoner 25.00 10.48 9.98 8.77 54.23
11 Jonathan Ryan 12.16 25.00 9.12 11.05 57.33
12 Ian Swisher 35.00 9.86 8.01 5.95 58.82
13 Dave Hodgson 45.00 14.34 25.00 14.23 98.57
14 Mike Lawler 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 140.00
15 John Claypool 45.00 55.00 13.80 35.00 148.80
16 Pete Eosso 35.00 35.00 75.00 25.00 170.00
17 Frank Sanders 85.00 55.00 25.00 11.62 176.62
18 Abby Swisher 55.00 13.76 85.00 35.00 188.76
19 Cheyenne Swisher 13.57 75.00 85.00 55.00 228.57
20 Meredith Swisher 55.00 65.00 75.00 65.00 260.00
1 Ian Swisher 6.27 5.04 5.43 5.22 21.96 5.04
2 Courtney Bolze 5.83 5.45 7.69 7.25 26.22
3 Allen Moran 5.43 7.42 7.18 7.99 28.02
4 Bill Lewis 9.34 6.40 25.00 11.31 52.05
5 Charles Lankford 6.38 35.00 6.79 5.02 53.19
6 Sam K 8.91 10.72 25.00 10.67 55.30
7 Art Schoner 5.98 8.66 35.00 7.51 57.15
8 Chris Covert 14.31 25.00 9.68 12.63 61.62
9 John Claypool 12.99 35.00 13.35 13.74 75.08
10 Tom Aston 25.00 5.07 35.00 35.00 100.07
NFS Chris Covert 10.16 35.00 25.00 35.00 105.16
11 Steven Gordon 45.00 35.00 10.35 25.00 115.35
12 Pete Eosso 13.64 55.00 45.00 35.00 148.64
1 Charles Lankford 8.87 4.46 5.76 6.85 25.94 4.46
2 Allen Moran 11.46 7.24 5.66 5.79 30.15
3 Bill Lewis 11.36 11.71 7.20 7.09 37.36
4 Tom Aston 7.25 7.88 11.96 11.66 38.75
5 Chris Covert 11.45 11.07 7.98 9.20 39.70
6 Art Schoner 12.23 10.42 9.50 7.59 39.74
7 Steven Gordon 6.62 12.41 9.97 13.52 42.52
NFS David Lane 9.89 6.83 11.43 14.48 42.63
8 David Pearson 10.39 35.00 25.00 12.98 83.37
NFS David Pearson 25.00 11.48 25.00 25.00 86.48
9 Cal Genereux 9.04 45.00 7.75 25.00 86.79
10 David Lane 45.00 25.00 8.26 9.89 88.15
11 Courtney Bolze 35.00 10.75 45.00 6.20 96.95
12 Mike Lawler 12.79 7.98 65.00 12.50 98.27
NFS David Pearson 45.00 35.00 13.12 45.00 138.12
13 John Claypool 35.00 35.00 45.00 45.00 160.00
14 Sam K 55.00 65.00 25.00 25.00 170.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Allen Moran 29.43 29.08 41.46 28.02 30.15 158.14
2 Charles Lankford 20.89 31.83 35.55 53.19 25.94 167.40
3 Bill Lewis 30.38 25.92 30.17 52.05 37.36 175.88
4 Art Schoner 17.30 61.85 54.23 57.15 39.74 230.27
5 Courtney Bolze 19.38 58.59 36.20 26.22 96.95 237.34
6 Steven Gordon 13.82 72.41 34.75 115.35 42.52 278.85
7 Tom Aston 32.65 74.61 40.19 100.07 38.75 286.27
8 Sam K 77.50 38.13 32.32 55.30 170.00 373.25
9 John Claypool 140.00 200.00 148.80 75.08 160.00 723.88

Return of the Pins

Yes Gentle Shooters,

We have returned to that time of year again where bowling pins fall prostrate at the hands of our marksmen. Your match directors have spent the last week together preparing for this match. Ok, well there was the matter of picking up a new Corvette, shooting sporting clays, some bourbon, and of course the evasion of traffic enforcement, not in any particular order mind you. But we did talk about the match. Well, it was more like we thought about it. Had we actually discussed it, we would have told you to be there by 9:30 on Saturday, April 6th at the Airfield Range in beautiful midtown Wakefield. We would have advised that while the rules have not changed and the range has not moved, you can find all of that super pertinent information at We also maintain an adjunct assistant chief pinhead to answer specific questions at

ASC 2019-2020 Club Renewals

Hello ASC Members.

Your 2019-2020 renewal forms have been sent out.
Most of you will receive it via email.  If you don’t see it, check your spam/ junk folder. Sometimes it gets stuck in there.
A few of you will get it via U.S. mail. Should be a few days depending on the U.S. mail.
If you have any problems or questions, Please contact

** Renewal Due Date **
You will have from March 31st to June 1st to pay your membership dues and other costs owed to ASC.
The ASC gate combination will be changed after the April Board of Directors meeting.
You will receive your new membership card and new combination after your invoice is paid.
Late renewals will be handled in accordance with the updated ASC By-laws.

If you are not renewing your ASC Membership this year, Please email the to let us know.

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match > March 9th Canceled

The ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match for March 9th had been canceled..  Due to a scheduling conflict the match directory can not make it.
Range will be open to all members who want to shoot rifles, just no match this month.

Next match will be next month on the April 13th.. We apologize for the inconvenience, be safe and see you on the range!

Work Party – Saturday March 2nd

We will be building tables for the bowling pin competitions starting at 9:00am on Saturday, March 2nd. You will need.. circular saws, cord less drills / saws, Hammers and any other woodworking tools. If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours before the end of the membership year in March.

If you have any questions… Please contact the XO ..

NRA Instructor/RSO Opportunities

We are in the process of updating our records and would like members that have NRA instructor/RSO ratings to let us know.  If you have a current NRA instructor/Coach or RSO rating and are interested in helping with training, please send an email to the Chief Instructor, Scott Sampson at and let us know what you have and general contact information.  We have some opportunities coming up and are looking for a few good trainers!  Thank you for your help!!!!!

Trap Instructors needed for Saturday, March 30th

The 4-H Center has asked us to help them out.  They have a group of men (10-15 people) who are interested in learning Trap. The event will be from 2:00pm-4:00pm.  If you are interested in helping these folks learn how to shoot Trap, please drop Chief Instructor, Scott Sampson an email letting him know you are interested and available.

Great way to get service hours. You can reach Scott at

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