Work Party Saturday June 22nd

On Sat June 22nd starting at 12 noon ASC will be having a work party.  We will be clearing a walkway from the archery range to the restrooms and doing a general clean-up in preparation for the up-coming District shoot.  Bring brush clearing equipment.

If you are interested and plan on attending please let the XO know, [email protected].

ASC Flyer – 2019 Special Election Edition

ASC Members,
Below you will find a link to the Special Election Edition of the ASC Flyer
ASC Flyer 2019 Special Election Edition

On July 20, 2019, the Airfield Shooting Club will be holding its annual ASC Member Election Meeting and Breakfast for all active ASC Members.
We will meet in the Gray Building dining hall with breakfast being served at 8:30 a.m. Breakfast is paid for by the ASC for all ASC Members active and in good standing. Please note that family or guests accompanying Members will not be paid for by the Club.

After breakfast, ASC President and other Board members will address Club matters. We will then hold the election to choose the new ASC Board.
All active Members will be eligible to vote. We encourage all members to participate and choose the future leadership of your Club.

RSVP to ASC Webmaster, at [email protected]
Hope to see you on Saturday, July 20th!

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match Canceled – June 8th

The ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match for June 8th had been canceled..  Due to circumstance beyond the match directors control, there will be no match this Saturday.
Range will be open if members want to hold a practice or shooting,  just no match this month.

Next match will be next month on the July 13th.. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Be safe and see you on the range!

Work Party – Saturday, May 25th 2019

On Saturday, May 25th 2019 , starting at 9:30am.  We will be having a work party.

This work party will be rebuilding frames and the knee wall on the short berm range, and staining/preserving the wall between the 50 and 100 yard range and general clean up of the range in preparation for WOT.

You will need…
Tools for building and repairing the frames.. Circular saws, cord less drills / saws, Hammers and any other woodworking tools.
Painting equipment and sprayers stain the wall with and even ladders to reach.

If you have some free time this is a great opportunity to help out the club and make a few service hours
If you have any questions… Please contact Mark ..  [email protected]

*(Both the 50 and 100 yard ranges will be closed at this time)*

Edit: Correction to last post;  This will be a repair and paint/ stain work party… brush repairs will be done at a later date.

May Day Pin Shoot Results

The shooters that turned out for the May Day shoot were greeted with a delightful day for hand gunning. I would like to thank everyone who came out. Everyone pitched in to get set up and breakdown accomplished efficiently. Gentle Shooters, our next match is July 6th as our June date is preempted by the Club’s Women on target program. Your results are listed below.

May 2019 Bowling Pin Match Results
Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Steven Gordon 2.91 7.27 2.87 3.14 16.19 2.98
2 Art Schoner 4.50 3.90 3.96 3.88 16.24
3 Courtney Bolze 9.26 3.56 5.83 7.35 26.00
4 Ray Neiderhiser 13.11 4.91 25.00 4.42 47.44
1 Ray Neiderhiser 9.17 8.90 9.77 6.39 34.23
2 Steven Gordon 7.56 14.57 13.26 8.13 43.52
3 Sam K 14.93 5.33 10.97 13.01 44.24 5.33
4 Buddy Mayes 13.65 12.03 9.46 12.18 47.32
5 Courtney Bolze 11.43 25.00 8.72 8.29 53.44
6 John Claypool 8.45 8.42 9.36 45.00 71.23
7 Art Schoner 35.00 45.00 25.00 35.00 140.00
8 Chris Covert 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 140.00
1 Sam K 8.44 9.52 12.58 10.95 41.49
2 Buddy Mayes 6.49 8.44 25.00 7.58 47.51 6.49
3 Art Schoner 14.03 14.45 10.45 10.06 48.99
4 Ray Neiderhiser 25.00 9.49 11.26 10.24 55.99
5 Steven Gordon 10.67 25.00 25.00 9.15 69.82
6 Courtney Bolze 35.00 7.77 7.41 35.00 85.18
7 John Claypool 65.00 11.02 25.00 55.00 156.02
1 Ray Neiderhiser 6.08 7.41 5.79 5.90 25.18 5.79
2 Courtney Bolze 8.47 9.44 12.75 7.02 37.68
3 Art Schoner 7.15 25.00 6.60 7.28 46.03
4 John Claypool 9.41 25.00 25.00 9.42 68.83
5 Steven Gordon 45.00 35.00 10.61 10.33 100.94
6 Chris Covert 10.17 25.00 25.00 45.00 105.17
7 Sam K 25.00 45.00 10.87 35.00 115.87
NFS Chris Covert 35.00 25.00 55.00 65.00 180.00
1 Courtney Bolze 6.16 4.60 12.42 4.58 27.76 4.58
2 Art Schoner 12.34 13.62 11.04 11.00 48.00
3 Steven Gordon 14.57 10.93 14.54 8.67 48.71
4 Ray Neiderhiser 11.89 5.53 25.00 8.95 51.37
5 Buddy Mayes 25.00 35.00 25.00 45.00 130.00
6 Chris Covert 25.00 35.00 45.00 45.00 150.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
1 Ray Neiderhiser 47.44 34.23 55.99 25.18 51.37 214.21
2 Courtney Bolze 26.00 53.44 85.18 37.68 27.76 230.06
3 Steven Gordon 16.19 43.52 69.82 100.94 48.71 279.18
4 Art Schoner 16.24 140.00 48.99 46.03 48.00 299.26

May Bowling Pin Match

Greetings Gentle Shooters,

Our next installment of “How the Pins Fall” will be this Saturday, May 4th at the Airfield Shooting Club Range in Wakefield. The weather forecast is outstanding for this weekend’s competition. Just a quick reminder that the June pin match will be preempted by the Club’s Women on Target program, so this is the last chance to shoot pins until July. A complete listing of the rules and details of our match  are available at . If you have specific questions, you can send them our resident Chief Adjunct Assistant Pinhead at [email protected]

See you at the Range


ASC Pistol Class April 27, 2019

On April 27th  2019 the Airfield Shooting Club will be hosting a Pistol Class. More information regarding the course can be found by following the below link.

ASC Pistol Class

Note: This course has limited space; the course is filled as payments are received. We allow online payments or payments mailed to my home address in Wakefield (PO BOX 523).  Payments must be received prior to class to be allowed to attend.

If you have any questions, please contact Tim Drewry by email at [email protected]  . If you already have a concealed carry permit, this is a great refresher course, especially if the first course you took to acquire your permit did not have a lecture on the laws in Virginia. If you have family, friends and neighbors who wish to acquire a concealed carry permit, then this course will fully prepare them!!! We hope you will register for this class and join us on April 27th !!!

PistolClassFlyer-2019-Mill Run Room

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