Club Elections on July 18th

The ASC Board of Directors needs you! It is time to vote in a new board of directors. We need you to attend the Airfield Shooting Club’s annual member breakfast and board of directors election on Saturday, July 18th and choose the future leadership of your club.

Do you have ideas on how the club should operate, thoughts on a better renewals process, opinions on the newsletter? Do you have the time and feel you could make a difference?  Consider running for a position on the board of directors . Are you interested in range safety and maintenance? Handy with tools? The XO position might be calling for you! All positions are open during the yearly election.  Please contact the Secretary, if you would like to run for a position. ([email protected])

Our election and breakfast will be held at the Airfield Center’s Gray Building dining hall, with breakfast being served at 8:30 a.m.  After breakfast, the ASC President and other Board members will address Club matters. We will then hold the election to choose the new ASC Board.  All active Members will be eligible to vote.

***RSVP to Jon Welters, ASC Webmaster, at [email protected] by Saturday, July 11th.

Breakfast is paid for by the club for all ASC Members in good standing. Please note that family or guests accompanying Members will not be paid for by the Club.

The Independence Day Pin Shoot Results

We normally hold our Dog Days match in August, but this match certainly could have qualified from a temperature perspective. It could have also been easily called the Rust-Oleum and Naval Jelly match since it has been a full half year since any of our competitors have faced the pins. Nevertheless there were some fantastic scores. Courtney Bolze’s rocking new Kriss Vector sporting a new optical sight nearly edged Art Schoner despite a personal best and fastest string of 2.88 seconds. And a note of the passing of the torch to the next generation. Ellie Gordon smoked her dad in Carbine to place third overall in her first recorded pin match, of course using his gun to beat him.  Results are below. Our next match is August 1. See you there.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
Carbine Art Schoner 4.12 6.54 4.18 2.88 17.72 2.88
Courtney Bolze 4.79 4.49 5.74 3.12 18.14
Ellie Gordon 3.45 9.72 4.60 2.80 20.57
Dennis Bondi 4.65 8.73 6.13 7.63 27.14
George Francis 8.36 10.41 8.08 9.60 36.45
Steven Gordon 2.98 4.01 25.00 4.77 36.76
Tom Aston 14.29 8.96 9.11 7.59 39.95
Amanda Aston 9.91 55.00 45.00 35.00 144.91
NFS Terry Miltier 4.11 4.74 3.80 3.86 16.51
Terry Miltier 5.56 7.72 5.35 5.56 24.19 5.35
Brian Howell 7.20 5.57 8.33 10.06 31.16
Tom Aston 25 7.86 7.11 6.15 46.12
George Francis 13.21 7.51 25.00 7.62 53.34
Dennis Bondi 25.00 25.00 10.87 11.71 72.58
Courtney Bolze 45 11.16 7.65 25.00 88.81
Art Schoner 25 9.81 11.20 45.00 91.01
Steven Gordon 13.72 45.00 65.00 10.61 134.33
Amanda Aston 45.00 35.00 35.00 55.00 170.00
Ellie Gordon 55.00 45.00 45.00 65.00 210.00
Terry Miltier 7.99 4.73 4.61 4.57 21.90 4.57
NFS Terry Miltier 7.75 6.15 4.76 4.39 23.05
Brian Howell 8.41 6.20 10.37 10.62 35.60
Art Schoner 11.64 14.04 7.40 10.81 43.89
Courtney Bolze 12.02 10.59 14.10 13.83 50.54
Tom Aston 14.12 9.86 10.20 35.00 69.18
NFS Patrick Connolli 11.10 25.00 25.00 9.68 70.78
Dennis Bondi 10.86 25.00 14.56 25.00 75.42
George Francis 35.00 12.46 13.82 25.00 86.28
Steven Gordon 14.86 25.00 35.00 25.00 99.86
Patrick Connolli 55.00 85.00 65.00 55.00 260.00
Amanda Aston 75.00 75.00 85.00 75.00 310.00
Terry Miltier 5.53 4.90 6.26 4.66 21.35 4.90
Dennis Bondi 5.76 5.65 8.36 8.52 28.29
Courtney Bolze 5.74 6.60 25.00 8.68 46.02
Art Schoner 45 25.00 25.00 12.82 107.82
Tom Aston 35 85.00 8.75 8.89 137.64
George Francis 35.00 55.00 55.00 35.00 180.00
Amanda Aston 55.00 55.00 35.00 45.00 190.00
Brian Howell 5.59 7.30 7.30 13.42 33.61 5.59
Courtney Bolze 9.37 6.63 7.46 10.85 34.31
George Francis 8.12 25.00 8.86 7.70 49.68
Art Schoner 9.93 14.84 35.00 25.00 84.77
Tom Aston 65 65.00 11.24 11.68 152.92
Amanda Aston 65.00 65.00 35.00 25.00 190.00
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Courtney Bolze 18.14 88.81 50.54 46.02 34.31 237.82
Art Schoner 17.72 91.01 43.89 107.82 84.77 345.21
George Francis 36.45 53.34 86.28 180.00 49.68 405.75
Tom Aston 39.95 46.12 69.18 137.64 152.92 445.81
Amanda Aston 144.91 170 310 190 190 1004.91

The 2020 Independence Day Bowling Pin Shoot

Yes Virginia, there is a bowling pin shoot. On July 4, 2020 we will gather at 9:30 AM for our inaugural 2020 Pin Match at the lovely ASC range in scenic Wakefield. Please bring a mask and work gloves for set up and take down. We will enforce social distancing on and off the line, but we expect to shoot without masks.

We are also expecting lots of laughs. Nobody’s eyesight got a lot better over the winter and most of us have not had time or facility to practice. The pins will mock us and lay sideways on the table like they always do. But the pins don’t talk. Don’t worry, your friends will be there and this is your opportunity to taunt them! The rules and directions have not changed and are available the ASC web site Your associate deputy chief pinhead has not changed either, so reach him with specific questions at [email protected]

See you at the match,


Airfield Shooting Club Range Update

Effective immediately, the Airfield Shooting Club is rolling back the Range COVID-19 Protocols. The range is fully open in accordance with the posted range rules. Our members are encouraged to wear masks and follow appropriate social distancing. The club will follow the governor’s order regarding social gathering limits.

Project Appleseed at Airfield Shooting Club

Project Appleseed will be holding a one-day clinic on the 100M range on Saturday, June 20 from 8:00am to 4:00pm.  This event will teach students the fundamentals of rifle marksmanship, including concepts such as developing a solid shooting position, natural point of aim, and steps required to fire a successful shot.  In between rifle instruction segments, students will learn about the Battles of Lexington and Concord, and the fateful events that moved the colonials down the path to independence on April 19, 1775.
This is a family friendly event, and all skill levels and age ranges are welcome.  Bring whatever centerfire or rimfire rifle you have.  If you don’t have a rifle, we can provide loaner rifles with some advance notice.
Signup is available at, under the Events tab.  Walk-ons are welcome, though space is limited.  Airfield Shooting Club members attending this event will have their range fee waived; bring your credentials with you to the event.
For questions, please contact Jesse at .

We’re Back! . ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Sat, June 13th @ 9am

Service Rifle is Back!!….. Yes, yes the ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match is back, this Saturday, June 13th @ 9:00am.
After the long lock-down, where back!  So dust off the old warhorse or the new rifle you got while away, and get some targets on!!
Saturday should be nice warm and mostly sunny.. We will be following the ASC Covid 19 Protocols, so this match will be for Members only, and or spouse or immediate family members.

Info: ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

  • Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
  • Check-in will begin at 8:45am with safety brief at 9am. followed by the relays.
  • Match fee is $5.00 for members

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.  Need more info contact us here….


Let’s Shoot Bowling Pins… In July

Dear Fellow Shooters,

We will not be holding a bowling pin match on June 13th . No, June is not be nice to bowling pin month. Your match directors have consulted with the Airfield Board of Directors and we have decided to delay for one month. A significant concern is the time it will take to hold the match. As many of you know, we usually occupy the range for five to six hours on match day. Given the amount of time that the range has been closed and our current limitations on attendance, we felt that the range should be open for all shooters for the next few weekends. Don’t worry, we expect to be back with a bang on the 4th of July. Until then, practice!

Art, Courtney, and Steven

Leaving the range at end of day – close the 4-H gate

Please close the white gate (4-H) at the end of the day if you are the last member leaving the range. The combination for the 4-H gate is listed on your membership badge. If you have trouble with the lock, please close the gate and make sure it appears to be locked. There are concerns with illegal hunting on the property.

The 4-H Center is open to employees only. Please do not go down to the center unless there is an emergency.  They have a sign posted and health check procedures in place.

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