4-H South East 4-H District Shoot needs (5) ASC Volunteers for June 26th

We are looking for 5 ASC Members who want to volunteer to help RSO for the 4-H SE District Match on Saturday, June 26th, 2021.

They will assist on the 50 and 100 yard rifle ranges. If we have more than 5, then I can stagger the shift times and a few can assist with setup/teardown before or after the match.

They will earn time for ASC service hours and it would really help the SC 4-H Swampshooters out.

I know it is early, but I would like to know by mid May (5/14/2021).

Please email Fletcher Duntan if you are interested in volunteering (fletcherdunton [at] gmail.com).

ASC 2021-2022 Club Renewals

Hello ASC Members. Your 2021-2022 renewal forms have been sent out… Most of you will receive it via email. If you don’t see it, check your spam/ junk folder.  A few of you will get it via U.S. mail.

Reminder.. You have through June 1st to pay without penalty.  You can now pay digitally through the Airfield Shooting Club Payment Portal Go to…
Please DO NOT include any NRA payments, it will delay your renewal.

If you have any problems or questions, Please contact [email protected]

Please note that there has been a printer delay with receiving the new membership cards. We will mail them out to everyone who has renewed as soon as we receive them. The gate lock will not be changed until then.


ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Sat, Apr 10th @ 9am

ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match is back for the spring! this Saturday, April 10th @ 9am.
Yes we are finally back on… Come on down!
Saturday should be Warm.. Mostly cloudy early.  High around 80F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. May see some rain but we should be ok..

Info: ASC’s Service Rifle & Zombie Matches are open to all ASC members, guest and anyone wanting to shoot Service Rifles, High power rifles, Traditional rifles, Modern sporters and practice for the coming Zombie Apocalypse!

  • Event will take place on the on the 100 Meter Range.
  • Check-in will begin at 8:45am with safety brief at 9am. followed by the relays.
  • Match fee is $5.00 for members

You don’t have to be experienced at rifle competition to shoot in our rifle matches. The event is expected to be over by noon but actual completion time is based on the number of competitors.  Need more info contact us here….

April Bowling Pin Match Results

It turned out to be crisp but lovely day for a match at the range. I guess a few of you are still practicing or scrounging up ammunition. For the nine of us who did attend, we go to see a little of everything including some spectacular early season failures. In addition, today’s contestants witnessed a new club record for clearing five pins from a table. Art Schoner now holds the club record for a 2.38 second relay. Congratulations. For the rest of us, the good, the bad and the just plain embarrassing results are listed below. See you next month at the range.


Category Rank Shooter String 1 String 2 String 3 String 4 Total Fastest String
1 Art Schoner 3.77 2.38 3.47 4.58 14.20 2.38
2 Steven Gordon 5.96 4.89 2.75 2.66 16.26
3 Tim Branbos 5.48 5.74 5.32 4.74 21.28
4 Taylor Strickland 9.03 7.17 4.32 3.73 24.25
5 Courtney Bolze 3.17 14.54 8.46 3.94 30.11
NFS Frank Sanders 13.40 8.65 10.13 8.36 40.54
6 Brian Wells 25.00 8.16 4.19 3.96 41.31
7 Frank Sanders 10.68 11.92 11.00 8.69 42.29
1 Steven Gordon 6.18 7.09 5.73 6.20 25.20
2 Taylor Strickland 8.59 10.62 12.00 11.21 42.42
3 Art Schoner 7.34 25.00 5.67 6.02 44.03 5.67
4 Brian Wells 25.00 7.80 11.89 7.45 52.14
5 Courtney Bolze 10.13 25.00 12.13 13.33 60.59
6 Tim Branbos 9.61 6.07 25.00 25.00 65.68
7 Paul Lynch 35.00 8.84 35.00 45.00 123.84
1 Courtney Bolze 9.74 8.47 8.17 7.84 34.22
2 Jordan Ryan 13.11 9.57 9.97 10.57 43.22
3 Brian Wells 45.00 9.96 7.24 13.14 75.34 7.24
4 Tim Branbos 12.66 11.81 25.00 55.00 104.47
5 Taylor Strickland 45.00 45.00 14.65 9.30 113.95
6 Paul Lynch 75.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 160.00
7 Art Schoner 14.93 55.00 45.00 55.00 169.93
1 Courtney Bolze 5.35 4.90 9.48 4.89 24.62 4.89
2 Brian Wells 8.95 11.84 25.00 11.04 56.83
3 Steven Gordon 12.30 25.00 13.11 9.15 59.56
4 Art Schoner 7.17 5.62 25.00 25.00 62.79
5 Taylor Strickland 9.83 35.00 45.00 14.46 104.29
6 Tim Branbos 35.00 45.00 45.00 12.70 137.70
7 Paul Lynch 35.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 150.00
1 Courtney Bolze 5.54 4.62 10.81 5.45 26.42 4.62
2 Taylor Strickland 8.94 7.45 10.66 6.25 33.30
3 Steven Gordon 11.01 9.23 12.92 8.01 41.17
4 Brian Wells 7.22 11.51 12.37 11.59 42.69
NFS Brian Wells 13.53 45.00 14.06 15.00 87.59
5 Art Schoner 12.86 45.00 9.37 25.00 92.23
6 Tim Branbos 25.00 25.00 45.00 13.45 108.45
5 Gun Aggregate Carbine Major Minor Revolver Sub Total
Courtney Bolze 30.11 60.59 34.22 24.62 26.42 175.96
Brian Wells 41.31 52.14 75.34 56.83 42.69 268.31
Taylor Strickland 24.25 42.42 113.95 104.29 33.30 318.21
Art Schoner 14.20 44.03 169.93 62.79 92.23 383.18
Tim Branbos 21.28 65.68 104.47 137.70 108.45 437.58

Are They Doing That Bowling Pin Thing Again?

Yes Virginia, yes we are. We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Bowling Pin Match season kicks off this Saturday, April 3rd at 9:30. As always, the match is at the ASC range in bucolic Wakefield VA. The 2021 tables are built and the pins have been procured in the off season. If you have ever wanted to shoot on brand new tables, (we have seen you shoot so trust me) this is your only chance this year to do so. The rules have not changed for 2021, but it never hurts to refresh yourself. You can find them along with the the directions to the match at www.airfieldshootingclub.com. And of course, our resident assistant chief adjunct pinhead is always available at [email protected] for those more perplexing questions like should is use a 9mm for carbine. (not if you want to beat Art)

See you Saturday


ASC Service Rifle & Zombie Match – Canceled for March 13th

The Service Rifle & Zombie Match for March 13th has been canceled.. Due to a scheduling conflict. Range will be open if members want to hold a practice or shooting, just no match this month.  A note, ASC will be having a New Member Orientation that day, so range will be a bit busy. 

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Be safe and see you on the range!

Work Party For Pin Shooting 7 March 1000 – 1500 hrs

A work party has been called to help prepare for restarting our Bowling Pin matches.

Primary work will include building the tables for the pins, and general range prep.

It’s requested that any Pinheads that are available attend and help out.


For information about the pin matches, or further information about the work required to keep them going you can contact [email protected].


Online Training Session Feb 25th at 7pm : Situational Awareness

Hello Fellow ASC Members!

I am Scott Sampson the Chief Instructor at Airfield Shooting club.  I have decided to conduct small training sessions via the web.  I am hoping to conduct these once a month.  The sessions will last 30 min, maybe a little longer for some topics.  I will hold these during the week in the evening.

To join the training session, all you need to do is click on the link below to join at the prescribed time.  I will be hosting the event, and for the majority of them I will be sharing PowerPoints and/or live video for demonstrations.

WHEN: This first session will be held on Feb 25th at 7pm.

TOPIC:  Situational Awareness

Join us for a discussion on situational awareness.  We will cover

  • Jeff Copper’s Color codes
  • How situational awareness impacts your response to a potential or real threat
  • Situational awareness strategies/rules to live by when you carry

When it’s time click on the link below!


See you online!


Scott Sampson

[email protected]

ASC Chief Instructor

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